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连词整理1,并列连词and 和,那么,渐渐;or 或,否则,不管是,还是;but 但是,而是,的确但;nor 也不so 也是,因此,所以,那么,这样看来;for 因为(表示推测),由于;2,相关连词both A and B 既是A又是B;either A or B 不是A 就是B;neither A nor B 既不是A也不是B ,两者皆非;not only A but also B 不但A而且B;A as well as B 不但A而且B , 与,和;3,准连词而且 besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition/addition n.添加;然而 yet, still, however, nevertheless;否则 else, otherwise;因此 所以 thus, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently;4,引导名词从句的连词从属连词 that, whether不论, if;疑问连词 what, which哪一个, who/whom谁宾/whose谁的;疑问副词 when, where, why, how;复合关系代词 whatever无论如何, whoever无论谁, whomever无论谁(宾格);5,引导定语从句的连词关系代词 who (whom whose), which, that, as;关系副词 when, where, why;关系形容词 which, whose6,引导状语从句的连词表示时间 when, while, as, till直到, whenever无论何时, since, as soon as 一就表示条件 if, unless除非, as long as只要, in case万一, if only, on condition只要表示结果 sothat , suchthat (如此以至于);表示目的 that, so that, in order that以便; lest以免, for fear以免, in case;表示原因 as, because, now (that ), seeing (that), since表示让步 notwithstanding尽管, though, for all that尽管表示地点 where, wherever, everywhere到处, anywhere任何地方表示方式 as, asso, as if, according as根据;表示比较 than, the more the more越越, asas与一样, not soas不如;附:九大类状语从句连词状语从句分类及常用连词:时间状语从句when,whenever,while,as,before,after,since,till,once,as soon as,etc.地点状语从句where,wherever原因状语从句because,since,as,for,now that,etc.目的状语从句in order that,so that,that,etc.结果状语从句sothat,so that,suchthat,that,etc.条件状语从句if,unless,as(so)long as,etc.让步状语从句though,although,even if,even though,however,whatever,as,etc.比较状语从句asas,soas,than,etc.方式状语从句as,as if,as though,etc.
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