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六年级英语试卷一、选出每组中不属于同一类别的词。 ( ) 1. A writes B studies C cooks D bus( ) 2. A sing B draw C dance D song( ) 3. A cooks B studies C goes D hobbies( ) 4. A hiking B dancing C writing D playing( ) 5. A Canada B Australia C Sydney D England( ) 6. A. bus B. car C. book( ) 7. A. school B. bus C. park() 8. A. red light B. traffic light C. yellow light () 9. A. go B. Canada C. English () 10. A. stop B. go C. light二请你选出下列划线单词的汉语释义。1. Im going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”! A.美丽的花 B.茉莉花 C.花儿开2. He likes reading stories. A.读书 B.读故事 C.读报纸 3. Does he like doing word puzzles? A.杂志 B.漫画 C.谜4. Does he live in Sydney? A.悉尼 B.华盛顿 C.纽约5. He likes playing football.A.打篮球 B.打网球 C.踢足球 三.单项选择。请将正确答案的标号填入题前的括号内。 1. His hobbies _ singing and dancing.A. is B. are C. am 2. Does your uncle live in Shanghai?_ A. Yes, he do. B. No, he does. C. Yes, he does.3. My brother_ English in England. A. study B. studys C. studies4.What are you doing, oliver?A. I am going to read books. B. I am reading books. C.I read books.5. Two students _ cooks Chinese food.A. like B. likes C. 6. _ your friend usually _ with you ?A. Do ; play B. Does; play C. Do; plays7. My parents _ TV together after dinner.A. watch B. watches C. watching8. I like playing the pipa and she_.A. like singing B.like to sing C. likes singing9. _ your pen pal live in China ? No,he doesnt.A. Do B. Does C. Is 10. He _ likes singing and swimming.A. also B. too C. either11. Usually I go to school on_. A. bike B. foot C. plane 12. _ do you go to school? A. How B. Who C. Where 13. Im going_ 3 oclock. A. on B. in C. at14. Im going to buy a magazine_plants. A. about B. at C. in17. _ is the cinema, please? A. Where B. What C. When 18. Is it far_here? A. from B. about C. for 19. The hospital is _ the left. A. for B. in C. on 20. Walk straight_three minutes. A. at B. for C. in 四连词成句。1. to, sometimes, he, cows, reads, the (.)_2. Beijing, lives, he, in (.)_3. going, puzzles, and, hiking, doing, word, does, like, he(?)_ 4.often, Chinese, he, cooks, food, Australia, in(.)_5.are, your, what, hobbies(?)_ 6. do, how, to, you, go, school_7. foot , I, to, usually, school, go, on_8. a, at, light, stop, red _9. What, you, going, do, to, are, this weekend?_10. the, you, go, by, bus, can , No.15_五、补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号填在横线上(一)Oliver : Hello! Zhang Peng, what are your hobbies? Zhang Peng:_. Oliver:_. Zhang Peng: Yes, I do. Oliver:_. Zhang Peng: He likes reading stories. Oliver:_. Zhang Peng: He is from New Zealand. Oliver:_. Zhang Peng: He is John.AWhats his name? BI like doing kung fu. CWhere is he from? DDo you have a pen pal? EWhat are his hobbies?(二)A:_?B: I am going to the fruit stand this evening.A:_?B: I am going to buy some grapes.A: _?B: Yes, its far. The fruit stand is next to the pet shop.A: _?B: I can get there by the No.112 bus. Then get off at the pet shop.A: I want to buy a big watermelon. Can I go with you? B: Sure. Lets go together.A: Thank you.1. What are you going to buy? 2. Where are you going this evening? 3. Is it far? 4. When are you going there? 5. How can you get there?六、阅读理解。(一) Hello! Im Liu Ying. Im going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, Im going to the Renmin Park with my sister Liu Hong by bike. In the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. In the evening Im going to visit my aunt with my mother. On Sunday morning, Im going to the bookstore with my good friend Tom. Im going to buy some story-books. After lu
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