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知识要点梳理 一、英语句子按用途可分为四类:1、陈述句:用来说明事实或说话人的看法,包括肯定句和否定句。如:He is a doctor.I didnt go to school yesterday.2、祈使句:用来表示请求、命令。 如: Be quiet!Dont play with fire!3、问句:用来提出问题。包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意 疑问句。如: Do you like English?What time is it?Does he like playing football or playing basketball?They went out, didnt they?4、感叹句:用来表达强烈的感情。如: What a fine day it is!How beautiful!二、用法讲析:1、陈述句:中考出题一般是将肯定句变为否定句。几种常见形式:含有谓语动词be,变否定时,be后加not即be not.I am a teacher - I am not a teacher.There are some booksTThere are not any books.(2) 句子谓语动词是实义动词(如:work live)时,要用助动词do/does/did + not+ 动词原形。女如 They like swimmingTThey dont like swimming.I came late T Ididnt come late(3) 句中含有 all, both 的句子,变完全否定时,要将 allTnone, bothTneither, both.and.T neither.nor. 要注意谓语动词的变化。女如 All of us watched the TV - None of us watched the TV.Both of them are students.TNeither of them is a student.Both Tom and John have done the homework.Neither Tom n or Joh n _has done the homework.(4) 现在完成时、过去完成时态的句子变否定时变为have/has+not+done或had+not+done(5) had better do something 变否定时为 had better not do. 如: Youd better have a rest - Youd better not have a rest.2、疑问句:(1)一般疑问句:一般指用 Yes 或 No 回答的疑问句。I Tom at home? Yes, he is./No, heisnt.Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, Icant.Have they been to Beijing?Yes, they have./No, they havent.2)特殊疑问句:是以疑问词开头的疑问句。常用疑问词 what,where,who,how,what time,how long 等其结构: 疑问词+一般疑问句?要注意使用一般疑问句的语序。.My name is MaryTWhat is your name?I usually get up at 6:30When do you get up?注意:疑问词作主语或作主语的定语时,语序不变即疑问词(疑问词+被修饰词)+动词+其他?Han Mei is on duty Today.TWho is on duty today?My ruler is blue.TWhose ruler is blue?还应注意:特殊疑问句不能用Yes或No回答,应问什么答什么。3)选择疑问句:提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择一种。这种疑问句叫选择疑问句。其结构:“一般疑问句+or+其他? ”Is her brother a doctoror ateacher?前升后降Shall we go to the cinema on刁Saturday or onSunday?注意:回答时不用Yes或No,直接回答(根据事实回答)。如: Does he like English or Chinese?He likes Chinese.4)反意疑问句:反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句,是在陈述句之后,对陈述句所 叙述的事实提出的疑问。其基本结构有两种:一是“肯定陈述句 + 简略否定 问句”;二是“否定陈述句 + 简略肯定问句”。反意疑问句的前后两部分在时 态、人称和数上都要保持一致。如:It looks like rain, doesnt it?He doesnt need to work so late, does he? 学习反意疑问句,特别要注意以下的一些特殊情况: 陈述部分的主语是this,that时,疑问部分的主语多用it;陈述部分的主语是these,those时,疑问部分的主语是they。如:This is a dictionary, isnt it?Those are shelves, arent they? 陈述句如果是there be结构时,疑问部分仍用there。如:There once was a man named Saint Nicholas, wasnt there? 陈述部分的谓语是had better (最好)时,疑问部分用had nt来体现。如: Youd better have a goodrest, hadnt you? 陈述句的谓语动词是have(has)to(必须)时,疑问部分用助动词do或does 来体现。如:They have to gothere, dont they?He has to leaveearly, doesnt he? 陈述句的主语是动词不定式、动词的ing形式或从句时,疑问部分的主语 多用it来体现。如:Taking care of our environment is veryimportant, isnt it?What he said is right, isnt it? 陈述句中含有 not、no、hardly、neither、never、few、little、too.to 等否 定词或是具有否定意义的词时,疑问部分常用肯定形式。如:Few people knew the news, did they?Tom has never been to England, has he? 但陈述句中如果带有否定意义的前缀和后缀的单词时,整个句子仍视为肯定 句,反意疑问部分多用否定形式。女如 She is unhappy, isnt she? 陈述句中的谓语动词含有推测”性的词must (一定)时,反意疑问部分多 与must之后的动词形式和时态与句子主语保持一致。Her mother must be ateacher, isnt she?She must have read thenovel, hasnt she? 陈述句的主语是 nobody, no one, everyone, somebody 等不定代词时,反意 疑问部分的主语多用they;如果陈述句的主语是something, nothing, anything, everything 等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用 it。如: Nobody says a word about the accident, do they?Everything seems all right, doesnt it? 陈述句是主从复句时,如果主句的谓语动词是think、believe、expect、feel、 guess等词,且主语是第一人称I时,反意疑问部分的人称、时态要与从句中 的人称、时态保持一致,同时还要考虑到否定的转移。如:I believe that the boy can get a ticket foryou, cant he?I dont think he will come, will he? 祈使句反意疑问句都可做成 will you?Please ope n the win dow, will you?Dont talk, will you?但以Lets开头的祈使句用shall we?Let us, will you?Let me, will you?女如 Lets go shopping, shall we?Let us have a rest, will you?注意:对反意疑问句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就用 yes,事实是否定的,就用no。即Yes +肯定,No +否定。这和汉语不一样, 应特别注意。如: John hasnt been to Beijing, has he?Yes, he has. 不,他去过。 No, hehasnt. 对,他没去过。3、祈使句:(1)祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、劝告或建议等语气的句子。它的主语多是 You (通常不说出)。(2)祈使句可分为肯定、否定两种形式。其中肯定形式的祈使句由动词原形开 头,分两类: 连系动词 + 表语(如:形容词、名词等)引起。 例如: Keep quiet! 保持安静!Be a good stude nt!要做一我好学生! 行为动词开头。例如:Open the door! 打开门吧!Come here! 到这儿来!否定 形式 的构 成是 一律 在肯 定形 式的 祈使 句之 前加 上 Dont 。 例如 :Dont go there alone!不要一个人去那里。Dont be late for class agai n!别再上课迟到(3) 在祈使句中加上please可构成“Please.”或“.,please.”句式,please使句子 语气显得更委婉、礼貌。此时的否定句应变为“Please dont.”或 “Dont.,please.”例如:Please give the book to me./Give the book to me, please.请把那本书给我。 Pleasedont play withfire./Dont play with fire, please.请别玩火。(4) 由 let 构成的肯定式的祈使句句型为:Let+宾语+动词原形+其它。例如:Let me have a good rest. 让我好好休息一下。以let引起的祈使句的否定形式,要视其在意思上否定了什么来决定。如否定let, 则用Dont let.,若否定let后面的不定式,则在不定式前加not,即用“Let+宾语 +not+动词原形+其它。”句式。例如:Dont let the children play football on the road.不要让孩子们在马路上踢球。 Lets not wait outside the gate .咱们别在门外等。(5) 祈使句的主语通常不说出来,但有时为了指明向谁提出请求、命令等时, 或为了加强语气,此时可说出主语you。例如: You feed the animals today. 今天
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