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2013年学位英语翻译考前冲刺模拟题成人英语三级考试翻译是必考题型。汉译英要求考生把难度符合成人英语三级考试要求的五个句子翻译成英文;英译汉要求考生把阅读理解中五个句子翻译成中文。翻译题评分标准为:译文达意,无重大语言错误。在翻译后要仔细核对自己翻译的句子。校核阶段是理解与表达的进一步深化,是对原文内容进一步核实以及对译文语言进一步推敲的阶段,因此,校核是翻译过程中一个很重要的阶段,并不是可有可无的,通过表达之后的校核,我们可以发现译文的一些问题,确保自己理解的内容很有把握地得到分数。在校核阶段,一般应注意与下列各项有关的问题(1)人名、地名、日期、方位和数字等;(2)汉语译文的词与句有无错漏;(3)修改译文中译错或表达不够准确的句子、词组或词汇;(4)有无错别字;(5)标点符号是否有误。汉译英实例分析31.Numerous studies have now shown that the overwhelming majority of colds are caught by hand contact.许多研究表明,绝大多数的感冒是由于手的接触而感染的。32.I am exhausted. I shouldnt have stayed up playing PC games last night.我累了,昨晚我不该打游戏到很晚的。33.Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list.大多数去超市的顾客都要按程序购物。34.Is there anything that I can do for you?有什么事我能帮你吗?35.Do you believe that the thief stole a lot of bikes in BEIJIN last year?你相信那个从英国来的贼thief去年在北京市偷了steal好多自行车吗?36.Yesterday, he told me how much money he (would)was going to make.昨天他告诉我,明年他会挣make多少钱37.Not only was the shop a center of buying and selling,but also a social meeting place.过去商店不仅仅是一个买卖东西的地方,而且是一个社交场合。38.In fact,the rays could pass as easily through the fleshy part of his hand as through the black paper,but hardly at all through the bone.事实上,就像穿过一张黑纸一样,射线很容易穿过手部的肌肉,但却根本不能穿过骨骼。39.As my mother told me yesteray , my girlfriend didnt love me at all.正像我妈昨天告诉我的那样,我的女朋友根本不爱我。40.As you know, the money is very important.正像你知道的那样钱是非常重要的。成人英语三级考试翻译是必考题型。汉译英要求考生把难度符合成人英语三级考试要求的五个句子翻译成英文;英译汉要求考生把阅读理解中五个句子翻译成中文。翻译题评分标准为:译文达意,无重大语言错误。英译汉是运用汉语把英语所表达的思想准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。在英译汉的过程中,有两点值得我们特别地注意:1、汉语所要表达的是英语原文的内容,即句子或文章的意义,而不是句子结构;2、在翻译过程中,英语原文的内容要准确而完整地重新表达出来,而不是将两种语言结构进行简单的转换。汉译英实例分析41.He will have to give advice and make decisions as problems arise,and he must know how to get his huge staff to work efficiently with their respective responsibilities.他必须为手下员工出主意,问题出现之后要做决断,他还必须清楚如何使自己庞大的员工队伍各司其职,高效工作。42.That song always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.那首歌总是使她回想起在芝加哥读过的那个晚上。43.She is the girl who will have made ten thousand dollars by the end of nest year.你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?44.Do you know the thief whom (who) the policeman has been looking for?昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我的苹果,那个苹果是我妈妈给我买的。45.Can you find the house in which (where) you were born?你能找到你出生born的那个房子吗?46.The old lady whom we had taken care of in the hospital last year died.我们在医院一直照顾take care of的老太太死了.47.“please do not interrupt me,”said Mr. Adams to his wife. “Im talking to Tom about what he has just done.”“请不要打断我,”亚当斯先生对妻子说:“我正在跟汤姆谈他刚才做的事情。”48.We are studying the business English, which is very useful for usIn the future.我们现在学的商务英语非常有用。49.All flights to New York today are delayed because of the terrible/bad weather.由于天气恶劣,今天所有去华盛顿的航班都耽误了。50.I cant find my credit card. I must have left it at home.我找不到我的信用卡。我肯定是把它落家里了。
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