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课题:Unit 3 Traditional skills Reading(第一课时)课型:Input-based 阅读课 主备: 陈老师 审核:初二备课组 班别 姓名 组别 学号 家长签名 【学习目标】语言知识:1、认读和理解单词describe, fisherman, net, although, fit, dive, ready, reach, attract, hang, post, require, practice以及短语up to, set off, up and down, after dark, no more; 认识单词cormorant。2、巩固主阅读篇章的核心单词和短语。语言技能:1、通过阅读上下文语境猜测生词的基本含义和运用构词法,理解核心单词和短语的含义。2、通过阅读,掌握主阅读篇章中有关鸬鹚捕鱼的过程这一内容。情感态度:进一步了解中国传统文化,加深对祖国文化的理解和热爱。学习重点:1、理解篇章意思,注意核心单词和短语。2、通过完成鸬鹚捕鱼这一过程的流程图,理解鸬鹚捕鱼的经过。难点:1. 单词如cormorant,require,although,dive,attract, hang等的在文中的理解和拼读。 2. 对鸬鹚捕鱼过程的理解。【课前预习】背景:本单元以“传统技艺”为话题,以各种中国传统技艺的历史和特点为主线,提高我们听说读写的能力。你听说过鸬鹚捕鱼吗?如果没有,请通过各种途径了解这项技艺。鸬鹚捕鱼是_你还了解其他的传统技艺吗?_现实生活中还有哪些需要人与动物配合完成的工作或技艺?_一、1)中英互译,预习课文(P33-37),写出下列单词中文英文,并在课文中划出以下新单词,写上中文意思,为阅读扫清障碍,加油哦!1. description _ 2. describe _ 3. fisherman _ 4. net _5. although_ 6. fit _ 7. dive _ 8. ready _9. reach _ 10. attract _ 11. hang _ 12. post _13. require _ 14. practice _15. 鸬鹚_1. 剪纸_ 2. 到达某种程度_ 3. 出发,动手_4. 起伏,上下波动_ 5. 天黑后_6. 不再_ = _2)难句理解,尝试根据上下文,试翻译一下。1. Although he is over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys working._2. Damin usually sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work._3. No nets are required for this type of fishing._【课堂探究学习】一、 Pre-reading1.Brain-storm: 根据实际情况以及所学回答下列问题。(小组合作)1). What is cormorant? Is it a man or a bird?_2). What do cormorants help fishermen?_3). Can we see cormorant fishing in the future? Why or why not?_ 2. Lead-in: Fishing with birds3.请完成P34 A部分的练习二、 While-reading:1.Skimming: Task 1 (任务1) ( ) The article mainly talks about _. A. Wang Damin fishes by himself. B. Cormorants help Wang Damin fish.Task 2 (任务2) Match the paragraphs with their main ideas on p34.2. Scanning . 分段阅读完成下面表格。 阅读第一段,并观察第一幅插图,用文中的单词完成下面有关Wang Damin基本情况的表格。Read the first paragraph and fill in the table belowJob(职业)Age(年龄)Health(健康状况) 阅读第二段,完成下面有关鸬鹚基本情况的表格。Read the second paragraph and write down the basic information of the cormorants.Size ColourGood atSpecialties(专长、特点) 阅读第三段,完成下面关于鸬鹚捕鱼的流程图。Read the third paragraph and fill in the chartIn the _, Wang Damin sets off._ is tied around each cormorants neck. In this way, they wont _ big fish.Wang Damin _ the birds into the river.To attract fish, Wang Damin jumps _ on his boat during the day. After dark, he hangs a _ on a _ at the front of the boat.The birds _ the fish back to the boat.Wang Damin _ the fish from their mouths.Wang Damin throws the fish into a _阅读第四段,回答下面问题。Read the fourth paragraph and answer the questions.1) Where was cormorant fishing popular in the past? _2) Are young people interested in how to fish with cormorants? _3) What may happen to cormorant fishing in the future? _3. 朗读课文,完成书本第37页D1和D2的内容。三、知识点梳理:1) They can dive down and stay under the water for up to two minutes. 它们可以潜入水下,并在水下待上近两分钟的时间。dive down 意为“潜入、潜下、潜入水中”; up to 意为“到达(某数量、程度等);至多有”,与at most意思相近。如:He could jump up to two metres. = He could jump at most two metres.练一练:我们学习了近1000个单词。 We have learned _ _ 1000 words.2) Damin usually sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work. 大民通常在傍晚出发,让鸬鹚做好捕鱼的准备。 set off 意为“出发;动身”,与set out意思相近。in the late afternoon意为“在傍晚”,也常用in the early morning来表示“在清晨时分”。get sb./ sth. ready for 意为“让某人/ 某物为做好准备”。练一练:我们什么时候出发? When shall we _ _?让所有人准备好开会。 _ everybody _ _ the meeting.我们通常在傍晚才离开学校。 We often leave school _ _ _ _.3) First, he ties a piece of grass around their necks to stop them from eating big fish. 一开始,他在它们的脖子上系一根草,以防止它们吞下大鱼。stop from doing sth. 意为“阻止做某事”,相当于prevent from doing sth. 其中from可以省略。 练一练:熊大熊二经常阻止光头强砍树。Briar and Bramble often_ Bald Qiang _ _ trees.【课后巩固】完型填空It took three evenings for 21-year-old college student Chen Xing. What did he 1 ? He made a fine red Chinese Knot(寿字)as a special 2 for his mothers 50th birthday during the Spring Festival.Including a pretty circle, the Chinese Knot 3 long life. “
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