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Less on 23 One man s meat is ano ther man s poisOn有所爱【New words and expressions 】 生词和短语 poison n.毒药,毒物It was deadly poison and if he drank it hed probably die.这是致命的毒药,他要是喝下去很可能会丧命。酒 Whats your poison?你们喝点什么酒?name one goison 喝什么酒Name your poison, please.说出你要喝点什么酒啊。极糟的食物Im not eating that poison!我可不吃那种猪食!vt.毒死,毒杀The explosi on of the chemical pla nt has pois oned many local reside nts.那座化工厂的爆炸毒死了许多当地居民。放毒于污染Exhaust fumes from cars are pois oning the air of our cities.汽车排出的废气使我们城市中的空气遭受污染。对有不良影响,毒化Dont trust the words which pois on the frie ndship of ours.不要相信那些破坏我们友谊的话。pois onn.& vt.He was pois oned by pesticide.give pois on to sb/ give pois on to sth. 使某人或某事中毒 hate each other like pois on彼此互相恨透 illogical adj.不合逻辑的,无章法的;没有道理的,没有道理的,不合逻辑的It is clearly illogical to mai nta in such a propositi on.坚持这种主张显然是没有道理的。2.与逻辑相违的Although strictly illogical, Martin interpretation of this paradox seems the best.马丁对于这一悖论的解释尽管严格说来不合乎逻辑,卻似乎是最好的解释了。反义词:logical adj.类似的:legal是讲法律上的合理-illegal比如:吸毒是违法的.Using drugs is legal (not legal).在以上的句子里,是不可以用legitimate来代替legal的.legitimate-illegitimatelegitimate是讲生活中的合理adj.合情合理的;合法的比如:他迟到有合理的理由.He had a legitimate reason for be ing late.在以上的句子里,也是不可以用legal 来代替 legitimate.Sickness is a legitimate reasonfor asking for leave.生病是请假的一个正当的理由。法律认可的;法定的合法婚姻所生的illegitimateadj.非婚生的,私生的 About 68 per cent of illegitimate births werejointly registered by both parents. 大约有68% 的私生子是由父母双方共同登记 的。法律不容的,非法的(指辩论等的结论)不合逻辑的,不合理的It is quiteillegitimate to argue that the government had no choice.辩称政府别无选择是十分不当的。adv.私生地;非法地;不合理地 octopus n.章鱼;章鱼;八爪鱼;八达通devilfishdev?lfi?n.大头鱼(尤指石鱼)章鱼He experie need n ausea after eati ng octopus.吃了章鱼后他感至 U恶心。sleeve-fish sli:vfi ?n.枪乌贼,鱿鱼 squidskwidn.乌贼,墨鱼;dried squid 墨鱼 干calamaryk? l?m?rin.枪乌贼 calamari n.(用作食品的)鱿鱼 delicacy n.美味,佳肴精美的食物Smoked herri ng / salmon is a local delicacy.烟熏鲱鱼/三文鱼是当地一种美味食品。Eg.: He con sidered chicke n to be a great delicacy.精致,精美;娇嫩She has full of feminine delicacy.她充满了女性的娇柔。the delicacy of her feature 她娇美的容貌the delicacy of on es sense of right and wrong敏锐的正义感diplomatic negotiations of great delicacy极微妙的外交谈判delicate adj.美味的,可口的,清淡的 娇弱的,纤细的Her health is delicate.她的身体很虚弱。易碎的,脆弱的Be careful with those wine cups they are very delicate. 当心那些酒杯它们很容易碎。精美的,精致的,精巧的 微妙的,需慎重考虑的,需慎重处理的a delicate piece of embroidery 精致的刺绣品 delicate feeling 温情delicate colors柔和的颜色The international situation is very delicate at present.当前的国际形势十分微 妙。He has a delicate sense of smell. 他嗅觉灵敏。delicious adj.美味的,可口的(=palatable)This dish is very delicious.这道菜味 道鲜美。a delicious meal 美餐令人开心的,怡人的Its a delicious joke.这是个令人开心的笑话。palatable adj.可口的,美味的合意的,认可的,认同的palatable food 可口的食物adv.合意地,可口地 repulsive adj.令人反感的,令人生厌的【物】推斥的,斥力的a repulsive sight 使人厌恶的景象a repulsive appearanee 令人厌恶的外表He was utterly repulsive to her. 她对他极为反感。She fou nd the idea deeply repulsive. 她发现这个想法很恶心。 repulsive force 斥力, 推力disgusting adj.令人作呕的,令人厌恶的 What a disgusting smell!多么讨厌的气 味!非常令人不快的,极坏的,极糟的I think its disgusti ng the way the gover nment keeps putt ing up taxes.我认为政府不断加税的做法糟透了。disgust vt.使厌恶,令人作呕His behavior disgusted everybody.他的行为遭到众人的唾弃。The food disgusted me.这食物使我感到恶心。vi.令人厌恶;令人作呕Too rich food soon disgusts.过于油腻的食物很快会使 人厌腻。n.作呕,憎恶,反感(at, for, towards, against)take a disgust at嫌,讨厌to ones disgust可厌的是;令人作呕的是aversion n.厌恶,讨厌,反感,憎恶,憎恨,嫌恶have (或 take)an aversion to( 或 from, for) 对.抱反感one s pet aversion某人最不喜欢的东西=pet hate指对某事非常憎恨 He has a strong aversi on to dogs. 他非常讨厌狗。Cats have a n atural aversi on to water. 猫生来对水反感。I un derwe nt aversi on therapy for my addict ion to smok ing.我因为吸烟成瘾接受了厌恶疗法的治疗。Have you developed an aversion to babies?你对婴儿感到厌恶了吗?讨厌的人或东西废转变方向;背离aversive a.反对的;不乐意的;不情愿的:He is aversive to(或 from) flattery.他不喜欢听恭维话。be aversive to coming ( 或 come) 不愿意来,不想来 stomach n.胃口 肚子;腹部 I often feel a pain in my stomach.我经常胃疼。 upset one s stomaci使胃不舒服腹部I hit him in the stomach.我击中他的腹部。a proud high stomach 傲慢 What a stomach he has got! 他真是一个大腹便便 的人!My stomach turns rises at it. 一看到一想至叮这个就恶心。It goes against my stomach. 这个不合我的胃口 兴趣/脾气。have no stomach for doi ng sth.不想做某事,对做某事无兴趣vt.(常与否定词或疑问词连用)忍耐;忍受:He could not stomach such an in sult.他不能忍受这样的侮辱。turn sb. s stoma(使某人恶心呕吐stomachache n.胃疼 turn v.感到恶心,翻胃(使)不适,作呕,At the sight of blood her stomach turned. 她看到血就感到恶心。The stink of the rotten fish turned my stomach.腐烂的鱼臭味使我恶心。My head (stomach) is turning.我头晕(恶心)。 fry v. ( be cooked in hot oil )油炸,油煎 The fish was frying.鱼正在煎着。 (deep-)fried(油炸)egg 煎鸡蛋 fried bread fring pan 煎锅stir-fry 用旺火煸,用旺火炒vi.皮肤晒黑 Well fry if we stay too long in this hot sun.我们如果在这样酷热的阳光下待久了 ,皮肤会晒黑的。=tan t? nn.黄褐色,棕黄色These shoes are tan, not dark brown. 这些鞋是棕黄色的,不是深褐色的。vt. & vi.(使)晒成棕褐色She tanned quickly in the sun.她在太阳下很快晒黑了。 fry up加热;把(某物)烤干焦或烤坏The un usually hot su
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