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高考英语应用文写作讲解与练习一、邀请信邀请信是邀请亲朋好友或重要人士等参加某项活动时所发的邀请性书信。特点是简短,热情,给人以真诚,亲切的感觉。邀请信分为正式邀请信和私人邀请信。P1表明写作意图,发出邀请P2详写邀请的原因及具体事项P3期盼对方接受邀请,表示感谢【固定思路】P1: 开门见山表明写信目的及原因Knowing/Hearing that you are 事件内容,Im writing a letter to invite you to 参加(take part in/engage in/ experience)某一件事情P2具体事项的表达和相关事件的介绍The activity whose theme/topic is .is to be held 介词+具体的时间/地点.In this activity, you will enjoy 活动1,which will 活动的影响或结果.Besides, you can also experience 活动2, 结果或影响。P3期望万能结尾:Looking forward to seeing you!We would be looking forward to your participation in the activity.Sincerely hope you can.【实例分析】2022年新高考I卷假定你是校广播站英语节目“Talk and Talk”的负责人李华,请给外教Caroline写邮件邀请她做一次访谈。内容包括: 1.节目介绍;2.访谈的时间和话题注意:1.词数80左右;2.按格式和位置作答Dear Caroline分析:人物关系分析:节目负责人邀请外教来做访谈,思考:用不用介绍人物身份内容分析:1.节目介绍,介绍的是哪个节目?怎么介绍?2.访谈的话题是什么?为什么确定这个话题?3.访谈的时间确定下来【思路分析】按照固定思路来写:可更改内容顺序(1)先写邀请的原因及对应的访谈话题(2)介绍栏目,我们这个栏目的内容,以及邀请进行访谈的具体活动(3)表达期望范文Dear Caroline,Knowing that you are a master of making friends with your students and you have a very good relationship with your students, Im writing a letter to invite you to come to our school broadcasting station to do a talk.The talk whose topic is how to be a friend with your students is to be heldnext Friday in the broadcasting station.Our Program “Talk to Talk” is a bond between students and teachers, which can help students and teachers understand each other better.In the talk, not only can you sharehow you become so popular among students but also you can give some advice to other teachers.Besides, you can also tell what kinds of teacher is welcomed by most of students.Sincerely hope you can accept the invitation and share your opinions.2022年北京卷假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你打算邀请英国好友Jim为你们班做一次关于英语写作的线上经验交流。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.建议交流的具体内容及其原因; 2.交流时间和其他相关事宜注意:词数100左右;2.开头和结尾已给出Dear Jim分析:人物关系分析:好友,彼此熟悉,人物身份可以不用介绍内容分析:1.建议交流的具体内容,是什么,为什么,结果会怎么样2.交流时间是什么3.其他的相关事宜,是什么?线上交流,需要平台,注意事项【固定思路分析】(1)为什么邀请他?(2)交流的具体内容,关于英语写作能有什么问题出现,原因以及相关的注意事项(3)表达期望范文Dear Jim,Knowing that you have got a good grade in the writing, Im writing to invite you to do a online experience sharing about the English composition.The experience sharing is to be held on the Monday morning and it will last for an hour.In the sharing procedure, you can introduce how to organize the structure of a composition better, because some of us cant do it well.Besides, you can also give some suggestions about how to connect the sentences logically, which will lead students to express their thoughts better.At last, you should tell me which platform you will choose to give the sharing ahead of time and we should leave some time to answer the questions from my classmates.Sincerely hope you can accept the invitation and give us a impressive experience sharing.2022年浙江卷假定你是李华,你校图书馆新设了“小组学习室”,请你给留学生同学Michael写邮件,邀请他同去体验,内容包括:1.位置和开放时间;2.室内设施和功能 注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯分析:人物关系分析:同学,彼此熟悉,不用介绍身份内容分析:1.写信原因2.室内设施(有什么),功能(干什么)3.表达期望【固定思路分析】(1)邀请原因,新设了“小组学习室”,邀请去体验。(2)位置,开放时间,室内设施(电脑,打印机,空调,咖啡机.),功能(3)表达期望Dear Michael,Hearing that there are some Group Learning Rooms newly set in our school library, Im writing to invite you to study together and experience the new study room.The Group Learning Rooms, located on the second floor of the library, can be accessible from 8 am to 10 pm during the weekdays.There are the latest computers in the rooms and you can surf the internet freely, which give us more chances to get the information.Besides, The rooms are also equipped with a printer so that we can print what we need.In the rooms, it is convenient for us to enjoy a group work.Looking forward to seeing you in the library.二、建议信建议信使向别人提出合理的建议,让对方接受自己的想法,主张,解决有关问题。建议信不是投诉信,观点要合情合理,注意礼貌当先。同时,建议信要简洁明确,理由充足,具有合理性和说服力。P1表明写作意图:提供建议P2写具体的建议及理由P3表达愿望【固定思路】P1先写事情,表明自己的态度(情况1)Hearing/Knowing that you (想要去做什么事情)., I think that it might (not) be这件事情我认为./(情况2先问再答You have asked me for my advice about.)Therefore, Im writing the letter to give some suggestions from the aspect of my own opinion.P2给出建议并听出相关的理由,具体的实施方式,或者建议可能带来的结果In order to (使事情变得更好),I think, you can (建议1), because only by this way can we.Besides, you should also (建议2),which +扩展(结果,方式,目的)等P3表达愿望Please take good consideration of my advice.Thanks.Thank you for your attention.I hope you will find these proposals suggestions useful/helpful.2023年新课标I卷假定你是李华,外教Ryan准备将学生随机分成两人一组,让大家课后练习口语,你认为这样分组存在问题。请你给外教写一封邮件,内容包括: 1.说明问题;2.提出建议。注意:1.词数80左右;2.按格式和位置作答Dear Ryan,Im Li Hua from Class 3.【固定思路分析】P1先说事:准备将学生随机分成两人一组,让大家练习口语。再表明自己的态度:你认为这样分组存在问题P2给出建议及相关的理由,实施方式或结果思考内容:建议1,自己寻找组员,构建同一水平的团队,练习起来比较高效建议2,组员人数不一定非得两个人,人数可以多一些,得到的帮助就会多一些。P3表明期望范文Dear Ryan,Im Li Hua from Class 3.Knowing that you are going to pair all the students randomly for oral practice, I think that it might not be suit
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