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2016学年度第一学期七年级9月月考测试卷(本试卷满分100分,考试时间75分钟,所有答案包括写话必须写在答题纸上,否则不给分)Paper 1 Listening (第一卷 听力) 25%I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片):(共5分)A BC D E F1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共8分)( ) 1. A. One. B. Two.C. Three. D. Four.( ) 2. A. About two hours. B. Less than an hour. C. In about two hours. D. In less than an hour.( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. B. Ben. C. Mary. D. No, it isnt.( ) 4. A. In the library.B. At a shop.C. At a post office . D. In a restaurant.( ) 5. A. A driver. B. A bus driver. C. A teacher. D. A taxi driver.( ) 6. A. Because he cant speak. B. Because he is blind. C. Because he doesnt know a word. D. Because he is too old. ( ) 7. A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasnt. C. In the hospital. D. Her grandpa was ill.( ) 8. A. Only Kitty. B. Kitty and her friend. C. Kitty and her parents. D. Kitty and her sister.III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示, 不符合的用“F”表示):(共6分)( ) 1. For many people reading newspapers is the first thing to do in the morning.( ) 2. Newspapers help people know what is happening in the world.( ) 3. Important news is usually on the front page.( ) 4. There are more kinds of newspapers in small towns than in big cities.( ) 5. People can read newspapers only once a week. ( ) 6. There are newspapers for every reader.IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词):(共6分)1. It is _ 18 today.2. Rose has bought a shirt and a _ for Dad. 3. _ is Dads favourite colour.4. Rose_ 20 dollars on the shirt.5. Dad wears size _.6. _ will make a cake.Paper 2 Vocabulary and grammar (第二卷 词汇和语法) 40%V. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols. (根据音标在句子中填入正确的单词,每空格限填一词):(共5分)1. China is a country with a long _. (/hIstrI/)2. Its _ to travel by taxi. (/IkspensIv/) 3. There are many places of _ in Nanjing. (/IntrEst/)4. Are you doing anything _ for Christmas? (/speSl/)5. Some young men like to go _in autumn. (/hVntIN/)VI. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案): (共15分)( ) 1. I want to be _ SPCA officer when I grow up.A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 2. Ben will leave for Japan _ November 11. A. inB. onC. at D. for( ) 3. Mr Smith will arrive in _.A. one and a half hourB. one and a half hoursC. an hour and halfD. one hours and a half( ) 4. This hotel can hold about_ people. A. five hundred B. hundreds ofC. five hundreds D. hundred of( ) 5. The Summer Palace is _ of Beijing. A. in the west-north B. in the north-west C. to the west-north D. north-west( ) 6. The Lis will come back_ the end of this month.A. atB. on C. in D. until( ) 7. Every morning, tourists can see soldiers _ the Chinese national flag in Tiananmen Square.A. riseB. rising C. raising D. to raise( ) 8. Some people keep spiders _ their pets.A. forB. as C. to D. with( ) 9. Thank you for _ me _ your birthday party.A. invite, toB. invite, for C. inviting, for D. inviting, to( ) 10. We should keep animals _ danger. A. fromB. of C. out D. with( ) 11. Jenny promised _ late for school again. A. to beB. not to be C. to not be D. to be not( ) 12. _ feed the puppy too much water.A. Not to B. Not C. / D. Dont ( ) 13. Ive waited for him for more than two hours. The underlined part means:A. over B. under C. less than D. about ( ) 14. Lets go by train. _. A. Thats a good idea.B. Thanks. C. Yes, please.D. Im sorry to hear that. ( ) 15. The vet takes care of sick animals in the clinic. The underlined part means:A. look up B. looks afterC. care for D. looks atVII. Complete the following passage with the words or the phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (完成下列短文,用A, B, C, D, E或F等表示,每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共5分)A) because B) so C) pollution D) troubleE) go F) like G) with There are many different kinds of cars in the world. My cousin thinks tha
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