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英语专业本科生毕业设计(论文)编排格式一、总体要求1英语专业本科生毕业设计(论文)的文字篇幅:不少于4000单词。2纸型:A4。3页面设置:左、右、下边距为2.5厘米,上边距为2.8厘米。4字体:Times New Roman;字号:小四; 5字符间距:标准;行间距:固定值18磅,段前和段后均为0行。二、毕业论文的组成部分1. 封面2. 摘要:单独成页,单独编页。(1)英文摘要(2)中文摘要3. 目次页英文目次:单独编页4. 正文编排格式5. 参考文献6. 致谢:单独编页三、毕业论文的排版要求:见后 学号: (宋体 五号 粗体) 江 苏 工 业 学 院毕业设计(论文)(2009届)题 目 On the Influence of Context on Speech Acts 学 生 李为民 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 班 级 英语051 校内指导教师 王洋 专业技术职务 副教授 校外指导老师 专业技术职务 填写完毕后,所有横线请保持对齐!二九年六月(空三行)On the Influence of Context on Speech ActsTimes New Roman,三号,粗体,居中(空二行)AbstractTimes New Roman 小四号 粗体:What is context and what are speech acts? How can context influence speech acts? These questions have aroused many linguists interests for a long time and will be demonstrated in this paper. This thesis aims at influence of context on speech acts and gives a guide of using proper speech acts in different contexts. It starts with a general introduction to context. The author reviews some famous studies, which are made by well-known English philosophers and linguists, such as Firth and Halliday. Then the author discusses speech act theory based on some scholars views and concepts with a focus on Austin and Searles theories. At the same time, it is pointed out that context and speech act are the most important elements in communication and different contexts have different influences on speech acts. This study works over the restrictions of textual context, situational context and cultural context on speech acts and explores how to use appropriate speech acts in different contexts. An analysis is given to discuss how to make full use of context to develop a successful conversation, create favorable context and speak appropriately英文用Times New Roman;小四号字;行距:固定值18磅。.Key wordsTimes New Roman 小四号 粗体:context; speech act; communication; restriction说明:1英文摘要字数约300个单词,中文摘要字数约为300字。如遇特殊需要字数可以略多。2摘要页和目录页用罗马字母I, II, III编页,位置在页底中间。(空三行)论语境对言语行为的影响宋体,三号,加粗,居中摘 要:何谓语境何谓言语行为?语境对言语行为有何影响?上述问题长期以来一直激发着众多语言学家的兴趣。本文将对这些问题进行探讨,旨在研究语境对言语行为的影响并指导人们在不同的语境中如何正确使用言语行为。作者首先简要介绍语境,回顾了一些著名哲学家和语言学家的重要研究,比如弗斯和韩礼德。在基于某些学者的理论基础上,作者讨论了言语行为理论,并重点介绍了奥斯汀和塞尔的理论。同时,作者指出语境和言语行为是交流中最重要的构成因素,而且不同的语境对言语行为也有不同的影响。本文研究了上下文语境、情景语境和文化语境对言语行为的影响,并探索了怎样在不同语境中使用恰当的言语行为。最后,作者对怎样充分使用语境来创造成功的交谈、怎样创造合适语境以及怎样合适地使用言语作了分析宋体;小四号字;行距:固定值18磅关键词3-8个,之间用分号隔开;用中文标点。关键词:语境;言语行为;交谈;限制Contents居中,三号,粗体注意:以下英文部分除虚词外每个词的首字母需大写 AbstractI中文摘要 II1. Introduction12. Context and Its Structure12.1 Linguists Views and Definitions of Context in Dictionaries 12.2 Classification of Context32.3 My Viewpoint on Context 73. Speech Act Theory 73.1 An Introduction to Speech Act Theory 73.2 Austins View on Speech Acts 83.3 Searles Development on Speech Act Theory104. Restrictions of Context on Speech Acts in Communication 104.1 Restrictions of Textual Context114.2 Restrictions of Situational Context 114.3 Restrictions of Social Cultural Context125. Treating Context Actively in Communication 135.1 Making Full Use of Context135.2 Creating Favorable Context
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