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& keep track of: to keep oneself informed about a person, situation, etc. to remain aware; to keep informed;to see clearly 跟上进展,保持联系;看清,听清;记录& lose track of: to fail to remain informedThey try hard to keep track of their favorite stars.He loses track of time whenever he surfs the Net.& To have (no) need of: (not) to need sth. (不)需要China has its own space technology and has no need of American help.& Roll by: 1. pass, esp. smooth and steadily平稳地驶过 2. (of time) pass, esp. quickly; pass in steady succession (岁月)流逝, (时间)逝去& Whoop: Give a whoop of rage 怒吼To whoop with delight高兴地喊叫起来& Toil: ( at, on, through ) to work very hard for a long period of time 苦干、辛勤工作They were bathed in sweat as they toiled at their digging.& It isnt / wasnt thatNot that I dislike the work, but that I have no time.& frame: to organize and develop a plan, system, etc. 制订,构思Frame a new bill 制订新的法案 be in/out of the frame 参加, 不参加& Fine: adv. in a way that is acceptable and good enough 很好Dont worry. He is doing fine. Things are fine at school this year.Talk fine.说得好听。 I like it fine.我很喜欢这个东西。& cave in: (of roof or wall) to fall down or inward; to collapse塌落,倒塌,(墙等)内陷; that caused the mayors house roof to collapse.Cave in ( to sth ): 让步;屈从;屈服& Now: (spoken) used for giving emphasis to a request, order, or commentBe careful, now. (order)好了,小心了。Now, whats going on here? (request)呃,这儿是怎么回事?Its marvelous, now isnt it? (comment)哎,好极了& To save their own souls: to save their lives.(Maybe a religious meaning, i.e. lying is a sin, and sinning will make it difficult to get into Heaven when you die. )& Incorporate: (into) to include sth. as part of a group, system, plan, etc. 包含、加上、吸收His proposal was incorporated into the plan.& incorporate sth. (into)/in/ within : to add or include sth. as part of sth. else包含,并入The company decided to incorporate the new feature into their microcomputer.A number of courses in public relations have been incorporated into our curriculum.& Bear: (of wind, sea, air) to move sth. along运送The sound of music was borne on the wind.音乐随风飘来。& to: used for stating what condition or state sb. or sth. is after a changeThe ancient temple has been restored to its former glory.The disease has reduced the patient to a bag of bones.& Ravine: 沟壑 Marble-sized: 弹子大小的 gorge n. 峡谷& Clearing:a small area where there are no trees in the middle of a wood 林中空地& Pack : to put or push things into 挤满、塞满We were packed tight in the bus. The audience packed the hall.& Sticky: 黏性的: The road was sticky after the rain.2. (of a situation) difficult, awkward: A sticky problem / issue难题He put him into a rather sticky position.3. not willing to help: I asked him to lend me some money, but he was rather sticky about it.4.to have sticky fingers: To be likely to steal sth.5. 不肯变化的Sticky prices 6. 难以销售的Used bikes are sticky.7. 不愉快的、痛苦的Sticky past& flare: . if peoples tempers flare, they get angry.;to burn brightly 闪耀、燃烧、闪亮Tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged.人们发怒了,开始对骂起来。Candles flared in the wind.烛光在风中摇曳不定。& full-blown: in the most complete and developed form(花)盛开的;充分发展的The economic slowdown reached the status of a full-blown recession 经济减缓已演变成全面的经济衰退。& knockdown-dragout: very violent or uncontrolled激烈的、猛烈的knockdown-dragout debate; knockdown-dragout fight& escalate: v. to increase in intensity or extent逐渐增强;逐渐上升;扩大If we surrender on this small issue, they undoubtedly will escalate their demands.如果我们在这个小问题上让步,他们会得寸进尺,提出更多要求。escalating price/pressure escalator 自动扶梯& call sb. names辱骂,谩骂call each other names 谩骂某人call sb. by name名叫,直呼其名in name在名义上 / in ones own name用自己的名义,擅自in the name of 在名下,代表;为了;依凭make ones name 使某人成名、出名to ones name在自己名下,属自己所有under the name of用 的名字,以的名义use sb.s name援引某人的话& Tingle:感到刺痛His hands tingled with cold.他的双手冻得生疼。& Rush: a strong, usually pleasant feeling that you get from taking a drug or from doing sth. exciting (身体的)一阵感觉,(感情的)一阵激动The memory came back with a painful rush.回忆往事,心里一阵难过。& Rip: to tear sth. or be torn quickly and violentlyHe ripped the letter across and threw the halves into the basket. (v.t.)The sails ripped under the force of the wind. (v.i.) & Reveal:to make known; to disclose; to lay open to view; to expose/show/ display/exhibit揭露揭示,展示显示Investigation has revealed him to be a criminal.She drew the curtains aside to reveal a beautiful garden.& Revealing a. 暴露身体的,有启迪作用的exposing parts of the body that are usually covered; giving information or insight about sth. previously concealeda revealing dress ; a revealing conversation/experience& It is / was (high) time that (past tense) 是时候It is time we left. It was high time that they had a negotiation.& to get anywhere:to make or have some success (否定或疑问句中)有些进展,有些成就& To get somewhere: to make some progress or have
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