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英语竞赛演讲稿 演讲稿具有观点显明,内容具有鼓动性的特点。在社会发展不断提速的今日,演讲稿的运用越来越广泛,信任写演讲稿是一个让很多人都头痛的问题,下面是我为大家收集的英语竞赛演讲稿,欢迎阅读与保藏。 英语竞赛演讲稿1If a crystal of life, beautiful and fragile.I do not know may be laughter when the face yesterday, today has disappear yesterday dynamic figure, today there are only cold on the body, yesterday pulse beating heart has stopped beating today. Life is such a heavy, heavy I do not dare to look too.However, in reality it would feel no lingering someone to give up their lives, shocking and regrettable. A couple of days ago to see an article written last year, and a 13-year-old boy in a position decisively, jump from a height under fly. All online games only because he got hooked on Warcraft, was possessed by the Devil, not only to write the game notes, and finally select a game to die, fly from 24 floors, he only lived for 13 years, all only just begun, has to rush the end. Is necessary to test a few days, in the past always heard that a certain candidate because a bad grade or bad mental quality will be at the examination before or after the examination committed suicide, I do not know this year what is going to happen.With age, our mental capacity should also be subject to growth, there must be a be able to bear the external pressure and the courage to overcome difficulties, in the face of the question to think of ways to solve the problem, rather than evade, or even choose to die.The win is not never really failed, but one hundred times in the fall after the article at first have the courage to stand up when it sounds as if it is very difficult, in fact, very si-mp-le, we want to do again and again only the after a fall at its feet. No one lives forever are the winner, thefailure is not terrible, terrible loss of face are the failure of courage, can not afford to encounter difficulties, it will only want to escape the just, want to die to the end of this is the real failure. Is it true can die on the end of it? Relax their death to their loved ones did not think about the pain and hurt caused by their release brought the others along the path of endless troubles, this is how selfish and irresponsible, how childish behavior. We should be together on the physical and mental maturity,Often in the classroom every day to hear someone shouting ah , I want to jump off the upstairs ah . . In fact, they do not know, life is a kind of greatest happiness, Happiness is a unique, life care are required in detail to the treasure. If you can not give up easily, it is undoubtedly the lack of respect for life, with such a person does not have a life!The dead now rested in peace, people living in silence can only wish them, and then continue to take their own road.英语竞赛演讲稿2敬重的各位老师、同学们:大家早上好!我的名字叫xxx,今年12岁了。这一次,我获得了“全国中小学生英语口语大赛”一等奖,感到特别辛运,在这里,我要感谢我的父母,是他们给我创建了宁静的环境让我更好的练习口语;感谢我所在的三义里小学,是这所学校给我了这次参赛的机会;感谢我的班主任程老师,是她细心指导我怎样说英语;感谢我们办的全班同学,是他们始终在支持我,激励我。感谢你们!我从英语是全班最差的同学,变成了一个获得过“全国中小学生英语口语大赛”一等奖的英语小天才,我多数次的不想再坚持练下去,我用自己与同学们玩的时间,在练字。我是多么希望像别的同学一样,愉快的玩着。我就像一个还没有完全学会走路的小孩,一路走的磕磕绊绊,可是,我用自己的毅力克服了自己,渐渐的我去仔细地走好每一步,最终我是胜利的,我是欢乐的!此时此刻我捧着手中的奖,心里感慨万千。虽然并不多,但我想这每一个奖的背后都是各位同学日夜苦战,用自己的勤奋努力和老师家长们的付出换来的。我不想说我们累,更不想说我们苦。因为我们是青春、潇洒的90后,风雨过后我们依旧会展露笑容,今日的累是为了我们明日的辉煌,为了我们肩上那不行推卸的历史重任。我信任我们会做的更好。不过,获得了奖并不意味着就达到了我们的目标而可以停滞不前。在人生旅途中,获奖只是一种助推器,而不是最根本的动力器。我们要如何前进?答案就驾驭在我们自己的手中。所以,奖并不是我们最终的目标,而是我们前进路途中的一股动力。我们应正确看待这种嘉奖和荣誉。不能因为一时取得好的成果而傲慢,也不能因为成果一时不志向而气馁。学习就如逆水行舟,不进则退。只有不断地努力,不骄不躁,仔细对待学习,不轻言放弃,看淡得失。以一颗平常心,踏实勤奋。才能取得更优异的成果,才能创建更美妙的将来。当然,没有获得奖的同学更不能放弃。要努力起来,哪怕最终没有胜利,最至少自己努力了,也无愧于心。作为一名学生,面对获奖,我除了些许的惊慌和新奇,更多的是一份坦然,我们信任努力就会胜利。在此,我也想送上我诚心的祝愿,希望你们能放飞自己的志向,创出更美的辉煌。感谢大家!感谢大家!英语竞赛演讲稿3Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy and hated spending money. One day a fair came to the nearby town.Lets go to the fair, Matt, his wife said. We havent been anywhere for a long time.Matt thought about this for a while. He knew he would have to spend money at the fair. At last he said, All right, but Im not going to spend much money. Well look at things, but we wont buy anything. They went to the fair and looked at all the things to buy. There were many things Matts wife wanted to buy, but he would not let her spend any money.Then, in a nearby field, they saw a small airplane.Fun flights! the notice said, $ 10 for 10 minutes.Matt had never been in an airplane and he wanted to go on a fun flight. However, he didnt want to have to pay for his wife, as well.Ive only got $ 10, he told the pilot. Can my wife come with me for free? The pilot wasnt selling many tickets, so he said, Ill make a bargain with you. If your wife doesnt scream or shout, she can have a free flight.Matt agreed, and got into the small airplane with his wife.The pilot took off and made his airplane do all kinds of things. At one moment it was flying upside down.When the plane landed, the pilot said, 0. K. your wife didnt make a sound. She
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