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李清小学三年级英语下册第一单元测试卷,想一想,选一选。(10分)()1.dA. ickB.uC.a()2.tachrA. n,eB.a,oC.e,e()3. elphntA. e,aB.a,eC.e,e()4. sudntA. d,eB.d,aC.t,e()5.mtA. eeB.opC.er二、我会连。读卖一读,连一连。(8分)1、看看,谁能分得清!(4分)ADCEBbcade2、单词姐姐找汉语妹妹。(4分)dogcoffeelepha ntapplebag ant coke boy苹果狗咖啡书包大象可乐蚂蚁男孩、给下面的句子选择正确的翻译。(20分)()1、I am from America.A. 我来自美国。B.我离美国很远。C.我是一名美国人。()2、Watch out !A. 看外面!B.小心!C.快出来!()3.We have a new friend today.A. 今天我们是好朋友。B.我们今天是新朋友。C.今天我们有一个新朋友。()4、妇女节快乐!A.Happy Woman s Day!B. Happy Women s Day!C. Happy Woma nDay!D. Happy Women Day!()5、教师节快乐!A We have a new friend today. ( )9. 很高兴遇见你 .A Nice to meet you( ) 10. 跟我学A.Follow me.B What s your name?B.Go and follow meA.Happy Teacher Day!C. HappyTeachers Day!( )6. 新年快乐!A.Happy New Year!C. Happy New s Year! ( )7. 你来自哪里 ?A Where are you from?( )8. 今天我们这儿来了一位新朋友B. Happy Te acher s Day!D. Happy teacher s Day!B. Happy new year!D. Happy News Year!B Where is he from?B We have an old friend today.BA. It s an apple.B. My name is Amy.C. Fine,thank you.D. Nice to meet you ,too. E. I like some coke.F. Good morning,Mr Black.G. I m from America.H. It s blue.K. It s OK四、把A栏与B栏中的相应的问、答语连线。(10分)A1. What s your name ?2. what s this ?3. Nice to meet you again .4. How are you ?5. What do you like ?6. Where are you from ?7. Good morning boys and girls.8. What colour is it?9.See you! I. Goodbye!10.I m sorry.五、根据情境选一选。 ( 8 分) 1.如果在晚上你去 Mike 家,你应说:A Good moring. B. Good evening. C. Good afternoon. ) 2.如果你想知道对方是哪个国家的人,你应问:A.What country are you?B.Where are you from?C. Where are you come?) 3.如果你把 Amy 介绍给你的朋友,你应说:A.She is Amy. B.This is Amy. C.This Amy.) 4.如果你想向对方介绍自己,你可以说:A. Hi,I m Bai Ling.B. Hi,This is Bai Ling.C. Am I Bai Ling.六、下面对话的顺序被Mike不小心弄乱了,你能帮他排好吗? (10 分)()I m from Cannada.()Where are you from ,Mike ?()Nice to see you,Amy.()I m from America. And you?()Nice to see you ,Mike.()Amy ,this is my new friend ,Mike.Mike,This is Amy.七、我会判。读一读,并判断。对的用“T”错的用“ F”表示。(8分)Girl: Hello! I m Amy, What s your name?Boy: My name is Mike. I m from Canada. Where are you from?Girl: I m from America. Nice to meet you!Boy: Nice to meet you, too!()1. Amy is a boy .()2. Amy is from Chi na.()3. Mike is a girl. () 4 Mike is from Canada八、 选择,将正确答案的序号写在提前的括号里。(12分)()1、 from AmericaA. I B . I m C. I m()2 Welcometo schoolA . book B. back C. black()3 Watch A. this B.that C.out()4 Nicemeet youA . too B./ C.to()5 I a girl.A . am B. is C. are()6is my friend , MikeA. That B. This C It九、读句子,选择合适的选项完成对话。(填序号)(8分)Cheng Jie: Good morning !Amy:(1)Cheng Jie:Nice to meet you .Amy:(2)Cheng Jie: (3)Amy:My n ame is Amy .Cheng Jie: (4_)Amy: I m from America.A.Where are you from ?B. Nice to meet you ,too.C.What s your name?D. Good morning十.看图连句子。(6 分)F、Come and follow meA、Say OKB、Touch your kneeC、Look and seeD、Make a DE、Drink some tea
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