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高考英语应用文写作讲解与练习一、申请信申请信有很多种,比如求职申请,加入某组织或活动的申请等,其目的在于让对方了解自己的经验,能力,成就以及愿望等。申请信的语气要诚挚友好,对于申请的内容和原因要表达清楚,再表达自己的愿望时应礼貌而自信。P1自我介绍,信息来源,写信目的P2详写自身优势及类似经历等P3表示感谢,期盼获批及获批后的打算等【固定思维】P1 写信目的,信息来源Learning/Knowing that there will be (事) in/at/on.(地点) on/next (时间),Im writing the letter to apply to do sth.P2: 详细自身优势,经历等以及申请成功后你可以做的一些事情,这个事情可以与你的优势或经历综合在一起去写。思路:个人优势:语言,社交,文化,经历,性格,这些优势可以让你在所申请的活动或组织中做什么样的事情。The advantages that I have over others are followed.First of all, I have a good command of(精通,掌握) +语言/技能,which allows me to do sth.Besides, I m skilled in(擅长) + 社交/文化方面,making me do sth.better.Last but not the least, Im a very diligent student with a nice character and Im used to working as a +身份 before, so that I believe I can be fit for the position.P3: 表示感谢,期望获批I will appreciate it if you give me an opportunity to be part of you.I should be grateful if I can get this opportunity.【模拟题】假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展览。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括:1.写信目的; 2.个人优势; 3.能做的事情注意:1.写作词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节Dear Sir/Madam,.Yours,Li Hua【思路分析】P1写信目的,信息来源,背景交代(分析部分为要点提示前的汉语背景交代部分)可得知信息:1.当地美术馆要举办中国画展览; 2.申请做志愿者可转换为结构: 得知., Im writing the letter to apply for an opportunity/ a chance to be a volunteer.P2 个人优势+能做的事情分析背景:中国画展览 - 确定优势方向:性格,社交,语言,中国画背景文化结合个人优势,判断能做的事情:性格:开朗活泼,乐于助人,喜欢介绍中国的文化给外国人社交,语言:精通英语,语言交流没有障碍,可以很好地介绍背景文化:可以介绍中国画背后的故事P3 表示感谢固定句式表达即可范文 Knowing/Learning that there will be an exhibition of Chinese painting at the local gallery next month, Im writing the letter to apply to be a volunteer.The advantages that I have over others are followed.First of all, I have a good command of English, which allows me to communicate with visitors without difficulty.Besides, Im skilled in Chinese painting, making me know a lot about this art form.Last but not least, Im a very diligent student with a nice character and Im used to working as a volunteer before, so that I believe that I can be fit for the position.I should be grateful if I can get this opportunity. 二、推荐信推荐信是写给学校,团体或个人,并向其推荐相关个人或事物具体情况的信件。这种文章再实际考查中往往与建议信结合一起考。P1:写信目的P2:推荐的人或物及理由P3:表达期待【固定思维】P1 表明写信目的,开门见山Learning that (你想怎么样),Im writing the letter to recommend(人/地点/东西) to you.P2 说明理由 (这个部分是最难的,也是最开放的)The reasons why I recommend (.) to you are listed as follows.On the one hand, 理由一(人:品格/性格等;地点/东西:吸引人的地方)+由理由一可能会导致的结果.On the other hand, 理由二(人:特长,擅长的部分; 地点/东西:与众不同的地方)+理由二导致的可能结果.In short, Im convinced that 人/物/地 is an ideal choice.P3 表达期待:(期待能是什么?1.被采纳;2.有进步3.享受地点,东西等 )I do hope you can take my recommendations into consideration and make a final decision.Meanwhile, I do hope (with复合结构,) you can enjoy the .Ill be more than happy if you can take my recommendations into consideration.Meanwhile, I do hope (with复合结构,) you can enjoy the . 模拟题假如你是李华,你们学校刚从英国来的外教Peter想找一个人教他中文。请你写信推荐你的朋友徐亮,内容包括:1.写信目的; 2.推荐理由: 3.你的期待注意:1.词数为80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯Dear Mr.Peter,.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【思路分析】P1 表明写信目的得知你想找一个人教中文,写信推荐徐亮给他Learning that.Im writing to recommend X.L to you.P2 说明理由段首过渡句:The reason why.are listed as follows.(推荐的是人)理由一:品格,性格等方面,性格开朗,活泼,容易交流,喜欢帮助别人;品格自律,优秀,时间概念强理由二:擅长中英双语交流,可以很好解决了解问题并解决问题。理由三:学业水平高,专业水平好 等等(在思考的时候,理由多想一些,在其中选择两个进行书写会比较理想,写出自己最擅长的部分)最后总结一下:你推荐的就是理想的P3 表达期待 固定的句式表达 (两个句式任选其一即可)范文Dear Mr.Peter,Learning that you are looking for a person to teach you Chinese, Im writing to recommend Xu Liang to you.The reason why I recommend Xu Liang are listed as follows.On the one hand, he is an out-going and kind person, which makes him ready to help others.On the other hand, he is skilled at communicating both in English and Chinese, in other words, he can understand your problems better and deal with them as you want.In short, Im convinced that he is an ideal choice.I do hope you can take my recommendations into consideration and I do hope with the help of Xu Liang, you can enjoy the Chinese learning experience and make great progress. 三、感谢信感谢信是重要的礼仪文书,是向帮助,关心和支持过自己的集体或个人表示感谢的专业书信。有感谢和表扬的双重意思。P1写信目的:表达感谢P2描述事件经过及影响P3再次表达感谢,希望能够回报对方【固定思维】P1 表示感谢并说明表示感谢的原因Im writing to convey/ express my gratitude for you kind/ generous help during.I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for.P2 描述事件经过及影响(写作中的开放部分,所谓的事件经过,就是对方怎么帮助了你,在对方的帮助下你取得了什么样的成绩,这个部分最好是写两个或三个方面的帮助,如果只写了一个方面,不理想)Many thanks for all the things you have done in helping me to do sth.First of all, thank you for doing sth., without your help, I would not have done.Besides, what you do(做的事情) helps me do sth.(怎么样了,结果如何).(Last but not the least, if you need my help later in the life, pleas tell me and Ill be happy to do all that I can do to reward your kindness.)P3 再次表达感谢,(希望能够回报对方)It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.(希望能够回报对方,可以放到第二段的结尾) 模拟题假定你是李华,经常帮助你学习英语的朋友Alex即将返回自己的国家,请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1.表示感谢;2.回顾Alex对你的帮助;
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