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第1章 一般将来时基础训练一、根据括号中的时间状语改写句子。1They often go skating in winter(next winter) 2There are two cinemas in that town(next year) 3He comes back(in two days) 4She is a conductor of a train(soon) 5LiMing is ten years old(next year) 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1I hope you (enjoy) yourself2Where you (spend) your next summer holiday?3 Jims father (be) back in two weeks?4. we (have) any class tomorrow?5. He (change) his job next month6I (not tell)you my ageIt is a secret7What the weather (be) like tomorrow?8I (leave)in a minute (finish) all my work before I leave9In ten years,I (have)a big house with a beautiful garden.10He (leave)soon,and his friend is waiting for him outside11He (make) progress soon if he studies hard12I shall be free tomorrow (go)to the cinema13When the film (begin)?In about two minutes14What you (do) next Sunday?I 13 years old next year三、根据所给汉语提示完成句子。1我认为今天下午不会下雨。I dont think it rain this afternoon2你认为20年之后在人们的家里会有机器人吗?Do you think if robots in peoples home in twenty years?3几年之后我的梦想会实现。In a few years,my dream 4谁知道将来会发生什么?Who knows what ?5我们在哪里见?在学校门口。Where we ?At the school gate6他明天不打算去看他哥哥。He his brother tomorrow7艾伦下周会搬到这个美丽的小村庄来。Allan to this beautiful village next week8她打算什么时候买新房子? she a new house?9我确信露西不会生气。Im sure that Lucy 10下学期我们会有新学科吗? we new subjects next term?11这个年轻人计划周游世界。The young man around the world12我的女儿明年就20岁了。My daughter 20 years old next year13我希望你会赢。谢谢I you Thank you14安娜说她见到你会很高兴的。Anna says she to see you15确保汤姆一到就让他知道这则通知Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as 实战训练一、单项选择1If he has time,he to the park this Sunday morningAwill go Bwent Cgoes Dgo2Jim,dinner is readyYes,Mum I Acome Bcan3e Cam coming Dwill coming3I be 13 years old next yearAis going to Bam going to Cwill Dare going to4 Li Ming Shanghai tomorrowNohe isntAAre;going to BWill;go CIs;going to DIs;go5Dont climb too high,or you in dangerAwill be Bare Cwould be DiS going to6Where this afternoon,Lily?I not sureMother says she is going to take me to he ZooAdid you go Bdo you go Care you going Ddid you use to go7There a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow eveningAwas Bis going to have Cwill have Dis going to be8My mother always clothes in the eveningbut tomorrow she them in the afternoonAwashes;washes Bwashes;is going to wash Cwashed;washed Dis washing;is going to wash9He very busy this week,but he free nex tweekAwill be;is Bis;is Cwill be;will be Dis;will be10Ill be very glad if he to the party tomorrow afternoonAwill come Bcomes Cshould come Dhad come11Will you be free next Saturday?No,I with LucyAwent to the library Bwas going to the libraryCam going to the library Dgo to the library12I dont think there few trees in the futureAis going to be Bshall be Care going to be Dare13When winter comesthe leaves fallAare going to Bwill Cwill be Dwould14We a farm if we are free tomorrowAvisit Bvisited Cwill visit Dhave visited15shall I come again tomorrow aftemoon? AYes,please BYes,you willCNo,please DNo,you wont16It the year of the horse next yearAis going to be Bis going to Cwill be Dwill is17Lets go out to play football,shall we?OK,I Awill coming Bbe going to come Ccome Dam coming18The train at 11Agoing to arrive Bwill be arrive Cis going to Dis arriving19If Tony tomorrow,hell go roller-skating with meAisnt come Bwill come Cdoesnt come Dcomes20He her a beautiful hat on her next birthdayAgive Bgave Cwill giving Dis going to give21Lets discuss the plan,shall we?Not nowI to
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