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人教版英语精品资料Section B 3a Self Check.根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。dentist, magazine, however, point, none1. Annas father is a _. If theres something wrong with your teeth, you can ask him for help.2. The library has all kinds of books, _ and newspapers and you can choose (选择) any of them to read.3. My father likes vegetables. _, my mother doesnt.4. There are lots of books on the table but _ of them is mine.5. We need one more _ to win (赢) the game.根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填空,使短文完整、通顺。Hi, Im Amy! Let me tell you something about my familys and my free time activities. My fathera (1)spends all his free time watching TV. In other words, he is a couch potato. He knows its noth (2)for his body.H (3), he still likes doing that. My mother always uses her free time to do theh (4). Sometimes she cleans the house. And sometimes she washes the clothes. Shes always busy doing things. My brother always goeso (5)in his free time. He either plays computer games orl (6)to music on the Internet. As for me, I only do one thing in my free time play tennis with my friends.参考答案. 1. dentist 2. magazines 3. However 4. none 5. point. 1. almost 2. healthy 3. However4. housework 5. online 6. listens
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