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中华人民共和国海事局2004年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第35期) 科目:轮机英语 试卷代号:803适用对象:无限、近洋航区3000KW及以上船舶大管轮(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间为100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至78题, 每题10分。一、单项选择题:1. The connecting rod is fitted between the crosshead and the crankshaft. It transmits the firing force, and together with the crankshaft converts the _motion to a _motion.A. rotary/reciprocating B. up and down/fore and aft C. fore and aft /up and down D. up and down/ rotary 2. The purpose of the skirt or trunk in four-stroke cycle engines is to act in a similar manner to a_.A. crosshead B. crown C. piston rod D. connecting rod 3. Additives _protective layers on metal surfaces guarding them against corrosion. A. damage B. form C. dissolve D. contaminate 4. _ less equipment in contact with sea water, the corrosion problems are much reduced in a central cooling system. A. Because B. With C. Without D. Though 5. Medium speed engines have a _power to weight ratio than the slow speed two strokes, but due to the higher speeds tend to have _maintenance intervals.A. higher/reduced B. higher/increased C. lower/reduced D. lower/increased 6. _ neutralizes the acid conditions and _cleanses the rings and grooves. A. The detergency/the alkalinity B. The alkalinity/the detergency C. The inhabitant/ the water D. The additives/the distilled water 7. _ water is more expensive than fresh water, It has high specific heat and low viscosity. A. Distilled B. Distilling C. Boiling D. Boiled 8. Charging is the filling of the engine cylinder with a supply or charge of fresh air _ compression. A. to need B. ready for C. want to D. going to be 9. Starting air for auxiliary engines may be taken directly from the main reservoirs or through_. A. an auxiliary reservoir B. a controlling air bottle C. an emergency air compressor D. a main air compressor 10. _ is the removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air . A. Gas exchange B. Charging C. Scavenging D. Supercharging 11. Indications of _are loss in power and irregular running of the engine, high exhaust temperatures of corresponding units, high local temperature in scavenge trunk, surging of turbocharger, and sparks and smoke emitted from scavenge drains.A. a crankcase explosion B. a scavenge fire C. abnormal compression ratio D. incorrect air/fuel ratio12. _ of the controllable pitch propeller enables the blades to be moved to change the pitch angle. A. An external mechanism B. An internal mechanism C. An interlock device D. A hunting gear system 13. _ the repair in so short a time is unknown to us. A. How they finished B. How did they finished C. That how they finished D. That how did they finished 14. The position of the piston parts in relation to each other is secured by means of _in the crown. A. a mark B. a bolt C. a dowel pin D. a measuring tool 15. Load control on a diesel engine is accomplished by_. A. regulating the speed of the turbocharger B. rotating the fuel injector pump plunger C. regulating the speed of the fuel oil transfer pump D. changing engine timing 16. Wear in parts of exhaust valve operation gear will tend to_ the tappet clearance. A. increase B. reduce C. rise D. reduction. 17. Pitting in the suction areas of a centrifugal pump bronze impeller is usually caused by _. A. cavitation B. electrolysis C. abrasion D. corrosion 18. A double suction centrifugal pump impeller has been installed in the reverse direction, and will _. A. have a greater head capacity B. operate with increased impeller efficiency C. discharge through the suction side of the pump casing D. require more power to turn the shaft 19. Black smoke coming from a boiler can be caused by _. A. low water level B. low oil pressure C. excessively high fuel pressure D. an improper air/fuel ratio 20. Fuel injection equipment must be kept in good condition, timed correctly, and the _ in each cylinder must also be carefully balanced so that individual cylinders are not overloaded.A. MIP B. MCR C. MEP D. BHP 21. The separation of impurities and water from _ is essential for good combustion of diesel engines. A. lube oil B. fuel oil C
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