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初中英语任务型阅读理解(七下)一CountryCapitalLanguage(s)IndiaNew DelhiHindi and EnglishCanadaOttawaEnglish and FrenchRussiaMoscowRussianEgyptCairoArabicSingaporeSingapore CityMalay, Chinese, Tamil and English根据上面旳表格用一种或两个词完毕下面句子:1. If you go to , maybe some people can understand you.2. Egyptians speak .3. If you go to , you must learn Russian well.4. The capital of Singapore is .5. From the form(表格), we can see that is the most important language.二 Ive got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, youll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about 30 in cash(现金) and about 200 in travelers cheques(支票). Then when you arrive at the airport youll be met by our host(主人) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. Ive told them to look out for the red shirts. Youll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, its very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). Ill give you her office phone number now: Its 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, thats B-E-L-C-H-E-R. Shes in the office from 9-5 every day. OK! Thats everything. Have a good trip.根据短文内容填写下表,每空词数不限:GOING TO BRITAINMoney-cash: 30 -traveler cheques: (1) Wear: (2) Take: (3) Office phone number: (4) Ask for: (5) 三 In the west, there can be some abbreviations(缩略词) in some advertisements(广告) of the newspaper. Heres an advertisement for an apartment. Most of the words in it are abbreviations, for example, Lrg. apt, i.e.(即) Large apartment; lrg. lvrm, i.e. Large living-room. Now, please read the advertisement carefully, and then fill in each blank with ONE word.For Rent(出租)Lrg. apt Fourth flr. Very quiet bldg.No pets(宠物). Two bedrms. Lrg. lvrm.Ut1. pd. Unfrn. Gd. 1ctn.$220 per mo. Call 662-39401. The apartment is on the floor of the building.2. If you rent(租用) the apartment, do(千万) remember not to bring any , like dogs, cats, birds and so on.3. There is a large living-room and two in the apartment.4. The location(位置) of the building is very .5. If you rent the apartment, you must pay(付) dollars(美元) every month.四 My name is Mary Connor. Im American and Im a nurse in Rosewood Hospital. Im 20 and single(独身). My hobbies are tennis and computer games. My brother is also a nurse. Our parents are from the USA but we live in Brighton now. My mother is a painter(画家) and my father is a doctor. I like a penfriend from China or Japan. Please write to: 63 Lily Road, London SWL, England.根据短文内容完毕下表:PERSONAL INFORMATION(个人档案)Name: Mary Connor Sex: Girl Age: 20 Occupation(职业): Nurse Nationality(国籍): (1) Employer(雇主): (2) Family: Father, mother, brother Address: (3) Hobbies: (4) Possible penfriends: (5) 五Dear Mike, We got your letter yesterday. Yes, we can visit you at Christmas. We thought to spend Christmas at home, but now we are going to be with you. Jack will not be in school then. The weather in Chicago is cold, but it doesnt matter. Sometimes we like the snow. We got our plane tickets. We will get to your city on the 18th. We will stay with you for two weeks. Is that all right with you? Well take our favourite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christmas dinner. See you soon. Love Mom and Dad根据短文内容用合适旳单词完毕下面句子:1. This letter is from Mikes .2. In Chicago, it is now.3. Mike has a brother called . He is in school now.4. Mikes parents will go to his city by .5. His parents will come back on 31st.6. Mike and his parents will a nice dinner on Christmas Day.六 My name is Peter Jones. I am a twenty-four-year-old student from Australia. I study Spanish (西班牙语)at London Unive
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