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Unit5 单元测试卷一、将下列字母组成正确的单词,并写出其汉语意思。1. g, r, f, o _ _ 2. n, a, w, s _ _ 3. k, r, e, u, t, y _ _ 4. n, e, a, s, k _ _ 5. r, e, s, u, i, q, r, l _ _二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. weather B. windy C. rainy D. cloudy( ) 2. A. full B. moon C. long D. cold( ) 3. A. collect B. spend C. fly D. lot( ) 4. A. April B. Tuesday C. March D. June( ) 5. A. south B. warm C. west D. north三、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是()否()相同。( ) 1. spend collect ( ) 2. long often( ) 3. saw now( ) 4. dinner think( ) 5. enjoy jeep四、选择填空。( ) 1. They enjoy _ at the moon.A. looking B. look C. to looking( ) 2. They sleep _ a long time in winter.A. of B. in C. for( ) 3. Thanksgiving is held on the _ Monday in October.A. two B. twice C. second( ) 4. He _ many stories about the Mid-Autumn Festival.A. speaks B. talk C. tells( ) 5. The animals look _ food in spring.A. to B. for C. in( ) 6. People give _ to their friends and families on Thanksgiving Day.A. thank B. thanks C. thanking五、看图,结合常识回答下列问题。1. A: When is our Childrens Day? B: _A: How do people celebrate it? B: _2. A: When is Thanksgiving in Canada? B: _A: How do people celebrate it? B: _3. A: When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? B: _A: How do people celebrate it?B: _4. A: When is the National Day? B: _A: How do people celebrate it? B: _六、选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. It will rainy tomorrow. _A BC( ) 2. What the weather like? _AB C( ) 3. Winter is quiet long here. _A BC( ) 4. Christmas is on December. _A B C( ) 5. Whats animals do you see? _A BC( ) 6. You look so worry. _AB C七、翻译下列句子。1. Mooncakes are round like the full moon._2. Many birds fly from the north to south in autumn._3. People get together with their families to have a big dinner._4. 感恩节是一个秋季家庭假日。_5. 在冬天,它们什么也不吃。_八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was the most famous writer in Denmark. His stories have attracted many young readers around the world. Andersens father was a poor shoe-maker. As he was very young, Hans was spoilt by his parents and his grandmother. But when he was 11 years old, his father died and the boy had to leave school. His mother made a living by washing clothes, while Hans spent a great deal of time making theatre toys and puppets. He reads as many books as he could. Andersen published his first tale in 1835, and continued writing until he died. Andersens words are simple and humor. The stories became popular in the early 1840s, and made Andersen famous more and more. Among the best known of his fairy tales are The Ugly Duckling, The Emperors New Clothes, A Little Match Girl and so on.(1) Hans Christian Andersen was a famous _.A. writer B. worker C. scientist(2) Andersens father was a _.A. worker B. shoe-maker C. clothes-maker(3) _ Andersen published his first tale.A. In the early 1840s B. In 1875 C. In 1835(4) Andersens words are _.A. beautiful B. interesting C. simple(5) “A Little Match Girl” in Chinese is _.A. 一个小火柴女孩 B. 卖火柴的小女孩 C. 点火柴的女孩参考答案一、1. frog 青蛙 2. swan 天鹅 3. turkey 火鸡 4. snake 蛇 5. squirrel 松鼠二、1-5 ABDBB三、1-5 四、1-6 ACCCBB五、略六、l. B will be 2. A Whats 3. B quite 4. C in 5. A What 6. C worried七、1. 月饼圆圆的似满月。2. 在秋天许多鸟从北方飞到南方去。3. 人们和家人团聚一起享受一顿丰盛的晚餐。4. Thanksgiving is a family holiday in autumn.5. In winter, they dont eat anything.八、(1)-(5) ABCCB
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