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Unit 4 Writing / Self Check 教学设计Step 1Studentsactivity1. Review what you learned about Unit4 and sum up the important phrases.2. Do the exercises of self-check before class.3. Bring your old photo to the classroom for tomorrows English class.Step2Teachers activity in class1. Check the studentshomework.2. Review the key points.3. Ask two students to write their answers to the self-check exercises.4. Check the answers.5. Ask the students to show their photos and talk about their change in their appearance. Step 3 Studentsactivity1. Work in groups of six to discuss the changes in personality and hobbies for 5 minutes.2. Ask a student to“say”a short passage.3. Write an article about your changes in your appearance,personalityand hobbies.The title is How Ive changed!Unit 4 Writing / Self Check教学反思本堂课是写作课, 写作的内容就是复习本单元的语法重点“ used to的用法,写学生自己的变化。句型比较容易掌握,但有一部分学生对used to be的用法不太熟练。通过小组合作,口头描述各自的变化,85% 的同学能口头讲述80 个词左右的文章了。但由于开头复习词组的时间太长,导致一部分学生不能当堂完成写作。本堂课的亮点是小组口头作文进行得好;self-check 完成得好。本堂课的不足之处是没有给学生足够的时间完成课堂作业。有待解决的问题:如何把握时间让学生在课内完成作业,真正减轻学生负担。
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