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2022年考博英语-外交学院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题We know she was always as( )as her word, so we trusted her.问题1选项A.goodB.honestC.faithfulD.true【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项good“(adj.)好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的;(n.)好处;善行;慷慨的行为;(adv.)好”;B选项honest“诚实的,实在的;可靠的;坦率的”;C选项faithful“忠实的,忠诚的;如实的;准确可靠的”;D选项true“(adj.)真实的;正确的;(adv.)真实地;准确地;(n.)真实;准确”。根据固定搭配be as good as ones word“说话算数,守信”可知本题选good。句意:我们知道她一向信守诺言,所以我们信任她。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题A good many houses( )knocked down by the earthquake.问题1选项A.wasB.wereC.isD.are【答案】B【解析】考查被动语态。根据题干中的houses可知空格处的be动词应填复数形式,故排除A选项和C选项。句意:许多房子在地震中被震垮了。根据句意可知地震是过去发生的事情,所以用were knocked down,即被动式的过去,因此B选项正确。3. 单选题After three weeks of fruitless haggling with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Obama administration has given up its efforts to persuade the Israeli government to freeze construction of Jewish settlements for 90 days, a senior administration official said Tuesday.The decision leaves Middle East peace talks in flux, with the Palestinians refusing to resume direct negotiations absent a moratorium the United States struggling to find another formula to bring them back to the table. It is another setback in what has proved to be a star-crossed campaign by President Obama.The administration decided to pull the plug, officials said, because it concluded that even if Mr. Netanyahu persuaded his cabinet to accept a freeze which he had not yet been able to do the 90-day negotiating period would not have produced the progress on core issues that the United States originally had sought.Administration officials did not offer a Plan B to revive the talks, and analysts said it was not clear that the administration had one, beyond a general commitment to keep talking to the Israelis and Palestinians about the major issues that divide them: borders, security and the status of Jerusalem, among others.A preview of the administrations next move could come in an address on Middle East policy that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is scheduled to deliver on Friday at the Brookings Institution. But the administrations strategy appeared to be unsettled.“Wisely, in my view, the administration is bending to reality,” said Robert Malley, a peace negotiator in the Clinton administration, “The most likely scenario is that this moratorium was going to buy them a short reprieve, and was then going to plunge them into the same crisis they were in before”.Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians issued a response to the news. But administration officials said the United States made the decision after consultations between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Netanyahu. The two had hammered out the agreement on a 90-day freeze, which Mr. Netanyahu later said he could not sell to his cabinet without written security assurances from the Americans.Those assurances, which included 20 F-35 stealth airplanes and an American pledge to veto anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations, were never delivered to the Israelis. While that package is now off the table, an official said, he reiterated that the United States would continue to protect Israels security and fight efforts to challenge its legitimacy in international organizations.In the short run, analysts said the failure raised questions about Mr. Netanyahus capacity to negotiate a final deal.But the Palestinians also shifted their position, insisting that a settlement freeze must include East Jerusalem as well as the West Bank. Israels initial 10-month moratorium included only the West Bank. The United States never asked Mr. Netanyahu to expand it to Jerusalem, and analysts said Mr. Netanyahu would never have been able to persuade his right-wing cabinet to go along with it.There were also deeply divergent views about what the two sides would discuss during the 90 days, officials said. The Palestinians wanted the talks to focus tightly on the borders of a future Palestinian state. Mr. Netanyahu resisted that, saying the two sides must discuss the full gamut of issues rather than just borders.Mr. Obama began direct negotiations with great hoopla in early September, but the talks ground to a halt within weeks over the issue of settlements. After meeting three times in that month, Mr. Netanyahu and the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, have not sat down since then.1. A star-crossed campaign refers to a(n)( )one.2. The administrations next move is about to( ).3. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?4. A short reprieve refers to a short( ).5. Which of the following serves to be the best title of this passage?问题1选项A.unhappyB.confusedC.transientD.shining问题2选项A.bend to the realityB.veto anti-Israeli resolutions at the United NationsC.expand a settlement freeze to JerusalemD.hang in the balance问题3选项A.The written security assurances from the Americans were never deliver
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