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大墩中学八年级英语学科导学案活页 编号 02 主备人: 马惠娉 审核人: 备课组教师 班级: 小组: 学号: 姓名: 教师二备(学生笔记或更正)处:课题 : Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 2 You should smile at her1、教学目标:理解文章意思 能背默关于建议的句型 2、重难点:能背默关于建议的句型课前预习 1. 把新单词多读几遍,不会的做记号,问组员学会。2. 预习课文P4,写出三个写信人向Language Doctor(语言博士)请教的问题: Li Hao( ); Wang Fan ( )Zhang Lei( ) 课堂活动一课前预习反馈 二、阅读文章,根据课文完成以下练习:Ex1:( )1. Who has problems about understanding English? A. Li Hao B. Wang Fan C. Zhang Lei D. Diana( )2.What should we do when we dont know how to start a conversation? A. Keep quiet B. Say “Hi!” C. Smile D. Both B and C( )3.Which is NOT right about learning English according to the passage ? A. Read the new words every day. B. Use the new words. C. You can send questions to Diana. D. Diana is a doctor in a hospital.4. What does Diana advise Li Hao to do with his friends?_5. Why was Wang Fan afraid to speak to her teacher?_Ex2: 完成课本P4 Act 3 Advice from Diana填表三、听录音,把课文朗读两遍,并尝试背诵文章。四、找出下列词组:1. 发.到 _ 2, 询问建议_ 写作技能训练 Module 1 假设你们班级要开展一个以“学习”为主题的班会,班主任要求你在班会上向同学们介绍你学习英语的方法。请你根据下面的写作点用英语为自己准备一篇80词左右的发语言稿。发言稿开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。写作要点:1. 课堂上,尽可能地多说英语;2. 课后,和朋友练习说英语,把一些新单词写在一张纸上并设法记住它们。3. 周末,经常和父母一起看英文电影,听英语歌曲,猜测新单词的意思;4. 为提高写作,我会.(举例介绍自己提高写作的方法或技巧)温馨提醒:1. 文章主题:本文应该围绕“如何学习英语”话题进行陈述。2. 根据要点提示从课堂上、课后、周末和为提高写作等四个方面进行构思;注意最后一个要点的合理发挥。3. 以演讲稿的格式,用第一人称并使用一般现在时态进行表达。4. 使用表示时间顺序的关联词将各个信息进行衔接,使短文通顺、连贯。可以用到的词汇有:1. 词语或词组:try, speak English, in class, practise, after class, a piece of , watch films, listen to, remember, guess, at weekends, improve, each other.2. 句型:3. (1) try toas much as possible.(2) I practise.(3) To improve my writing, I .3 如何提高_ 4.观看英文电影_.5.听英文歌_ 6. 做某事的好方法_7的意思_ 8. 一些新的东西_9. 开始交谈_ 10害怕去做某事_11.对微笑 _ 12.在纸上_五归纳表示建议的句型,并能背默出这些句型。1. You should do Lets try to do 2. Why not do? = Why dont you.?3. Its a good idea to do .4. How about /What about doing ?5. Dont forget to do = Remember to do6. I advise you to do= I suggest you do六、课堂检测:( )1. I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some_? A. advice B. advise C. information ( )2. There is _ in todays newspaper. A. something important B. important something C. anything important ( )3. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. special something B. special anything. C. anything special 4.你应该尽量多说英语。_5.为什么不唱英文歌呢?_6.听收音机是一个好方法。_7不要忘了每天读单词。_8我建议你试一试。_实战演练:Good morning, everyone! Here is how I learn English. _Thats all. Thank you.教师课后反思(学生本节收获)处:
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