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英语(六年级下册)Unit 7 Summer holiday plansGrammar time & Fun timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar time & Fun timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能熟练运用一般将来时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。2. 培养学生的英语学习兴趣。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:学生掌握一般将来时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。教学难点:学生能在语境中运用所学句型。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Review and lead-inT: Today we will go on learning Unit 7. S: Summer holiday plan.T: Whats the plan for this lesson? Can you guess? Will we ? Look at the plan. Lets see who is right. (Show plan and read the aims.)Who is right? (示意举手) I think you are good students.【设计意图:通过师生回答引出本课的主要话题。】Step 2 Lets review1. T: First, lets review Story time. The children are talking about the plans for their summer holiday. Who are they?S: Mike, Su Hai, Yang Ling and Liu Tao.T: Look! Yang Ling is talking to Mike. Group 1, you are Yang Ling. Group 2, you are Mike. Turn around and talk to each other. T: Hello, Su Hai, will you go to Taipei? S: No, I wont. I will go to Hong Kong.T: Yang Ling, will you go to Hong Kong too?S: No, I wont. I will go to Beijing.2. T: Yang Ling will go to Beijing this summer holiday. Beijing is a big city. She can eat lots of delicious food. Like Tanghulu, Rolling donkey, Roast duck, Fuling cake. What will she eat in Beijing? Ask Yang Ling: will you ? T: There are many interesting places in Beijing. There are What places will she visit? Ask Yang Ling.T: What places will Yang Ling visit?S: She will visit T: You are a good listener. And what food will Yang Ling eat?S: She will eat T: You have a good memory too.T: So from these two sentences, we know what will she do in Beijing.【设计意图:引导学生来运用一般将来时述说。】S: She will eat She will visit in Beijing.T: Good, from Story time we can also know: What will she do? Who will she go with? How will she go there? Do you have any questions about her plan?【设计意图:发散学生的思维,学会问问题。】3. T: OK. We call these questions “特殊疑问句”. Read them and think about the structure. Whats the structure?S: T: (PPT呈现结构) 特殊疑问句的结构是特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句4. Liu TaoT: Look at Liu Taos plan. Complete his plan with these wh- words. Check the answers and read the questions after him. Discuss in pairs. Boys ask, and girls answer. And then lets exchange.5. Su HaiT: You can ask and answer, right? Fill in the blanks according to the answers. Check the answers. Talk about Su Hais plan in pairs. (请1组展示)Good. You can use the sentences very well, but are they logical? Which sentence should be the first?S: Where will you go?T: Good job! Who can try again? (再请1组来表演)6. T: You know Su Hais plan, yes? We have already know about Mikes plan. Where will he go? How long will he stay there? We dont know Can you guess? Will he ?T: Now listen to Mike, and write down the key words. 【设计意图:指导学生学习策略,用关键词记录Mike信息。】教师说问题,学生整句回答。T: Which pair would like to talk about Mike? Remember well talk about Mike, so we should use “Where will he ?”“He will ”. 【设计意图:活动设计了层次递进,让学生整合旧知,丰富语言表达。】(呈现tip)T: Mike will go to London, where will you go?S1: I will go to S2: I will T: And he Can you say two sentences? I will go He/She will T: Good. I know you want to go to different places. Now take out your paper and make your plan. T: Hello, S1. Where will you go? S1: T: What will you do ?S: T: Have a nice trip. What else can we say?S: T: Talk about your plans in pairs. The more sentences you can say, the better. Others listen carefully and later I will ask you a question.7. Plan sharingT: Because time is limited. So I want a student to share your plan and one student to share his or her deskmates plan.Homework 家庭作业1. Write your plan for the summer holiday.2. Tell your plan to your classmates.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学课件板书设计:Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 说课Grammar time是语法板块,比较枯燥,因此把它放在语境中学习运用。Story time中四个孩子的信息进行再构、延伸。从Yang Ling引出特殊疑问句,加上上学期的what places;到Liu Tao,运用了练习提问的方式;Su Hai的信息则采用从问句的运用到笔头,并通过谈论告诉学生交流一组对话时,句子要有逻辑性;Mike的信息通过听力获得信息,然后交流,适时引导学生不要机械地去搬所学的内容,为了使交流更自然,可以对感兴趣的内容进行追问。最后从交流书中人物的信息,到交流学生自己的实际生活。教师希望通过整堂课给学生提供充分的口语练习机会,锻炼学生的口头表达能力。
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