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Lesso1: Excu me! Excus me!Ys? I ths you habag?ar? Ithis yornba?s, t . Tak overy much. Lesson 3:Soy sir.My ca ad y mbellleas.Her ismy ticke. Thnk yu sirNumber e. Hre is yourumbrella an ur cat. Tis s ot my mbrll Sors. Is thi y mbrlla?No,it isnt.Ishis t?es,iti Tankyou very mu. Lsso 5: ie to meet ou. Goo morng Good mornin,Mr ke. Thi isMissSphie Dupnt. Shies ne suet. Shis a French. Soph, this is Hans.He s German.Nie omeet ou. nd is i Naoko.She apanese ice o met you. And thisshang-w. Hes Kore. Nito me you. nthisLuming. Hes hine. ice to meet yoAn hiis Xioi. hs Chinese, too Nice to meet ouessn7:Are youa eache? Ima newstdent My nameobertNic t mee you. My naesSophie Areyo French? Yes, Im Ar yu Fren, too? No, Im not at naonaity are y?m Itaia. Are you ateacer?No,m o Wha your job? Im a eybard oear. Wasyor b? m aneginer sso 9:Ho r yu toay? Hello,Helen. i, teen. oware you toda? Im ey wel, Thank ou. An ou? m fie, thanks. Hw is Tn? es in, Thnk.ows Ema? Shes vrywll,to,enGoodbye, len.Nic to se you. Nieo see ou, too, even. Gdye. Lesson 11:Is ti your shrt?Wse hrt isthat?s thiourshit,Dave? No,sir Its noty hrt. This is myshirt. M sir blue. Is ths shirt Tim? erhp itis, sir.im shrtswhite. Tim! es,i. s ths yu shit? es, Sir Hre youe.Ctc.Thnkou, sr. Lesson 3:Anedess What coor i yourn dres? It s reen. Come upairs and se i Taks yu. Lo! Hre iis! Thas a n dess.s y mart. My hts e, to. Wa r s ?Its he sme colr s gren, too hts lovely ht.Lsso 5: Your passpo, ease.Are owedish?No, w arenot. Weare Danis.Ae yor freds Danish, too? o, thyent Th ae orwia. Your apt, pleae. Her they are. e theryuras? o, thy aren. ur caes are brow.Here the are. Are yo tri?Ye, we are. re your frends toristto? Yes,ty are hats ine. Thnk yu very uh. Lesn 1: Hwo ouo Cmand meet employees, . RchadsTankou, racko This is Nicla rey, ndthis is Clare Taylor. Hw d yodo? hoe wome avry hadorkig.Wha are ter jobs?Thyrekeyboardoperators. Tisis MichaBker, nd hs s remy SortHo o youd?he arent v bu!Wat are her ob? Theyr alesrsTy ae vey azy.Who this young m? This is Jim. He sou office asistant Lson 19: Tiredd thirsty Whats the mater, chdre? Weare tred an thiy, Mu Sitdon here. eyou all rigtw? N, weret.oo! heres anie cra ma.o ice creas plese. eeyou are, hren. ans, Mum There i cras e nie.Are yo all ightnow?es, we are, tan yo. Lsson21:Whi oo? ive m book please, ane. Wich book? Ths one? N, nott oe.Theed one his oe? es, es. re yu ae. Tank ou. Lessn 23:Wic lases?v me soe gases leas, Jne. Whic gls? hse glass. No,notthose Te oneso h self. hse? Yes,please. reyo ar.Than. son2: Mrs mihktchens. Smiskitchen is sml. Theis refrigeratrn the kitn. Te refreator is ht. I is heright. Ther an electricker i th kihe he okei bl.It i on the ef Tere is a able nte midl of te room. There is a bottle one table. Te botl is epty. he ia cup the tabe, to. The cupi clan. Lsso 2: Mrs. Smihs lving ro Mrs. Sith iin rois ge. Thre i a teeision inthe om.Te eleison snear h windw. Th som magzin on he elevision. ere is a abin te room herre somnspaprs o eable Thee areom armchirs i the ro Te armchas e nea h able. ere sa steein t oom.Thestereo is ne te door. Thre ae se book on ttereo The ae some cures n th room. The pitures ar on te l.esn 2:Comein, AmCome i, Shutt oor,pes hi edoom ryuntidy. What mut Ido, rs. Jones? Op the windw and a the oomhn put hee cte ithe wardr.(衣橱)Te mae the be Dust thdresing tab.Thnwep h or. Lson1: Wres Sally?hes Sll, Jac
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