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Electronic gadgets 数码产品Useful expressions 常用表达法Beginner 初级1. I downloaded some music yesterday to put on my iPod.我昨天下载了一些音乐,把它们存进了iPod 播放器。2. How many songs can you put on you门Pod.你白iPod播放器可以存多少首歌曲?3. It has 4 gigs. 它有 4个 G 的内存。4. I lost the cord to hook my iPod up to the computer USB port. 我把连接 iPod 播放器和电脑的 USB 接口的接线弄丢了。5. It s just too much of a hassle.这简直太麻烦了。6. Do you have a blackberry? 你有黑莓吗?7. My blackberry is so convenient. 我的黑莓使用起来非常方便。8. I use a Palm Pilot. 我使用掌上向导。Intermediate 中级1. I usually like to update my iPod every few days with some new tunes to listen to on my commute我通常喜欢每隔几天就更新一些新曲子在我往返上下班的路上听。2. My iPod has the capability and certainly enough memory to use it as a memory stick, but I usually don t . 我的 iPod 播放器有存储功能,而且有足够的空间当记忆棒来用,但我一般不这么用。3. If I need to use a USB device, usually I just carry around a separate memory stick. 如果我需要用 USB 设备的话, 我通常带 一个单独的记忆棒。4. How do you keep track of all your daily appointments? 你怎么记录你每天的约会?5. I think the blackberry is one of the most ingenious inventions that has ever been made. 我认为黑莓是迄今为止最富有创意 的发明之一。6. My blackberry is a combination email center, cell phone, GPS unit, and hand-held planner. 我的黑莓兼有多种功能, 如连接 电子邮件中心、手机、全球定位系统和掌上计划表。7. It really is like having an office in the palm of your hand. 它真的好像拥有了一间掌上办公室。8. From what you said, it sounds more advanced than the palm pilots.从你所说的来看,这东西好像比掌上向导还先进。Advanced 高级1. My iPod holds a ton it s got 4 gigs, so I can put a lot of stuff in there, like now, I ve got about 300 songs, plus about 250 pictures.我的iPod播放器可以存好多东西有4个G的内存,所以我能在里面存很多东西,像现在我就有300首歌曲,再加上 250 张照片。2. I used to use a day planner, but when the blackberries came out, I couldn t resist giving it a try now I m hooked.我过去 常用的一种日计划表,但当黑莓出来之后,我禁不住诱惑就买了一个试试现在我被迷住了。3. I can send and receive faxes off it, make phone calls, send emails, and keep track of my meetings and presonal life it s ahand-held office, thats what it is.我能发传真、打电话、发邮件、记录会议日程和个人生活它简直是一间掌上办公室。4. Technological advancements have enabled a great advancement in hand held devices and PDAs技术上的进步带动了 设备 和掌上电脑的巨大进步。5. The surge in use of personal electronic assistants has extended to all sectors用掌上电脑的热潮已经蔓延至 U各个行业。Dialogue 1 对话 1A: What are you listening to? 你在听什么?B: Oh, this is just some music that I downloaded yesterday and put on my iPod. I usually like to update my iPod every few days with some new tunes to listen to on my commute. It makes life more interestingg .噢, 是我昨天下载的些音乐, 我把它们存进 了 iPod播放器。我通常喜欢每隔几天就更新一些新曲子在我往返上下班的路上听。这使得我的生活变得很有意思。A: How many songs can you put on your iPod?你白iPod 播放器可以存多少首歌曲?B: It holds a ton it s got 4 gigs, so I can put a lot of stuff in there, like now, ve got about 300 songs, plus about 250 pictures可以存好多有4个G的内存,所以我能在里面存很多东西,像现在我就有300首歌曲,再加上250张照片。A: Can you use it as a flask disk, too?你也能把它当闪存用吗?B: It has the capability, and there s certainly enough memory to use it as a memory stick, but I usually don t. if I need to use a USB device, usually I just carry around a separate memory stick.它有存储功能,而且有足够的空间当记忆棒来用,但我一般不 这么用。如果我需要用 USB 设备的话,我通常带一个单独的记忆棒。A: Why don t you use your iPod? 你为什么不用 iPod 播放器?B: Because I d have to carry around the cord to hook my iPod up to the computer USB port.It s too much trouble, and I mafraid of loosing the cord. I ve already lost it once and had to buy a new one. Its just too much of a hassle. 因为我得随时带着连接iPod播放器和电脑的USB接口的连线。这样太麻烦了,而且我也怕把线弄丢了。我已经丢过一次了,不得不又买了根新线。简直太麻烦了。Dialogue 2 对话 2A: Do you have blackberry? How do you keep track of all your daily appointments? 你有黑莓吗?你怎么记录你每天的约会?B: I used to use a day planner, but when the blackberry came out, I couldn t resist giving it a try. Now I m hooked. I think the blackberry is one of the most ingenious inventions that has ever been made黑过去常用种 日计戈U表,但当黑莓生产出来之后, 我禁不住诱惑就买了一个试试。现在我被迷住了。我认为黑莓是迄今为止最富有创意的发明之一。A: You like it that much, huh? 哈,那你非常喜欢它了?B: Yes, its so convenient. Combination email center, cell phone, GPS unit, and hand-held planner. I can also download games or novels off the Internet to play or read in my spare time. I can send and receive faxes off it, make phone calls, send emails, and keep track of my meetings and personal life it s a hand-held office, thats what it is.是的,它非常方便, 兼有多种功能,如连 接电子邮件中心、手机、全球定位系统和掌上计划表。我还能从因特网上下载游戏或小说在业余时间来玩玩或读读。我还能收发传真、打电话、发邮件、记录会议日程和个人生活它简直就是一间掌上办公室。A: It can do all that? That s crazy. It really is like having an office in the palm of your hand. From what you said, it sounds more advanced than the palm pilots.That s what I use. 这些事情它都能做吗?真是不可思议。它真的就像掌上办公室。从你所说的来 看,这东西好像比掌上向导还先进。我现在用的就是这个。B: Palm pilots are great, too, but I prefer my blackberry. 掌上向导也不错,但我更喜欢我的黑莓。
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