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李阳疯狂英语之社交英语对话总结学习步骤推荐:1. 找到经典实用对话(我们已经帮您做好了)2. 将句子中的所以单词注上音标;3. 疯狂操练(五大发音要点:长元音拉长;短元音短促有力,收小腹;双元音饱满;连读;略读;咬舌);4. “三最法”(最大声;最快速;最清晰)操练多遍;5. “一口气训练法”挑战自己的极限;6. 反复的,自然的说英语;7. 想象语言环境,什么情下使用该段对话;8. 举一反三;9. 纸条记忆;10. 应用。到处找机会说,加深对句子的印象,多做汉译英的训练。一 问候&欢迎1. Welcome! Nice to meet you!2. A:Where are you from? B:Im from Amercia.A:Thats a great country.3. Ive heard so much about you.4. A:How was your trip? B:It was wonderfull.A:I hope youll enjoy your stay here. B:Thank you,Im sure I will.A:Pls have a seat. B:OK,Ths!A:What would you like to drink,tea or coffe? B:Tea,pls.5. How was your flight? Not bad,but Im a little tired.6. A:Could you arrange a meeting with your boss? /Shall we get down to business?B:I think the price is too high,can you reduce it?7. A:This is a small gift,I hope you like it. B:Wow,its lovely,Ths!8. A:lets take a picture together. B:Thats a good idea.9. A:Lets get together again soon. B:Im looking forward to that.10. A:I hope to see you again. B:Me too.11. A:Here is my business card. B:Thank you! Here is mine.12. What should I call you?13. Id like you to meet my colleague.14. A:Heres a picture of my family B:They are lovely.15. I was born and raised in Beijing .二 工作1. A:What do you do for a living? B: Im a teacher.A:Do you enjoy your work? B:Yes, its interesting and challenging.I met a lot of different people and I learn a lot of different things every day./Too much stress.2. A:I work in the travel and tourism business./B:How interesting/amazing! 3. How have you been lately? Fine,ths./Not bad.三 语言1. A:I wish I could speak better English .B:I think you speak very well.A:I am working on my English/that problem/issue. B:Good for you!A:Please excuse my English. B:Dont worry about it.A:Im sorry,could you speak slowly? B:Sure,no problem.2. A:Do you speak any English? B:Just a little.3. A:English is so important in China now. B:I think so too.4. A:Practice makes perfect. B:You are exactly right.四 帮助1. A:Do you need any help?/ Is there anything I can do for you? B:No, thank you.Im fine.2. A:Could you do me a favor? B:Sure,Id be glad to/Whats it?3. Do you have any question about China? 五 (不)同意1. A:Do you agree with me? B:Absolutely!2. A:China is developing so quickly. B:Exactly!/ I couldnt agree more.3. A:Chines food is so good/delicious. B:I feel the same way/You can say that again.4. I feel like sleeping/taking a break.5. A:Japan is our biggest competition. B:I am afraid I disagree.六 吃1. A:Id like to invite you to dinner. B:Thank you.Id love to (come).2. Im crazy about it.3. A:Do you mind if I order? B:No,go ahead/I trust you.4. What would you like to drink? Tea is fine.5. What would you like to eat?Have you tried any special foods in Beijing?6. What do you suggest/recommend?7. Whats Hainan famous for? Hainan is known for its fresh air and coconuts.8. Do you like it? Yes,it tastes great/its delicious.9. Pls try this. Ths,just a little.10. How about some chicken? Ths,but Im full.11. Help yourself!12. A:Lets have a toast to our distinguish guests.Cheers! B:Thank you! Im flattered/Oh,you flatter me.13. Would you like to buy anything to take home with you?七 赞美1. What a beautiful place!2. Your Chinese is really surprising./You have a good sense of humor.3. A:You are doing a good job. B:Ths,Im trying my best.4. A:You use chopsticks so well,where did you learn? B:My wife is Chinese.八 感谢1. A:Thank you very much! B:You are welcome./Its my pleasure.2. A:Thank you for inviting me. B:I thought you forgot me.3. A:Thank you for your time. B:Any time.4. A:Thank you for a great evening. B:It was my pleasure.九 道歉1. A:Sorry! B:It doesnt matter./Forget about it./Its nothing./Its OK.2. Sorry to keep you waiting.3. Sorry,I didnt hear what you said./I beg your pardon.十 天气1. A:Beautiful day,isnt it? B:Absolutely.2. A:What do you think of the weather here? B:Its wonderful,but a little too hot for me.3. A:Hainan is a great place to visit in winter. B:It sure is.十一 生意1. A:You are welcome to invest in Hainan. B:Im very interested.A:Im sure you can make money here.2. A:How is your business? B:Business is booming.3. A:Time is money. B:I couldnt agree more.4. A:We enjoy doing business with you. B:We feel the same way.5. I think Beijing is very beautifuland the people are so friendly.6. There are changes in China every day.7. A:There are many investment opportunities in Hainan now.B:Pls tell me more about them.8. Where would you like to visit most?9. A:There are many interest things to see in Beijing. B:Ive heard so much about that.十二 祝贺1. A:We signed the contract. B:Congratulations!2. We got the job done.3. Lets celebrate.句子额外奉献:1. If you can dream it ,you can do it.2. Never give up,you can make it.3. Honesty is the best policy.4. Actions speak louder than words.5. The shorte
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