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第七单元重点短语和句子1.have some pocket money left 剩下一些零花钱2.too weak to walk any further 太虚弱了而不能走更远3.internatinal charities 国际慈善机构4.build a better world for everyone 为大家建一个更美好的世界5.especially in the world 尤其在世界上6.mostly in poor areas 主要在贫困地区7.provide basic education 提供基础教育8.work for the rights of girls and women 为女孩和妇女们的权利而工作9.prevent the spread of some serious diseases 防止一些严重疾病的传播10.have an interview with an ORBIS doctor 采访一名奥比斯医生11.set up in Europe 建立在欧洲12.because of the war 因为战争13.the Students Union 学生会14.sell sth to raise money=raise money by selling sth 卖东西筹钱15.hand out leaflets 分发传单16.do operations on sb 给某人动手术17.many more people in poor areas 在贫困地区更多的人18.during Mr Mas last visit 在马医生上次采访期间19.have no money to go to hospital=cant afford to go to hospital没有钱去医院看病20.go/come to watch the show 去/来看演出21.have to speak loudly 不得不大声说22.try to prevent them from getting illnesses 尽量阻止他们得病23.support by working as volunteers 通过作为支援者工作支持24. get toothache 得牙痛25.nothing serious 没什么严重的26.take this medicine after meals 饭后服药27.Youll be all right in a few days 几天之后你将会好的28.on board 在船上/飞机上29. teach them new skills 教他们新技能30.help people see again 帮助人们重见光明31.do an eye operation 动一次眼科手术32.a Flying Eye Hospital 一家飞行眼科医院33. something else 其它一些东西34.say to our readers 对我们的读者说35.modern medicine 现代医学36.most eye problems and diseases 大多数眼睛问题和疾病37.carry on with our work/ carry on working 继续我们的工作38.the money for medical treatment 用作为医学治疗的钱39.attend courses after work 下班后学习课程40.300 days a year 一年300天41.be used to travelling by plane 习惯于坐飞机旅行42.have as much money as before 和以前拥有钱一样多43. be afraid of flying/to fly 害怕飞行44.be proud to help people to see again 骄傲地帮助人们重见光明45.use a computer for sending/to send 用电脑发送46.keep asking myself 一直问我自己47.no time to be nervous any more 再也没有紧张地时间了48.a secretary of a company 一家公司的文书49.live in a comfortable flat 住在一个舒适的套房50.drive to work 开车上班51.help poor people with eye problems 帮助有眼病的穷人52.make up ones mind to train as a nurse 决定训练作为一名护士53.can be prevented or cured 能够被预防治愈54.80 per cent of the cases 80%的病例55.volunteer doctors 志愿者医生56.used to work on the farm all day 过去常常整天在农场工作57.cant read or write 既不能读书也不能写字58.learn about the conditions of the locoal people 了解当地人的情况59.hope to be a teacher 希望当一名老师。1.More money is needed for charity. 慈善事业需要更多的钱。2.Im too weak to walk any furthe.r. 我太虚弱了而不能走更远。3.The plane is used as a training centre 这架飞机当作为训练中心使用。4.It provids basic education for children in poor areas.它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。5.Many of our patients can t afford to go to hospital,so we have to go to them.我们大多数病人不能到医院看病,所以我们不得不去他们那儿。6.By training them,we hope to help more people.通过训练他们,我们希望帮助更多的人。7.During my last visit,150 patients were operated on.在我们上次采访期间,150个病人被动了手术。8.But more money is needed to carry on with our work.但是需要更多的钱了,来继续我们的工作。9.How long have you felt like this ?你感觉这样已有多长时间?10.so she made up her mind to train as a nurse and attended courses after work.所以她决定当一名护士并且下班后学习课程。11.She is used to travelling by plane.他习惯于坐飞机旅行。语法:一般现在时被动语态结构:S+am/is/ are+ Vtpp +by sbCakes are given to me by him every day.I am given a cake by him every day.He is made to work for 12 hours a day by the boss.一般过去时被动语态结构:S+was/were+Vtpp+by sbA bike was bought for me by her yesterday.I was bought a bike by her yesterday.They were made to stand for 3 hours last night.
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