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备战2024年高考英语名校真题零失误规范训练(江苏专用)专题08 读后续写3年3题+最新模拟30题(真题+模拟)解析版目 录技能专区 1真题专区 4模拟专区 7技能专区:冲刺备考名师提醒,洞悉高考命题规律,提供高效提分干货一、高考考向2020-2023年高考读后续写考情统计表年份卷别主题话题类型2023新高考I&II卷人与自我老师鼓励参加作文比赛终获大奖个人成长类浙江1月卷人与自然作者两次与蜂鸟的神奇邂逅感悟人与动物类2022新高考I&II卷人与自我鼓励身残志坚男孩参加校越野赛 个人成长类浙江6月卷人与社会为社区无家可归的人们发放食物助人为乐类浙江1月卷人与社会与“最不合拍”搭档成为好朋友生活故事类2021新高考I&II卷人与社会孩子母亲节给妈妈做早餐送惊喜亲情关爱类浙江6月卷人与自我作者上学时一次打工挣钱的经历个人成长类浙江1月卷人与社会少年头意外卡在南瓜中爆红网络生活故事类2020新高考I&II卷人与社会三个孩子帮助贫困家庭孩子挣钱助人为乐类浙江7月卷人与自然与北极熊面对面的一次脱险经历遇险脱困类二、黄金法则一个中心:传递正能量弘扬核心价值观两条主线:故事发展情节线;人物动作心理线;三个不要:不要盲目增加人物;不要突破所给行数; 不要忽略四个衔接四个环节:研读材料画关键词;研读首句画出导图;细思斟酌慢慢成文;研读答案狂背靓点五大法宝:独立主格结构简;无灵主语出奇兵;动作链烘托气氛;合理修辞博眼球;主题升华赢高分六大主题: 个人成长类;助人为乐类;遇险脱困类;家庭亲情类;人与动物类;生活故事类三、15种高分句式01-表示“感到情绪与情感”场景句式1a flush of表情绪的名词a wave/feeling/sense of.一阵句式2表情绪的名词flooded over sb/swept over sb/seized sb 涌上心头 (2023新高考卷读后续写)To my surprise, I learned that my essay hadrankedfirst in the contest.A mix of excitement and doubt washed over me. 令我吃惊的是,我得知我的作品在比赛中排名第一。兴奋和怀疑涌上心头。02-表示“直到才意识到”场景句式1Not until时间状语did sb realize/notice that.句式2It was only时间状语that sb realized that. (2023新高考卷读后续写) Eager and delighted, I held up the championship trophy, andIt was not until then that I realizedthe journey of writing was not only filled with disbelief and self-doubt but also support and self-approval. 我急切又高兴地举起奖杯。指导那时我才意识到写作的历程不仅充满着不相信和自我怀疑,而且还充满着支持和自我肯定。03-表示“一,就”场景句式1upon/onn./doing.“一就”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。句式2immediately/directly/instantly从句句式3the moment/minute/instant从句句式4no sooner.than./hardly.when.句式5at the sight/thought of(2023浙江1月卷读后续写)I felt a surge of relief and awe at the sight of this grateful creature, and I knew that I would always cherish the memories we shared as I climbed into my car and drove away. 一看到这个感恩的蜂鸟我感到一阵宽慰和敬畏,当我爬进车里开走时我知道我会珍惜这些一起分担的记忆。04-表示“(因为紧张、害怕)心跳”场景句式1sb could feel ones heart pounding wildly in ones chest 感到心在胸中怦怦直跳句式2ones heart thumped/raced/beat wildly/loudly/hard某人心怦怦直跳 (2023新高考卷读后续写)I could feel my heart pounding wildly as I went on stage to collect the prize.上台领奖时我感到心怦怦直跳。05-表示“迫不及待做;毫不犹豫”场景句式1sb could hardly wait to do sth句式2without a second thought.不假思索;毫不犹豫地句式3without even thinking.连考虑都不考虑句式4without delay.立即;毫不迟延地句式5without hesitation.毫不犹豫 (2023新高考卷读后续写)My devotion and perseverance really mattered, but without his encouragement, I could never be what I was today.我的付出和坚持固然重要,但是没有他的鼓励我就不会有今天的成就。06-表示“流泪”场景句式1Ones eyes got misty./Ones eyes misted with tears.泪眼模糊句式2be close to tears 几乎要哭了句式3tears roll down ones eyes/cheeks/face 泪水从眼睛/脸颊/面部落下With tears of gratitude rolling/streaming down his cheeks, Peter hugged Green tightly, saying “Youve saved me today. I couldnt thank you enough.” 感激的泪水顺着他的脸颊流下,彼得紧紧地拥抱着格林,说:“今天你救了我。我对你感激不尽。”07-表示“不知道做”场景句式1sb did sth, wondering what to do next句式2sb did sth, not knowing what to do next句式3sb did sth, unsure of what to do next句式4sb was at a loss what to do(2021新高考卷读后续写)David sat still with a deep breath, wondering what to do next. I said gently and quietly,“No one can change your mind, except yourself. If you desire to challenge yourself, there is nothing to do with others thoughts.”大卫静静地坐着,深呼吸,不知道下一步该做什么。我轻轻地说:“除了你自己,没有人能改变你的想法。如果你想挑战自己,那与别人的想法无关。”08-表示“某人想到/明白;有了主意”场景句式1It suddenly occurred to sb that. 句式2(idea, thought.) occurred/came to sb.came/flashed into ones mind.crowded into ones mind句式3ones mind began to race 头脑开始快速转动Suddenly a brilliant idea flashed into his mind.突然他想到一个好主意。09-表示“因颤抖”场景句式tremble/shake with fear, panic, excitement, rage.Her lips trembled with rage and big tears rolled down her cheeks.她气得嘴唇发抖,泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来。10-表示 “发出(声音)”场景句式1There were loud shouts and cheers (from.) when.从传来喊叫与欢呼声句式2There was a storm of applause (from.) when.响起了雷鸣般的掌声句式3let out a cry/scream (of horror/fear/terror/shock/surprise/pain.)发出了叫声While my mind was wandering, our performance time came. It turned out a great success, loud shouts and cheers from the audience filling the theatre.当我心不在焉的时候,我们的表演时间到了。这场演出取得了巨大成功,观众的欢呼声和喝彩声响彻了整个剧场。11-表示“转折”场景句式1But bad luck for sb.但是某人真不走运句式2To ones surprise (delight)/Strangely enough, it turned out that.让人惊讶(高兴)/奇怪的是,原来句式3., but in vain , 但徒劳句式4., but without success,但没有成功句式5But on second thoughts,.但是转而一想,3When I got up and looked out of the bedroom window, I found, to my great surprise, it was snowing heavily.当我站起来,从卧室的窗户往外看时,我惊奇地发现,天正在下大雪。12-表示“心里想”场景句式1An inner voice told sb that.内心的声音告诉某人句式2sb thought/said to oneself.心里想1An
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