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最新冀教七年级英语上学业水平质量抽测试题七年级英语学业水平质量抽测试题.单项选择共20小题,每题1分,计20分选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。( ) 1. Look! There is _ eraser on the desk. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. -_ is your mother? -She is fine. A. How B. What C. Who D. How old ( ) 3. Whats this _ English? -It is a map of China. A. at B. on C. in D. for( ) 4. Are these your apples?A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, these are. C. No, it isnt. D. No, they arent.( ) 5. Your English is very good. -_. A. Youre right. B. Thank you C. Do you like red? D. How do you make it?( ) 6. -_ -It is red. A. Do you like red? B. Whats your favourite food? C. What colour is your coat? D. Do you have a red coat?( ) 7. This is _ desk. It is clean. A. Mikes B. Mikes C. Mike D. Mike( ) 8. _ is a Canadian boy. _ name is John. A. He, He B. He, His C. His, His D. His, He ( ) 9. Where _ your shoes? -Let me see. Oh, they are under the bed. A. is B. am C. be D. are( )10.Do you have eggs _ breakfast? A. for B. in C. about D.on( )11. They are my _. Yours are over there. A. dictionary B. dictionaries C. dictionarys D. dictionaryes( )12. I have _ Chinese books. I dont have _English books. A. some, some B. some, any C. any, some D. any, any( )13. I _ at six every morning and have breakfast at six thirty. A. get up B. go to school C. go to bed D. go home( )14. The film is very _. I dont like it. A. busy B. boring C. fun D. exciting( )15. -_is your birthday, Jeff? -My birthday is May 1st. A. When B. How C. How old D. Where ( )16. I like pears, _ she doesnt like them. She likes apples. A. or B. so C. but D. and ( )17. I cant find my way. Can you _ me? A. know B. thank C. make D. help( )18. Tom lives on the _ floor. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. nineteen ( )19. _ he _ basketball after school? A. Does, play B. Do, play C. Does, plays D. Do, plays( )20. Anna _ short, black hair. A. have B. having C. has D. to have.完型填空。共20小题,每题1分,计20分阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最正确选项。AMost students in America do housework after school. Parents often need their children to do something _21_or interesting at home. Also, they _22_ their children to do something hare or boring. Parents would like to give their children some pocket money for their _23_. And the children can _24_some pocket money by doing the housework.Mr. Black_25_that he gives his two daughters just a dollar every week because they often clean up their _26_ on weekends. They have only one dollar, _27_the two _28_are very happy to get the pocket money. They can buy their favourite books or food with _29_. Mr. Black hopes his daughters can _30_some money-management skills(管理钱的技能).( )21. A. hard B. easy C. busy D. bad( )22. A. make B. help C. need D. take( )23. A. study B. party C. homework D. housework( )24. A. get B. like C. find D. buy( )25. A. says B. thinks C. hopes D. hears( )26. A. school B. classroom C. bedroom D. library ( )27. A. and B. then C. because D. but ( )28. A. parents B. friends C. children D. students( )29. A. it B. him C. her D. me( )30. A. teach B. ask C. find D. learnBDo you have a pen friend? If you dont, do you _31_ one? Vance has two pen friends, but his parents dont understand him.Vance: I need pen friends. I am the only child at _32_. My parents are _33_ every day. They usually get home after nine in the evening, and I cant find _34_ to talk about with them. At school, I have some friends, but I dont want to _35_ them too many things about my family. I have two _36_ and I ta
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