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中学英语常用短语精解之二(1)to wait for (2)at last (3)as usual (4)to find out (5)to look at (6)to look for (7)all right (8)right here (9)little by little (10)tired out (11)to call on (12)Never mind1.to wait for : (to expect, await)【说明:】to wait for (等候,期待)可以说等于await, wait通常都作不及物动词用,如果后面有受词,切不可少用介系词for await为及物动词,后面不可用介系词,但是没有wait普遍。Wait也可用作及物动词,如: wait ones chance或opportunity(等机会); Dont wait dinner for me.(晚饭不要等我) 【例:】 (1) We will wait for you on the corner of Broadway and 86th Street.我们将在百老汇及86街转角处等你 (2) We waited for him for more than an hour and finally left.我们等了他一个多小时,然后才离开。 2.at last : (finally)【说明:】at last(最后,终于)为一副词片语,与at first意义相反。也可以用at long last, 可是语气较强,而且有点英国味道。【例:】(1) We waited and waited and at last John arrived.我们等了又等,后来约翰终于来了。(2) Has he finished that work at last?他最后把那工作做完了吗? 3.as usual : (as always, customarily)【说明:】as usual(照常,照例,仍然)作副词用,其意为as is (was ) usual 和往常一般。usual 是形容词,不可用usually.【例:】(1) Henry is late for class again as usual.亨利像平常一样上课又迟到了。(2) As usual Helen won first prize in the swimming contest.海伦在游泳比赛中仍然获胜。 4.to find out: (to get information, discover, learn)【说明:】to find out(得悉,发现,查明)与find略有不同,find out指故意去寻而寻出。 【例:】(1) I was unable to find out the name of the man who called.我想不出那个打电话来的人的名字。(2) Will you please try to find out for me what time that train arrives?能否请你替我查明火车什么时候到达? 5.to look at : (do direct the eyes toward, watch)【说明:】to look at (眼睛望着,注视)亦可解释为考虑,调查(consider, investigate),如:The judge said that he would look at the matter of the widows right to the property. (法官说他将考虑寡妇对这财产的权利。)look一般都用作不及物动作,与许多不同的介系词结合而形成各种意义不同的片误。Look at 与see 并不相同,see的意思是看到,往往是无意的,上面两句里的look at 都不可改用see。【例:】(1) The teacher told us to look at the blackboard and not at our books.教师教我们注视黑板,不要看着我们的课本。(2) I like to walk in the park and look at the stars at night.晚上我喜欢在公园里散步,仰望着天上的群星。6.to look for : (to search for, seek)【说明:】to look for (寻觅,搜寻)也有期望,盼望的意思,如I dont look for much profit from the business. (我并不期望从生意中得到优厚的利益。)【例:】(1) He has spent an hour looking for the pen which he lost.他已经花了一个钟头去寻找他失去的钢笔了。(2) I have lost my gloves. Will you help me look for them?我的手套丢了,请你帮我找找好吗?7.all right : (satisfactory, correct)【说明:】all right (满意,可以,没关系)用作形容词,和美国人的意思相仿,为日常口头语。有很多的英美人用all right, 可是也有许多人认为不该用它。【例:】(1) He said that it would be all right to wait in this office for him.他说在这办公室里等他就好了。(2) Will it be all right with you if I give you that money tomorrow instead of today?如果我把今天应该给你的那笔钱明天给你,可以吗?8.right here, right there, right now, etc : (exactly here, exactly there, etc.)【说明:】right here(就在这儿),right there(就在那儿),right now(现在立刻)为日常口头语,right是副词,它的意思是exactly precisely, just,immediately,把here, there, now等的范围缩小了。还有right away与right off都是立刻,马上的意思。【例:】(1) He said that he would meet us right here on this corner.他说他将在这转角处跟我们碰面。(2) Right then I saw very clearly that he was not telling the truth.那时我就看得很清楚,他没有说实话。(3) Lets do it right now.让我们现在就做这件事吧!9.little by little : (gradually, by degrees, slowly)【说明:】little by little(逐渐,慢慢地)为副词片语,指每次都是一点,因而有逐渐,慢慢地的意思。【例:】(1) If you study regularly each day, little by little your vocabulary of English words will increase.如果你每天有规律地学习,你的英文字汇将逐渐增加。(2) His health seems to be improving little by little.他的健康似乎慢慢地好转了。10.tired out : (extremely tired) www.rr365.com 【说明:】tired out(非常疲倦)为形容词片语,tired是由过去分词转成的形容词,表示由于精力被消耗得很多,因而觉得疲倦。Out是副词作thoroughly, completely, entirely解,用以形容tired.【例:】(1) I have worked very hard today and am tired out.我今天很辛苦地工作,所以累极了。(2) He was tired out after his long trip to California.至加利福尼亚州长途旅行归来后,他觉得非常疲倦。11.to call on : (to visit) 【说明:】to call on (拜望,访问)意思是过访,小竭。On也可upon后面的受词一定是人,如果访问某一个地方,则用call at. Call on还有好些别的意思,如 He called on all his friends to help him. 这儿的call on应解释为要求,求助于。 【例:】(1) Last night several friends called on us. 昨晚有几个朋友来看我们。 (2) How many salesmen call on Mr. Evans every day? 每天有多少推销员拜访伊文思先生呢? 12.Never mind : (do not mind, do not pay any attention to it.) 【说明:】never mind(不要紧,不必介意)为礼貌用语。Mind作动词用作介意解。 【例:】(1) “Never mind!” she said when I offered to open the window for her. 当我提出要为她打开窗子时,她说,不要紧! (2) when William wished to return the money which he owed you why did you say: “Never mind! What until next week when you receive your salary.” 当威廉要还他所欠你的借款时,你为什么说:“不要紧!等到下星期你领到薪水再还好了”。
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