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.FactoryEvaluation:SelfAssessment工厂评估:自我评估All factories engaged in the production of Arcadia Group Plc merchandise must meet minimum standards in each of the following areas:所有从事生产Arcadia集团商品的工厂必须满足以下方面的最低要求1.Employment Ethics雇佣道德2.Health & Safety practices健康和安全保障3.Technical Competence, relative to the product they will produce生产相关产品的技术能力4.Quality Assurance systems品质保证系统All suppliers to the Arcadia Group Plc must be familiar with these minimum standards, and must accommodate visits by Arcadia Group Plc personnel or their appointed agents to evaluate and audit a factorys compliance.所有Arcadia的供货商都必须熟悉这些最低要求,并且为对工厂进行评估的Arcadia人员或其指定的人员提供协助。*Suppliers are reminded that all premises involved in manufacture are subject to these standards. This includes any subcontracted processes. (Subcontracting is processes beng carried out by another factory unit.)这些标准涵盖工厂的所有方面,包括外发转包生产工序(即由其它工厂承当的生产工序)*Subcontracting must be declared at the time of order placement 外发转包工序必须在合同签定时注明清楚*Manufacturing processes conducted from domestic premises are not acceptable to Arcadia Group Plc. (Exceptional cases must have written approval of an Arcadia Group Plc Brand Director, prior to order placement).Arcadia不承受家庭作坊承当的生产工序(除非在下定单之前已得到Arcadia的书面确认)The attached Self Evaluation Form should be submitted to Arcadia Group Plc by a supplier proposing a new factory, or as an initial stage in the audit and approval process of any existing factory.所附之自评问卷必须在举荐一个新厂时或评估任何现存工厂的初期由供货商呈送Arcadia*A new factory will not be approved, unless minimum requirements are achieved.任何新厂只有满足这些最低要求,才可被承受*Existing factories must consistently achieve the minimums 现存工厂必须一贯满足这些最低要求*If a shortfall is highlighted, an action plan to rectify this must be agreedTimescales must be agreed appropriate to the nature and degree of the issues.对任何不符合点,工厂必须同意在适当的期限采取改正措施You should be aware that all details given will be verified through an audit process and will include interviews with some of your workers.注意:你们所填的此份问卷中的所有细节将会在评估中加以确认,包括访问你们的一些工人去确认。*All information given will be treated in confidence.所有提供的资料将被Self Evaluation自我评估Part ISupplier Code of Conduct第一部分供货商行为准则 *The factory must declare its understanding of And compliance with the Arcadia Group Plc Supplier Code of Conduct. 工厂必须声明他们明白且将遵守Arcadia的供货商行为准则*They should sign and date the first document on page 6. 他们必须在文件的第6 页签名并注明签名日期*Declare any area in which they are unable to comply immediately.申报他们不能立刻遵守的地方*Offer a timescale in which the above could be rectified (not more than six months).并提供改正的时间表(最长不超过六个月)*Complete history / customer base / product工厂历史/客户/产品资料Part IIEmployment Ethics 第二部分雇佣道德Part IIIHealth & Safety Practices第三部分卫生和安全保障*Complete this section to highlight areas which falls outside the Arcadia Group Plc minimum standards.请完成此部分,并注明不能满足Arcadia最低要求之处*When a tick appears in the shaded box, your existing practices fall outside Arcadia Group Plc minimums and must be reviewed.当你们在带阴影方格中打a时,这意味你们当前的行为不符合Arcadia的要求,必须加以检讨 Part IVTechnical Competence & Quality Assurance Systems第三部分技术能力和品质保障系统Complete the following sheets in your own words detailing -请用自己的语言详细完成以下部分-1.Organisation chart组织图2.Key processes主要生产工序3.Subcontractors外发转包厂4.Outline your Quality Assurance Systems品质保证系统架构5. In Process Controls生产过程控制Use diagrams and flow charts wherever possible, use additional sheets if required.可能时请运用图表和流程图;需要时,可加附页Part V第四部分*Photographs of the premises and all principal areas of operation.设备和主要生产工区的照片PART I第一部分Arcadia Group Supplier Code of Conduct供货商行为准则When customers buy our goods they must be sure that they have been produced under acceptable conditions. That means the goods must have been produced :当顾客在购买我们的产品时,他们必须确信所买产品是在可接收的条件下生产的。即这种产品的生产是:*Lawfully, through fair and honest dealing;合法、公正和诚实的*Without exploiting the people who made them;没有剥削生产工人的*In decent working conditions; and工作条件是合理的*Without damaging the environment没有损害环境的We have asked you to follow this code. (In this code “you” means the supplier, the manufacturer or any other person involved in supplying goods to Arcadia Group companies.) The code is backed up by a process of self evaluation and independent inspections to make sure you comply with it.我们已要求你们(指供货商,工厂或其它任何为Arcadia提供产品的人员)遵守这一准则,并将通过你们的自评和独立的外部评审而得到验证。The code is designed to be fair, achievable, and easy to check, and to promote the ongoing development of our suppliers.这一公平,可执行且易于检查的行为准则,将有助于供货商之持续发展 Legal Requirement法律要求At all times you must meet the legal requirements of the countries in which you are working.任何时候你们都必须遵守生产所在国的法律Employment 雇佣要求Wages, working hours, entitlements and deductions包括工资、工作时间、权利与收入扣减等方面You must meet the local laws on conditions such as minimum wages,
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