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Module 1Module 1 Unit 1 Dont touch the machines, please!一、 教学目标与要求1、 知识与能力目标知识目标:能够听说的单词和短语: factory crisp dangerous能够听说认读的单词和短语: wait potato anything machine 能够听说读写的单词和短语:wear glassesstop touch 能听说读写的句子:Dontsing/write/talkhere!Weartheglasses/hat!Stop! Dont touch the machines, please! 能力目标:通过多种活动,培养学生综合语言运用能力和观察判断能力。通过学习语言知识,培养学生对于知识的迁移能力和发散思维的能力。2、 情感态度目标 培养学生能够对不文明或不安全的行为的进行劝阻或提醒,以及在危险的地方培养学生的自我保护的意识。 二、 教学重点及难点本单元重点学习祈使句。主要句型是:表示禁止的Dont,please! 以及表示肯定的:Wearplease! 本单元的难点在于如何让学生在实际语境中准确运用重点句型。三、 课前准备电脑多媒体,录音机,单词卡片以及各种与教学内容相关的实物。四、教学过程Step1 Greeting.教师同学生进行上课前的打招呼和问候,(学生起立)T: Hello, how are you?Ss: I am fine. Thank you. And you ?T: I am fine.正在照常理学生应该坐下时,老师突然说:Dont sit down. Let play a game. (让学生初步感知Dont 的含义)。Step 2 Game.T: Lets play a game. I say, you repeat and do.教师发出指令: Walk, write, run, sing, talk, and dance.这些是本课会用到的一些动词通过游戏进行渗透复习。教师然后加入一些副词,进行进一步的深入铺垫。如:walk slowly, sing loudly .触摸。Touch your nose/eyes/shoulder/hair. (板书touch,注意渗透语音和拼写规则,齐读操练).然后教师发出指令,让学生用手去指教师所说的单词。T: Point to the wall. Point to the desk. Point to the blackboard. Point to Mr. Hans glasses.板书glasses并强调复数的形式是玻璃glass加es, 原因是以前的眼镜都是两片玻璃组成的。Step 3 Lead in and presentation.教师用多媒体软件出示一张图片,上面有几个男孩子正在沙滩上,他们又渴又饿又热,并且阳光非常炙热,刺得他们睁不开眼。T: Now, who can give them some suggestions? For example, they are very hungry, what do they do? Tell them!S1: Eat an apple!S2: Eat a burger!S3: Eat a .Step 4T: Now they are full. But the sun is shining. What do they do? Who can tell them?S1:Go to the house.S2: Sit under the umbrella.S3: .T: Those are great ideas. But they can also wear the glasses. (板书wear the glasses,强调glasses还可以指墨镜)Step 5T: They ate lots of things. Now they are full, but they are hot, what do they do?S1: Swim!S2: Eat an ice-cream!S3: .T: Thats cool! If they want to be cool, do they eat 火锅?Ss: No.T: Tell them. “Dont eat 火锅!”板书Dont并归纳学过的以nt结尾的单词:isnt arent didnt cant.Step 6给学生一些食物和饮料的照片,告诉学生给他们一些建议:Eat some Dont eatDrink some Dont drink some其中有一幅图是薯片,导入新词crisps.Step 7T: Crisps are delicious, Sam and his classmates visited a crisps factory. Lets find out the rules there.给学生问题,让学生带着问题去听录音,并找出问题答案。Qs: 1. What does the man ask them not to do? 2. What does the man ask them to do?在找出问题答案之后,对学生进行安全教育,即在有可能存在危险的地方要注意采取防护措施。然后打开书跟读一遍,注意强调模仿。在读到dont的时候,可让学生起立,令其加深印象。Step 8出示几张图片,上面是一些学生在学校应该干得和不应该干的事情。让学生小组讨论,说出一些建议,并动手写下来,为下一节课制定班规进行铺垫。Step 9小结与作业由学生对本课所学内容进行梳理和汇总,让他们在小结时自己思考和整理本课的所学与所得。Homework:1. Listen and repeat the dialogue 2 times.2. Make some rules in groups.Step 10 Module 1 Unit1 Dont touch the machines, please! Dont touch the machines, please! Wear these glasses, please!Module 1 Unit 2 Dont feed the ducks!一、 教学目标与要求1、 知识与能力目标知识目标:能够听说认读的单词和短语: feed grass silence 能够听说读写的单词和短语:duck能听说读写的句子:Dont feed the ducks!Wearthehat!能力目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生在实际语境中的综合语言运用能力。通过语言知识的学习,培养学生对于知识的迁移能力和发散思维的能力。2、 情感态度目标 培养学生不论身在何处,都应该随时遵守各种规则的意识。并培养学生能够对不文明或不安全的行为的进行劝阻或提醒的意识。 二、 教学重点及难点本单元重点复习上一个单元所学习的祈使句。主要句型是:表示禁止的Dont,please! 以及表示肯定的:Wearplease! Silence! 本单元的难点在于如何让学生在已有知识的基础上在实际语境中准确运用重点句型。三、 课前准备电脑多媒体,录音机,单词卡片以及各种与教学内容相关的实物。四、教学过程Step 1 Warm upGame 1: I say, you do and repeat.复习动词:Walk, write, run, sing, talk, touch and dance. Game 2: I say, you do and say the opposite.比方说:教师说“Touch the desk!”学生说“Dont touch the desk!”并不碰桌子。如教师说“Touch the hair!”学生说“Dont touch the hair!”并把手放在头发上。教师说Touch the feet! 并板书feet通过语音渗透,导入新词feed.Step 2 Lead in教师通过电脑多媒体出示一则新闻,每年动物园里的动物因为游客乱投食物而引起的死亡和其他事故频频发生。通过新闻的展示,向学生进行思想教育,即在动物园里应该遵守动物园里的规则,不应该随便给动物喂食。并引导学生完成句子Dont feed the tigers!Dont feed the pandasDont feed the animals!Step 3给学生出示几幅在公园里应该做得和不应该所的事情。如:Dont walk on the grass!Dont play football in the park!Dont 通过学生的叙述,让学生小组讨论,自己制定在公园里应该遵守的规则。Step 4向学生展示图片,学生看图说出一些孩子不应该在家中做的事情,让学生在运用中感知理解Dont。(出示图片)Ss: Dont (play with the fires.) (play football)(jump/play on the bed)(play with the .)T: Those are the things we dont do at home. We call those Home rules. There is also something we dont do in the class. What are they?三名学生表演短剧,展示在教室中不应该做的事情,其他学生以小组竞赛的形式,通过给他人找错,在快乐中学习,并通过讨论制定班规(class rules)。Step 5T: When we are at home, there are home rules. When we are in the class, there are class rules. How about at other places Such as in the library? 向学生展示一篇短文,通过学生的阅读,给文中的主人公Tom提出一些建议,渗透德育,即:不管我们身在何处,都应该随时遵守各种规则。Step 6小结与作业由学生对本课所学内容进行梳理和汇总,让他们在小结时自己思考和整理本课的所学与所得。Homework:1. Listen and repeat the dialogue 2 times.2. Make some rules in groups.(in classroom, at school, at the library, at park)Step 7 Module 1 Unit1 Dont feed the ducks! Dont feed the ducks! Dont write in the books!Module 2Module
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