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2020人教版九年级英语复习-句型转换试题专练无答案1. My mother works in a hospital.(改为一般疑问句)motherin a hospital?2. My brother does homework after supper.(改为否定句 )My brotherhomework after supper.3. Is Liz a boys name? Is Liz a girls name?(改为选择疑问句)Liz a boysa girls name?4. English people have three names.(对画线部分提问)n amesEn glish people?5. Mr Black is living in China.(对画线部分提问)Mr Black?6. We are going to see Uncle Wu next Sunday.(对画线部分提 问)you goi ng ton ext Sun day?7. He is going to the zoo this Saturday.(对画线部分提问)#heto the zoo?us a talk next8. Mr White gives us a talk.(用 next week 改写)Mr White talk.9. We are going to have some classes this Sunday.(改为否定句)Wegoing to haveclasses this Sunday.10. I think the boys are from England.(改为否定句)Ithe boysfrom England.11. Lily would like some apples.(对画线部分提问)Lily?12. I like to stay at home because I dont want to have classes.(对画线部分提问)youto stay at home?13. There is something wrong with my computer.( 改为否定句 )There iswith my computer.14. Open the door.(改为否定句)the door.15. He goes to school by bike every day.(对画线部分提问)heto school every day.16. He needs some help.改为否定句)Hehelp.17. Must we go to the classroom now?(做否定回答)518. My best friend stands behind Lei Lei.(对画线部分提问)your best frie nd?19. You need a number 18 bus.(对画线部分提问)busI?20. My father sometimes watches TV in the evening.( 对画线咅B分提问)your fatherTV in theevening?21. The man over there is a doctor.(对画线部分提问)the man over there?the man over there?22. He lives on the second floor.(对画线部分提问)heon?23. Tom reads for half an hour every day.(对画线部分提问)Tomevery day?24. They finished their work at 6:00 p.m.(对画线部分提问)theytheir work?25. Li Hua was at home yesterday.(改为否定句)Li Huaat home yesterday.26. It took me forty minutes to go to work last year.( 对画线咅B分提问)itto go to worklast year?27. They had a meeting last week.(改为一般问句)theya meeting last week?28. He read an English book last night.(改为一般问句)hean English book last night?29. The robot could help Mr Mott to remember everything.( 对 画线部分提问)the robot help Mr Mott?30. They came to borrow some books.(对画线部分提问)they?31.1 learnt German by myself.(对画线部分提问)youGerma n?32. She can dance,?反意疑问句 )33. Let us go to the zoo,?(反意疑问句 )34. Lets go home,?(反意疑问句 )35. He must be tired,?(反意疑问句)36. There is little milk in the bottle,?(反意疑问句)37. Close the door,?(反意疑问句 )38. I think she is a teacher,?(反意疑问句)39. Nobody is here,?(反意疑问句)40. You had better study hard,?(反意疑问句)41. Learning English well is very easy,?(反意疑问句)42. Something is wrong with my watch,?(反意疑问句)43. Its very hot today.(对画线部分提问) like today?44. Wang Hong is a good girl.(改为感叹句)Wang Hong is!45. Ann was very happy.(改为感叹句)Ann was!46. Its nearly 2 kilometers from my home to the school.( 对画线部分提问)is ityour hometheschool?47. It will be windy tomorrow.( 改为否定句)Itwindy tomorrow.48. John has a nice bag.(改为一般问句)Joh na n ice bag?49. My father likes to get up early.(对画线部分提问)to get up early?50. Sandy was born in Gaozhou on Jul 1st. 1989.(对画线部分提问)Sandy born?#
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