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湖南文理学院计算机科学与技术系毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):湖南文理学院计算机科学与技术系专 业:信息管理与信息系统姓 名:XXX 学 号:XX 外文出处:Internal Auditing ,Vol.19, No.5,pp.22-25,September-October2004 附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文原文Understanding and Preventing Money LaunderingMoney laundering,due to todays high-tech,global environment,is a worldwide industry that internal auditors are well suited to combat.Background on money launderingThe term money laundering is derived from activities carried out by organized crime,with used laundry cleaning businesses to disguise launder -large amounts of cash actually earned through extortion, prostitution, gambling, and boot-legging. The money laundering process involves three basic steps.These steps can be achieved in one combined transaction or in three separate transactions.Placement.In this step,large amounts of illegally obtained cash are placed into the financial system,used to buy high-dollar goods,or smuggled out of the country.The idea is to transform the cash as quickly as possible into other types of assets and thud avoid detection. Layering.This step is performed to hide the illicit funds. Layering is accomplished by creating complex levels of financial transactions to obscure audit trails and cloak the true ownership of the funds. Some of the methods used are electronic funds transfers(EFTs), conversion into monetary instruments,investments in legitimate businesses, and the purchase of real estate.In many cases, EFTs are used to shuttle funds around between offshore banks and shell companies.Since so many EFTs are processed each day, determining what is legitimate and what is not can be difficult indeed.Integration.The final step in money laundering integrates the newlylaunderedmoney into legitimate business operations.At that point,many future use of the money will further hide its original source. Three popular methods are used to integrate clean money. First , money launderers establish private corporations in other countries and route the money to these corporations.These foreign corporations can then provide loans to the money launderers back in the home country. Second ,phony invoices are created in import-export business, The import-export company give an inflated value to the export goods, and when the invoices are paid ,the cash is transferred ,including the laundered money, from oe company to the other. The invoices make the transfer of the money look legitimate.Third,the money launderer simply purchases an offshore bank. Illegally acquired founds are deposited in the new bank,then transferred via EFT to a legitimate bank. The problem of money launderingFor most people,money laundering itself is not considered a particularly heinous crime.However, money laundering provides criminals with access to their proceeds.These proceeds can be used by money launderers to fund a myriad of other crimes.Money laundering furthers the ambitions of drug traffickers ,organized crime members,terrorists,and others.Money laundering also undermines the integrity of financial markets. While large sums of laundered money may arrive at institutions, they may also disappear just as quickly, causing liquidity problems. In addition,governments lose revenue as a result of money laundering.Money laundering diminishes tax revenue, which often means higher tax rates for other, honest citizens.John McDowell and Gary Novis, in Economic Perspectives, state that money laundering presents the world community with a complex and dynamic challenge. They believe that the nature of the problem calls for global standards and international cooperation to reduce the ability of criminals to launder their proceeds and carry out their criminal activities.Current nature of the problem.Linda Davies writes, in Nest of Vipers, The money screamed across the wires, its provenance fading in a maze of electronic transfers,which shifted it, hid it, broke it up into manageable wads which would be withdrawn and redeposited elsewhere, obliterating the trail. She captures the essence of the current nature of the money laundering problem. In todays high-tech global environment, the money laundering process is even harder to trace than it was in the past. Alvin James, Principal at Ernst and Young,LLP, examined the use of underground financial systems, such as the Colombian Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE),by terrorists. He noted that while terrorists may not need to launder their money, they do need the means to move the funds covertly. James notes that the major similarity among under- ground financial systems, also called parallel payment systems, is their ability to facilitate anonymous international transfers of money. That ability is what makes these existing systems so attractive to terrorists: they can use them to move the dollars needed to support their activities. Experts indicate t
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