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英语音标专项练习英语的音标共有48个,分为元音和辅音。 元音20个 1.单元音12个:i:、i、e、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、u:、u 2.双元音8个:ei、ai、 i、au、 u、i 、 、u 辅音28个 1.爆破音6个:p、b、t、d、k、g 2.磨擦音10个:f、v、 、 、s、z、r、 、 、h 3.破擦音6个:ts、dz、tr、dr、t 、d 4.鼻音3个:m、n、 5.半元音2个:w、j 6.边音1个:l 一、元音(Vowel Sounds)下面每一组发音都有相似之处,请你务必区分清楚: 第一组:i:与i i:是个长音,靠口腔发出,发声处靠前,口型很扁,嘴唇向两边张开成微笑状。be see neat please breeze leader Chinese meeting piecei是个短音,靠喉咙发出,发声处靠后,口型略窄,发这个音时,要短促有力。 it sit give live miss city pretty parted forest chick remainA friend in need is a friend indeed.Please keep it a secret.Please say it again. This is a sheep. “Tick” the clock says, “tick, tick, tick!”What you have to do, do quick;Time is gliding away.For motherland let us do our bit.第二组:e、 与ei 这三个元音很容易混淆,所以放在一组,以帮助学习者发好这三个音。 发e时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。嘴不要张太大,上下齿间距离宁可偏小。get yet dead never seven section better end ready energy发 时,嘴要张开、张大,而且尽量放宽,刚开始练习时可以夸张一点。 cap map latter fan manage character avenue bag bad-bed发ei时口形由e向i滑动。发音过程中下颚向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高。练习时,可以先发e音,然后再过渡到i音,反复练习就可以发好这个音了。 cake pay date wait shake made change baby sailHe is very happy to receive a letter. Tom is planning to take the cake back home. He makes his bed before breakfast every day. Good, better, best.Never let it rest.Till good is better,And better best.第三组: 与 这两个发音在口的中间位置完成。舌侧触及牙齿,舌的中间部位向下靠近下颚。舌片及舌尖卷曲使得尾音r化。 是个长音,是由口腔发出来的。 是个短音,由喉咙发出,非常短促。fur hurt third heard birthday person serve history world ago admire danger winter China counter doctor youngerMy father works very hard. The mother asks the little girl to buy some sugar. My sister prefers a purple skirt to a blue one. Butter and sugar and eggs and flour,Beat them again for half an hour,Bake the cake for an hour or more.But you never must open the oven door.第四组: 与 、 与 之所以把这四个音放在一组,是因为它们的发音听起来有点相似,很容易互相混淆。 是个长音,发音时,舌头置于口腔底部,口腔完全张开,但不成圆形。这是音标中所需口型最大的开音节。发音是停顿稍长。 发 音时,嘴巴稍张,嘴形比 小,发音听起来短促、含糊。 arm cart glance parcel market demand basketball masterup cup bud rough thus other cover some honey blood与前面两个音相比, 与 的嘴形一定要圆。其中,发 时,双唇要收得更圆要小,并须用力向前突出。这个音是由嘴巴发出来的。 是个短音,通过喉咙发出。练习时,你可以夸张一点,尽量模仿公鸡打鸣的声音,这样你可以发好这个音了。 音听起来短促、含糊。 saw law ought daughter always before fourteen storytop song cost October clock lottery spot offer doctorWell begun is half done. You can drive a car to for lunch. He is telling a story about a dog. Froggy-boggy(沼泽里的青蛙)sat on a rock;Froggy-boggy had a great shock!Froggy-boggy fell off the top;Into the pond he fell with a plop(扑通).第五组:u:与u 发长音u:要将舌根抬起并绷紧,舌尖离开下齿。嘴唇呈圆形,双唇收圆,稍向前突出。 发短音u的舌位比发长音的u:低,舌头放松,嘴唇略圆以避免将它发成中元音 。too shoe food tooth youth lose moon soon rule true groupput took book should could would push sugar bullet woolenDont be rude; its made of wool. He put the cool picture into the pool. This is a very good book about rooms. At noon I took a book.And sat by the pool in the wood,And put my foot in the poll.Oh, how cool!第六组:ai、 i、au、 u、i 、 、u 只要你把前面的几个单元音练好了,这几个双元音练起来会很容易,因为它们都是由两个单元音组成的。 发ai时,可先发a:音,然后再过渡到i音。 eye die fly type invite Friday likely kindly sky divide island发 i时,可先发 音,然后再过渡到i音。 boy toy noise choice oil coin loyal(忠诚的) toilet voice发au时,可先发 音,然后再过渡到u音。 cow crown mouth south town round brown about power tower发 u时,可先发 音,然后再过渡到u音。 oh so though show low soap hope note row home those发i 时,可先发i音,然后再过渡到 音。 ear dear cheer near real really appear clear hear beer nearly发 时,可先发e音,然后再过渡到 音。 air pair bear dare there spare hair their fair where share declare发u 时,可先发u音,然后再过渡到 音。 poor tour pure fewer sure jewel tourist由于这一组都是双元音,所以音较长。 The boys are playing with snow outside the houses. Im sure she has long hair. How are you doing these years? Cow, cow,Friendly and brown,Let down your milk,For the hungry town.二、辅音(Consonant Sounds) 第一组:p与b、t与d、k与g 之所以把这六个音放在一组,是因为它们都是爆破音。 (1)p与b 发p音时,双唇紧闭,在口腔积气,然后快速张口,通过气息发出这个音。pick pack park step pipe spare peak 发b音时,口形与p音一样,只不过这个音是通过口腔发出来的。 bit boot big but bought bell robe tube bribe(贿赂)These are some books and pens on the desk. Please wait a bit. Skip, skip, skip,Jump the rope;Plenty of people trip;But we hop(单足跳跃)and play,And jump all day,So skip, skip, skip!(2)t与d t音是由舌头与上牙齿相撞,通过气息发出声音。 tea tell tap(水龙头) top toll touch turn hurtd音的口形与t音一样,只不过d是由口腔发出来的。 deep dip debt damn(诅咒)dark dirty card food rideThe dog runs very fast. I have much work to do. Fe
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