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Unit4 Whats the best movie theater? 单元测试卷、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20 分)I.听句子,选岀句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1 分,计5分)1. A. villageB. messageC. bridge2. A.295866B. 295668C.2598683. A. a good startB. a report cardC. a poor area4. A. Jack does nt play football well.B. Jack is good at football.C. Jack does nt like to play football.5. A. The teacher said I was lucky.B. I was mad at the teacher.C. The teacher was nt mad at me.n .听句子,选岀该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)6. A. Its Beiji ng Zoo.B. Its Hongxing Ci nema.C. Its the cheapest.7. A. Dream Clothes.B. On Green Street.C. Its not far.8. A. He likes red.B. He sings well.C. Hes America n.9. A. About two kilometers.B. About sixty.C. About twenty dollars10. A. At 9:00 p.m.B. In the mall.C. Lilys dog.听力部分(第一节)皿.听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。12. A.13. A. Eightee n.14. A. Its gree n.B.B. Sixtee n.B. Its black.C. Fiftee n.C. Its red.15. A. The prize for the funni est actor.B. The prize for the quietest actor.C. The prize for the best actor.IV .听语段或对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)16. Where is Jean from?A. She is from En gla nd.B. She is from Can ada.C. She is From Chi na.17. What grade is Jean in?A. She is in Grade Seve n.B. She is in Grade Eight.C. She is in Grade Nine.18. When does Jea n come to Beiji ng?C. Last year.C. About 3,000.A. Last mon th.B. Last week.19. How many stude nts are there in Jea ns school?A. About 1,000.B. About 2,000.20. Who does Jea n like to play with on Saturday and Sun day?A. With her Chin ese frien ds.B. With her cous ins.C. With her teachers and classmates.二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)21. - Who ran f all in the sports meeti ng?-Hector did, I thi nk.A. fastB. fasterC. the fastestD. most fast22. He always comes to school f all because he has to ope n the door for others.A. earlierB. the most earlyC. most earlyD. earliest23. Of all the teams in NBA. I think the Los An geles Lakers played this year.A. most successfullyB. the more successfullyC. very successfullyD. much more successfully24. Which is ay to travel, by pla ne, by tra in or by bus?A. less expe nsiveB. more cheaperC. the least expe nsiveD. cheaper25. - Which of those radios sou nds ?-The smallest one.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. bestfrom school?D. the farther nd makesD. most; fewest26. - Lin da, of all the classmates in your group, whose home do you think is -I thi nk Lin Taos is.A. farB. fartherC. the farthest27. How smart Mary is! Of all the stude nts in her class, she usually spe nds thethemistakes in her homework.A. least; fewestB. least; leastC. fewest; least28. Cheng Long and Li Lia njie have much nd they often play similar roles in movies.A. in gen eralB. in styleC. in com monD. in shape29. They said that they were able to use the orga n to play usic.A. all typesB. all types ofC. type ofD. a type30. - Lets play a part he room.-That sou nds great!A. clea nB. clea ningC. to clea nD. i n clea ning三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)31. The big bed which my father bought yesterday is very c .32. Linda has writte n a lot of music. She has a musical t .33. I ofte n go to the cou ntryside so that I can get more f r.34. He cant buy that expe nsive pia no because his family is very p .35. Li Tao won the first p in the han dwriti ng competiti on.36. The T-shirts are both ni ce. He does nt know which to c . 37. The more cyou do your exercises, the fewer mistakes you will make.38. Thomas Edis on was c. He had many inven ti ons in his life.39. You should take the exams sDont be careless.40. Most of the movie t ave cheap tickets on weeke nds.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)41. The supermarket has good (月服务).42. - What does your sister do, Lin da?-She is one of the most popular C 记者)in our town.43. Our teacher always encourages us to be (仓U造性的).44. Daming can speak English C 相当地)well now.45. Both of the jackets look nice on me. I cant decide which one to ( 选择).46. Maria ofte n wins first p 奖赏)in the school speech con tests.47. Youd better wear a pair of sports shoes, and you can walk more L 舒月服)for a long time.48. Tina was(严重地)injured in the traffic accident.49. The supermarket is so (拥挤)that l want to leave at once.50. On holidays, people like to go to the country to breathe the 新鲜的)air.五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)51. 让我们用这些单词编一个故事。(词数不限)Letsa story with the words.52. 合理饮食和健康对于维持人们长寿起着重要的作用。A good diet and fit ness n importa nteping people live lon ger.53. 我和我哥哥有相似之处。My brother and I have somethi ng54. 中国最大的城市上海是最有活力的地方之一。(词数不限)Shan ghai, the biggest city in Chin a, is one of 55. 经过两年的刻苦学习,琳达已经成了她们学校最好的学生之一。After two years of hard work, now Linda has
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