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公示 Walke 将于近期推出英文书信系列,敬请广大博友网友关注!英语书信及mail的写法一、英语书信基本知识1)在收信人名称之前冠以尊称:r(Mistr),用于无职衔的男子。s ( Mistrss)。用于已婚女子。Miss,用于未婚女子。 ises(s的复数),用于复数未婚女子。(Doctr),用于博士。Po.(Profssor),用于大学专家。Ms 用于女士通称。)常用的收信人的称呼: ear Mada: 亲爱的女士:ear Sir: 亲爱的先生:Der irs: 亲爱的先生们: y da Mdam: 亲爱的女士: y dear i: 亲爱的先生 二、英语书信常用语1)开首语 adon me, though treo ou prsonally,for takig librty to adds o tsefwlineAs havnothdf yuor l,I feelxious I ut plogize for ot vig witteto you previoslylase pardon mylong in wrting t you Prdon meor neglect eu hodme ih a si the othra. Hvingmislad yourdress,I havnt ben abeto reply sooner.Yor let of the t thsnhwas dyreeive. I ve pleaure to tell you that. hve ust cvedyour knd etter. or kndleter o Surday aie thsmorning. 2)结束语 leas otify me soo. Loingfoward to a propt repy Pleas d nt l to rite tomI shallfeelobi y a repa youreiet convenence. look or your ase in a dys. e me ea f you reeivethercsafel. As th agrows ole, I hope ouwill ake dcre yrsl.Withknd egard to y faily. Plae givemy opnts o yr famly.raygive my bs rmebrances o MrBn.y rensk asot dd thei bet tns tmine Adeu til he. Tning youfor the patfur.I hikoforth trouble you have aen. Hop yuihae plesntrp. Wsing u pleasant rne. The helyo ent i sincereyvaed. 3)社交用语 Thebeareof his leter, Mr. Ce,poesorf .,(aneseemed frind ofmne), i desros of bengintouced o your acuantance. I am veryrtefuryour kndne n ermitnm t. respectfuly ckwleg your nte d willaitupon you s ppoed. uld ntiwbe desire, I shall bhappy toall at anyhour yu ay appont. I havsomeimportant bsines aterto ommunite to you Ayting frtherwillbedscued he we meet. egetthat a pri egaemetwl pevnt me froma tedig.I think you o yourkin entertanmnast vning. I shllae geat leasue in cetingyounitatio. Accept my thak fr ou haoeprese. 4)祝愿语 I ws you ahpp New erPracep y es d sinerest wes for the NYear. Presentig the omplimets ofthe seasonWit ever godish Prayallow o congratuate yur mosthertily on ou sces in yur examinatio. Iam glad to hear that yo were apoind., on hic Ingratlat yu most heatil. I conatlatuuponyor sucess.Iwisusil furth scess. 三、英文书信示例 1)Sale 1be 24, 194 Dear ProfessrQan: I a pled to inform you the Cultur egneratin ResearhSociety sorganizingn acdmc echage coeene entted heCnis fivlzaton ad Culturalinon 6-7 Januay 199 n Cancouve,Cnada. uecordialliite to participae in thi iporta aaemc ev o Norh Amerca asougest. Your round ripai tikt,accommtion ndl epnss wil be susdied.Sholdyoubetereste, plase et usko at yur erlistonveinc. ok forwad seing ou this confrnce, nd tohving you as an impotant arto thiset. Sinceely, (签名) avid Raymon Chairman rgasing Citee of heonferc EclConfencAnncement, Timeble,Mmber List2)amparMrs. Hudon: Wlyou dMr. Hudso be ablto jin usand a coul of fried on Satrda evenn, ctober5 t, for diner?Latewe lan t go to the CiyPerformance Hll o se a Hungmeiopera Dinr strtt-hrt to allo pety f time fte drive noto and arriva befor curtain time. eohe yu can come. Siceelyyo,M Mngchg (签名)3)Saple Dea Xu ongqn, Welcome o the CJWre, Cosion Jctons moth nwslettr. We ae cotinall lonfor nwieas to make th publication a betroo fo alCommisonJunctin membrsnd to prvide onte,nti emal nd ou ite, tha besitsyournes. Pleasetake nttofill ouor brief srvey at then f tis messae swecanreyu btter!Warm regard, gie bonsI here r any respnses to my questions botterontal,tat yo ould atrnd to me direty, set tem to: )SmpeDa s;Wld oulse he to omilmopac-701-4 nppc? Ihave a problem witwofile:tou.f and sympr. Te output ero msages are lisebl. Id apcate f yo give e e advice n how to mfy hese files. am sig f o ompile mopc on G4,350 MHz, 4 B RAM.Thank yo!5)Sple dear Lers,i
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