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如何减肥英语作文5篇篇一:英语作文篇 1. rmyboss, Im writi t lteto expressy aplogy a wasabsent from the morttrentaton.The man case is th my grandohehad ohavean megncy treate. I very so tht I wsfully occupie y her heart dise whichsuddenlatcks, wich iquit ot of my control, so cold not hemdem pesence o your arrangeeno tim. I wantto suggesth ifwe could arane th esenttintomorwmorng. I a read o dcuss btthi atter witho to furter dl.guaante ainst h ocurree of milar ncdentssall be obiged if you coldact my pologies. Imloking forarto your rep. ScrelYos,i Mng 2. en I wasiyeasold went to a pimysool lmst al ofcildren at cool gewetto,wh he and curiosiy. M first dy school with lokng foward to the nelfe havgmuh freh feeln wa interesng. meta lo to other kids t scool ut I had o pariculr fried wo naedi Ming ad heas a ery nroertby but bve egh, besies he was th onl cicming fom ther lac We use to plydffeet games suh ashde-an-seek, playin rubbban, throwing nbgs adso on dring th breaks bew lsonspily castil rememb ou class teacr MissWn,sh is beauti and amibe, teches singing, edin, styin andthe firstlesso lifeeseilly 3. My daof a GreatMaagrfr the21stentury Nw is thtme to da. Wentnsre at eir wrst, when peole say there in hope, wnthefutuelo blak,now is my ime o raize he ieal, agreatnagerforthe 2st centry. A wall n, th poces biga maager is not libleutaduu.On the one had,e systemofdmiisterin il hveobe devise.In hneastdecde,ougeeatio mut mke it r isson t nsre thatodays prores does ntcm atorros xpen.On theher hand, itproves tat peveance ia gre elt of achevig als: hs wo pesevewill in in theong uecase hei silent pwer w irresistiby greaterwit timlywhen ow tose woapcts ofcharater,tsie andinside,ill bome a bgsuperviofothe newury.4. Comute ood Frend Compter i one of the cleveest machine iventd byan.Fiftyes ago, the firs oputersere arg enouh to ila rom w, theyar much maller an arealso easer t carry ormove. th te devment of siety, motpeople raliethat w cannt leave computerany more.Cmpuris urter rhr than ur riend.Intere i the iggt etorkfcopuers ntheworld. Itis technolo whih onect millions o computes acro he world y ms ofcals, elepon wis orsom irelssmediaf communicaton. h cuters concteto the ee neaily acsse informatonavailablo oter omputersInrnt s oreand mreimportthanany othe thins ordailylie. It issousefu hat eneed t useit evr day. Though“Googe” nd“Bi”, cancollctaindsf inrmtions, w chat th amlyfrend via or MSN, eaalsoendsome e-als. Ath bginningof a day,we an gtthelstns by amous portls eb site uch s “Sina” or “Sohu”, e. Whats moe,people ano shppig,liten othe music, a seesveal moies on in Computer s the st toolto e us. Frnly peang, weatreat it as ou fried. In fact, computr is th impotant part f heword, we an not ieyou ny itinthat we iv oarth without cpur 5 第5 篇文章涉及“神经经济学”与“传统经济学”之间的差异,不明白专业知识,故写了篇有关“新经济”与“旧经济”之间的差异的文章,以供参考。Poplear talkngbothe “new cnomy” Is vryifferent for the “ldeconmy”. In the leonmy,peole tav owork. hey buy ths instore.They ueth posffic,the x and the eephn to sed iformtn. They see people fce to a at the job or i stores.eople get nforati fromnewspapers,rais, elevisios, referec boos nd libay.Ithene eony, peopl d usiessthrough the“nt”, hih in cnecioofillonscomptes eerwhe in th wr. neneeoomy, wrks often ork ahome They can et inomtion olieTe can communiate wih mplyerandc-woks y e-mai.Cstomerop nne Buis ae “vrual sors”.The arewebsite onwic customrs can see he productusiness canel to cstomers aywhe n the wd In th new enomy, ele lie a fastpaced, connient nd colorfllfe.T who eveos more rap an bfre But th ne ecnom is dbledged sword disadvantges re alsoobvious. For xaml,teIntre hs edto hug case credit cardheing. Some ilega wbites offersm chapor banned goos or srvies. people
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