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Pep教材五年级上册Unit 3. What would you like? 教学设计 第一课时(Part A. Lets learn ) 安阳市北关区教研室 李建英一、教材分析本节课以饮食为主线,重点学习食品饮料类、食物类单词、词组和句型,并能在适当的情景中谈论自己喜欢的食物和饮品。整节课围绕自己喜欢的食物展开一系列话题,帮助学生表达自己喜欢的食物、饮料,并懂得保持健康的饮食习惯。教学时让学生通过完成各种任务活动来感知和巩固新的知识点,减轻教学难度,增加学习兴趣。二、学情分析学生对于自己喜欢的食物是非常感兴趣的,三四年级已经学过部分水果类和食物类单词,因此学生对进一步学习是很有兴趣的,因此,必须运用各种教学手段激起学生的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,这也是小学英语教学的目标之一。由于本单元内容与学生的日常生活联系密切,教学时,要根据小学高年级阶段学生的特点,引导他们在学习英语的过程中最大限度地发挥自主学习能力,积极主动地学习英语。三、教学目标1、知识目标:能听、说、读、写单词hamburger,sandwich, ice cream, tea, salad和句型What would you like to eat? Id like2、能力目标:学生利用本课所学内容去询问别人喜欢的食物并表述自己喜欢的食物。3、情感目标:了解西方饮食特点和文化,培养学生健康的饮食习惯。四、教学重难点教学重点1. 学习有关饮食的生词ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich和salad等.2. 针对饮食爱好进行询问和回答,谈论自己喜欢的食物。教学难点 1. 单词hamburger,sandwich的读音和拼写。2. 句型What would you like to eat? Id like的熟练运用。五、教学过程Step 1 Warm- up1. Free talk. 2. Sing a song.3. Lead in. 【设计意图:通过师生交流,在轻松愉快的氛围中,开始新课程的学习,创设餐厅招聘服务员的情境,学生参与其中,通过完成一个个培训任务,而完成教学目标,增加课程的趣味性。】Step 2 Presentation& Practices.Task 1 Listening challenge.【设计意图:从听力入手,让学生初步感知课文,突出课文的重点、分解本课的难点,使学生学得轻松有趣。】T: Our friend Sarah is hungry. Lets listen . 1). Q1. What would Sarah like to eat? Now, you are Sarah, What would you like to eat?You can say: Id like板书句子 Lets listen again. Who wants to have a try? S1Who wants to say it again? S2S3S4S5T: Good hearing! 2). Q2: What would Sarahs father like to eat? S1S2S33). Q3: What would Sarahs father like to drink? What did he say? S1S2S3S4S5. Lets say it together! Good hearing! All of you did a very good job! Congratulations! Come on!Task 2 Langue training Lets come to the text. 【设计意图:全面感知课文并反复、全面操练课文内容,使所有学生对课文都能上口,说出流利的句子。】1) Look and listen. A: Im hungry.B: What would you like to eat?A: A sandwich, please.B: Ok.B: What would you like to drink?A: Id like some water. Im thirsty.B: Here you are!A: Thanks!2) Read after me.3) Role play.4) Work in pairs. 5) Show time.Task 3 Special foods. 【设计意图:通过special foods环节,引出新授单词, 突出重点,通过游戏操练,突破难点, 又从学生实际出发,在学生已有的知识基础上进行简单的拓展,丰富学生的词汇。】1. Hamburger. Chicken hamburger. Beef hamburger. Fish hamburger2. Sandwich. 3. Ice-cream. mango ice-cream, banana ice-cream, strawberry ice-cream. 4. Tea. green tea , black tea. 5. Salad. fruit salad, vegetable salad, potato salad, chicken salad.情景操练:Ask and answer. 1). -What would you like to eat?-Id like ( a chicken hamburger; beef hamburger)2). -What would you like to eat?-Id like (a mango ice-cream, banana ice-cream )3). -What would you like to drink?-Id like some green tea.Task 4 Brain storming【设计意图:及时梳理有关内容,利用头脑风暴法激活学生已有的知识技能,为顺利完成下面拓展环节的任务而搭设支架、做好铺垫。】1. Guess: What would mum like to eat? S1: S2: S3: 2. Review the words. 3. Check. What would mum like to eat? Step 3 Consolidation and extension.【设计意图:创设真实的情境,让学生在情境中利用已有知识和今天所学的单词、句型等内容去询问别人喜欢的食物,并表述自己喜欢的食物,练习巩固所学内容。】Now, boys and girls, we are in the restaurant now. We can make a dialogue between a waiter or waitress and a customer. Lets come to Task 5 Make an order. This is the last task. Are you ready? Task 5 Make an order. 【设计意图:在屏幕上展示出一些食品,学生可以先列出自己的菜单,然后再让学生运用所学的句型进行问答练习。通过这个练习,使学生能够熟练运用所学的句型进行口头表达。】1. Lets look at the foods and drinks in the screen. What are they?.2. Please take out your paper and try to make an order of yourself. 3. I need somebody to help me. Who want to have a try? Lets have a dialogue. 4. Ok, lets practice in pairs. One is A the other is B. Then change.5. Lets have show time! Ask 2-3 pairs to show.6. All of you did a very good job! Congratulations! Big hands! The flowers and the medals for you! And a full meal for you! Step 4 Writing【在前面充分练习的基础上,让学生将口头表述的东西顺理成章地书写下来,尤其是针对本节课所学的单词hamburger,sandwich, ice cream, tea, salad和句型What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink?等新内容进行有效的书写训练。】Please take out your paper and write down the dialogue you made just now.Step 5 Home work1). Complete the dialogue and read it aloud.2). Please write to Lily a healthy order according to the food pyramid. 板书设计Unit 3 What would you like?A. Lets learn -What would you like to eat? -What would you like to drink?-Id like Hamburger -Id like some tea. SandwichIce creamSome salad 5
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