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A.does , He)8. Sam has a lot ofA. cakes , milks)9. Bobby can skateA. inB. atA. tooB . both()1.There are some trees in front of?A. sheB.herC. my()2.Theresome milk and an apple on the table .A. isB. areC. am()3.-I can see five .can you see ?A. WhatB. What sC. How many birds()4.There arefloors in the build ing .My classroom is on thefloor .A. three , thirdB. three , threeC. third , thirdIV .从u栏选出I栏的答句,将序号填在题前括号里。(10分)()1.Let s go skat ing this after noon .()2.Is there a swing in the park ?3.What does Su Yang like doi ng ?()4.Does Su Hai like dogs ?()5.What do Sam and Bobby like doi ng()6.How many cray ons do you haveA. They like maki ng cakes .B. No , there isn t .C. Thank you .D. No , he can t .E .Yes , there are .F. That s a good idea .()7.Ca n Mike swim very well ?.G. No .()8.Are there any birds in the tree ? H. She likes making snowmen .()9.How many stickers are there on the desk ? I .Te n .()10.What a beautiful house !J.I have ten .五年级期末复习卷1I .选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项。(5分)()1.betwee nA .besideB. hobbyC .pin eapple()2.heavyA .tigerB .dogC .great()3.rabbitA .deskB. elepha ntC . fridge()4.firstA.oneB. thirdC .three()5.danceA .watchB. filmC .pia noH .英汉互译。(10分)1. 一个主意 2. talk about3. 在冰面上4.their hobbies5. 又冷又湿6. how many boats7.在冬天8. Look out !9.擅长唱歌10. this after noon皿.单项选择题。(10分)()5.We usually fly kitesfrie nds Sun day .A. and , onB. with , on C. with , in()6. -What do you like doing ?-I like basketball . I canvery well .A . play ing , playB. play , play ingC. play ing , play ing()7. -What your father and mother like dong ?like readi ng .B .do , They C. do , He and .B . sweets , juice C. sweets , cake the ice .C. on()10. We like ice creams .C. eitherV .用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. They like ( swim )very much .2. My cousin _ (have) some nice pictures .3. Bobby is really good at(skate).4. I read(story) at five thirty every day .5. Our classroom is on the ( two ) floor .W .按要求改写句子,每空一词。(10分)1. There are some ducks on the farm 改为一般疑问句 )thereducks on the farm ?2. They like fishing .(用 he 代替 they 改写句子) fishing .3. There is_a boy in the playground .对画线部分提问)How manythere in the playgro und ?4. do , you , doing , what , in , like , spring (?)(连词成句)5. There are some Art rooms in our school。(改为单数形式)There Art room in our school .二、选择填空。(每小题1分,共10分)1. How many stude nts are there in the classroom? twenty.A .There re B. They reC .There s D. These re2. is Helen singing? She s singing in the music room.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD.How3. Helen likesShe can many beautiful pictures forus.A. draw ing ; draw ingB. draw; draw.C. draw ing; drawD. draw; draw ing4. Sandy s mother a telescope, but we don t one.A. has; hasB, have; hasC. has; have D.have; have5. There isn t tea in this cup, but there isin that one.A. any; anyB. some; anyC. some; some D.any; some6. In the US I live on the first floor, but in the UK. The first floor is the floor.A. firstD. groundB. secondC. third7.Jim and MarygoodEn glish and Computer.A. areinB.is inC. are atD.is at8.Nancy likesdancing. Thetwins likedancing,. Theyhave thesame hobby.A. too; bothB. too ;:allC. to;bothD.to; all9.My an imal frie nd haslegsarms. What is it?A. some; someB. no ; orC. no; andD.two; two10.1 havean imal friend.A. a B. an C. The11. A: Do you have an an imal friend? B: Yes,. A. they do B. Ido C. I am12. A: Im so tired. B:A. Have some cakes, please. B. You can go to bed. C. You can drink so me juice13. A: Whats in the bedroom? B:.A. There is a computer. B. Its big. C. They are in the bookcase.14.1m thirsty. Givesome juice, please. A. theyB.meC. He15.A: Do you havepictures? B: Yes,l do. A. some B.aC.any四、从B栏中选出与A栏相匹配的句子,将序号填在题前括号内。ABA.I like Chi nese. Maths( )1.Let (s and play football and Art.( )10.What can you do?J.That s a good idea一、用do,does填空。(三单用does其余用do)1. Tina go swim ming on Sun day?2. they play football? Yes, they.3. your dog walk in the zoo?4. What you have?5. she have long hair? No, she not.6. What his sister like doing?7. you like singing? Yes, I.8. How many stickers she have?二、用like, likes填空。(三单用likes,其余用like, do/does加动词原形)1.1 these dolls. Do youthem too?2. What does he? Hedancin g.3. Do youdraw ing? Yes, Isinging too.资料()2. Where are the cakes?B.You can have somecakes.()3.Do you have an ani mal frie nd?C.It s Mon day.()4 m hun gry, Tina.D.It has four.()5.How many legs does a dog have?E.I like skat ing.()6.What do you like doing in wi nter
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