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holiday, pension and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural bed and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agricultural comparative advantage into full play, especially the exclusive advantages of climate, mountains and sea resources, to create a group of the city, the provinces called XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in entrepreneurship, promoting large-scale projects such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breeding base construction. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and operation of large-scale, professional level. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attention to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprises in circulation. Spare no effort to promote the provinces Trinity farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds of business entities, closely linked to the all aspects of production and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions together, strengthening the construction of rural eco-environment, create the beautiful countryside construction upgrades, making rural areas more livable, suitable for industry, and travel. A focus on rural environment improvement. As far as the rural, the most basic is to make the environment clean and orderly. Pollution to extensively mobilize the masses continue to carry water, clear rivers, down violations, treatment of bleaching, such as waste reduction, flowering tree big six, vigorously carry out waste reduction, resource recovery, improve the cleaning mechanism, enhance the level of meticulous management of the village. Second, we must pay special attention to the beautiful residential building. Adhere to the planning ahead, because village system, combination classification implementation, demolition, alteration simultaneously policy, vigorously implement the five hundred beautiful countryside construction, actively promote beautiful house pilot expansion. Around 104 national road, Ling Road, longjindadao, sea road, Ju XI Liao road to catch the five sides of the main roads in about 200 villages, beautiful countryside features boutique village created, good job on planning, environmental protection, cultural heritage, industrial development, crafting lines to create the beautiful rural scenery, boutique village breed characteristics. No matter which第二章 人寿保险核保第一节 人寿保险核保基础一、人寿保险产品(一)人寿保险的概念人寿保险是以人的生命为保险标的,以人的生存或死亡为保险事件,当被保险人在保险期限内死亡、生存至保险合同期满或约定的年龄时,保险人按照合同约定支付死亡保险金或生存保险金的一种人身保险形式。(二)人寿保险的种类(三)我国寿险公司的主要寿险产品参见中国人寿、新华人寿网站二、相关术语解释寿险风险保额:指对某包含寿险责任的产品,被保险人在保险期间内身故,保险人所给付的最高保险金额。累计寿险风险保额:指某一特定被保险人在本公司所购买的所有有效保单及正在申请的投保申请中,寿险风险保额的累计。寿险保额:对寿险产品而言,被保险人在保险期间内身故或全残,本公司承担保险责任的给付金额(如产品条款表述为意外身故或全残以及疾病身故或全残保险责任的,以疾病身故或全残给付金额为准)。累计寿险保额:指被保险人在本公司所有已生效及正在申请的保险合同中寿险保额之和。人身风险保额:指某一被保险人在本公司所购买的所有有效保单及正在申请的投保申请中,累计身故风险保额的合计。对同时包含寿险责任、意外伤害责任、重大疾病责任的产品,共同保额部分不重复累计。基本保额:指每一险种保险合同条款费率表中列明的保额单位。高保额件:某一被保险人在本公司所购买的所有有效保单及正在申请投保的保险计划之合计的人身风险保额若超过50万元,则全部投保申请属于高额件额外死亡率(EM):是保险公司对客户健康状况进行风险评估的结果。某特殊风险群体的死亡率若高于标准人群,其高出标准人群死亡率的值即为该特殊风险群体的额外死亡率。对于重大疾病责任条款,EM代表重大疾病额外发生率。医务核保:指运用医学知识,对被保险人的健康状况进行评估的过程。需要了解的健康状况主要包括被保险人的家族史、既往病史,及被保险人当前的身体状况。财务核保:是保险公司根据被保险人、投保人的实际收入状况评估被保险人的保险金额及保险需求是否合理、是否具备续期交费能力的核保过程,其目的是以适度的保险金额承保,最大程度避免超额投保、降低逆选择、防范道德风险以及降低保单失效或早期退保的风险,以维护被保险人利益。生存调查:又称契约调查,是指在契约合同成立过程中,由专业契约服务人员通过面晤客户来核实投保合同的各项资料,并协助业务人员搜集相关资料,为公司作出核保决定提供依据的活动。可保体:是指保险公司可以进行承保的客户。可保体可分为标准体及次标准体。非可保体:是指因危险过大或危险程度难以确定而不能被保险公司所接纳承保的客户。非可保体可分拒保体及延期投保体。标准体:就是从客户的健康、职业等方面的风险因素来看,符合公司的承保原则,可以按照标准费率且无须以特别约定方式承保的客户。次标准体:因健康状况方面的原因或所从事的职业具有特殊的危险,致使该人群的死亡率高于标准体人群的死亡率,公司须附加一定条件承保的客户。拒保体:是指被保险人的预期死亡率严重超过了通常可以接受的范围,其危险程度严重超过了可采用附加条件承保的次标准体的危险程度。延期投保体:对危险程度不明确或不确定,无法进行准确合理的风险评估的客户,或危险程度过大超过了可采用附加条件承保的次标准体的危险程度,但通过治疗等干预措施短期内有可能好转的,采用暂时不予承保即延期投保的方式。这一类型客户即称为延期投保体。三、人寿保险核保程序(一)核保件的范围1、新契约核保件2、保全核保件:3、理赔、保全部门的信息反馈件(二)核保流程(三)核保考虑的风险因素1、核保考虑的一般风险因素(1)性别(2)年龄(3)职业(4)居住环境(5)嗜好(6)药物滥用2、核保考虑的健康风险因素(1)体格(2)既往症(3)现症(4)家族史3、核保考虑的非健康风险因素(1)道德风险(2)财务情况(四)核保资料1、投保单:每个投保件都需要2、健康资料:体检资料、病历资料等3、财务资料4、各类问卷:健康问卷、财务问卷等5、调查报告(五)核保结论1、标准体承保2、次标准体承保3、延期承保4、拒保四、人寿保险核保过程中的危险选择(一)销售人员的危险选择(第一次危险选择)1、第一次危险选择的意义(1)避免逆选择,促进保险公司的健全经营。(2)提高工作效率。(3)减少合
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