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2022年考博英语-浙江工商大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 翻译题 No Englishman believes in working from book learning. He suspects all theories, philosophical or other. He suspects everything new, and dislikes it, unless he can be compelled by the force of circumstances to see that this new thing has advantages over the old. Race-experience is what he invariably depends upon, whenever he can, whether in India, in Egypt, or in Australia. His statesmen do not consult historical precedents in order to decide what to do: they first learn the facts as they are; then they depend upon their own common sense, not at all upon their university learning or upon philosophical theories. And in the case of the English nation, it must be acknowledged that this instinctive method has been eminently successful.【答案】 没有一个英国人相信从书本能学会工作。他们怀疑一切理论,不管是哲学理论还是其他的。他们是对一切新鲜事物持怀疑态度,并深恶痛绝,除非迫于形势,他们才认识到新的事物确比旧的事物更有优势。不管是身在印度、埃及或澳大利亚,只要可能,他们总是依靠他们自己的种族经验。为了做出决策,英国的政治家们并不参阅历史的先例,而是首先如实的弄清楚事实的真相;然后依靠自己的常识,而不是他们的大学学习或哲学理论。就英国民族而论,必须承认这种本能的处事方法一向是成功的。2. 单选题She decided to accept his offer of marriage after he( ) her for months with flowers and expensive presents.问题1选项A.wrungB.wriggledC.wontedD.wooed【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项wring“蠕动、扭动”;B选项wriggle“使蠕动、蠕动到”;C选项wont“使习惯于”;D选项woo“追求、求爱”,根据句中关键词“marriage结婚;flowers and expensive presents鲜花和昂贵的礼物”可知woo“追求、求爱”符合语境,句意为:在他以鲜花和昂贵的礼物向她求爱数月之后,她决定接受他的求婚。故正确答案选D。3. 单选题As an independent citizen, he sees no obligation to open himself to further( ).问题1选项A.screechB.scrutinyC.scrubD.scrap【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项screech“尖叫声”;B选项scrutiny“详细审查,监视”;C选项scrub“矮树,洗擦”;D选项scrap“碎片,残余物”。根据关键词“independent citizen独立公民”和动词“open公开,打开”,可知空格部分单词意思“审查,检查”,句意为:作为一个独立的公民,他认为没有义务进一步让自己接受审查。选项B与之意思相近。4. 单选题For his poor job achievements, his boss complained that he hadnt ( )his responsibilities.问题1选项A.lived up toB.put up withC.looked forward toD.gone in for【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查词组辨析。A选项live up to“不辜负,做到”;B选项put up with“忍受,容忍”;C选项look forward to“期望,期待”;D选项go in for“参加,从事,追求”。根据关键词“poor job achievements差劲的工作表现”和“responsibilities职责”,可知空格单词意思为“做到,完成”,句意为:对他差劲的工作表现,他的老板抱怨说他没有尽到职责。故和选项A意思接近。5. 单选题Hitler was armed to the teeth when he ( )the Second World War.问题1选项A.implementedB.launchedC.tookD.practiced【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项implement“实行,实施”;B选项launch“发动,发起”;C选项take“取,拿”;D选项practice“练习,实行”。由题干“第二次世界大战”可知“launch发动”符合题意,句意为:希特勒发动二战时全副武装。故答案选B。6. 单选题( ) is CORRECT in grammar.问题1选项A.Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and IrelandB.Britain does not agree and either do Denmark. Portugal and IrelandC.Britain does not agree. So do Denmark. Portugal and IrelandD.Britain does not agree. Neither Denmark, Portugal and Ireland do.【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查语法结构。CORRECT in grammar“语法上正确的”是 Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland,句意为:英国不同意,丹麦,葡萄牙和爱尔兰也不同意。故答案选 A。7. 单选题If you want children to work hard you must ( )their interests instead of their sense of duty.问题1选项A.appeal toB.look intoC.give rise toD.go in for【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项appeal to“呼吁,上诉”;B选项look into“调查,观察”;C选项give rise to“使发生,引起”;D选项go in for“参加,从事;追求”。根据从句“If you want children to work hard如果你想要孩子努力”,和后句关键词“their interests他们的兴趣”,可知“give rise to引起”符合语境,句意为:如果你想要孩子努力,你必须激发他们的兴趣而不是责任感。因此选项C正确。8. 单选题Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ( )themselves.问题1选项A.expandingB.stretchingC.prolongingD.extending【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项expand“扩张,使膨胀”;B选项stretch“伸展,张开”;C选项prolong“延长,拖延(延长时间)”;D选项extend“延伸,扩大,推广,伸出”。stretch oneself固定搭配的意思是“伸懒腰,伸展身体”,句意为:做完早上的工作后,职员们从桌子后面站起来,伸展伸展身体。故正确答案选B。9. 单选题Johnson invited his old sister Sue to Los Angeles, but her physical report( ), she declined the invitation.问题1选项A.did not come outB.has not come outC.does not come outD.having not come out【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查语法结构。句中her physical report不是句子结构,只有having not come out做伴随状语符合题意,句意为:约翰逊邀请他的姐姐苏去洛杉矶,但她的身体报告还没出来,她拒绝了邀请。故答案选D。其他三项都是句子结构。10. 单选题A ( )is a grill on which meat, fish, and other foods are cooked over hot charcoal, usually out of doors.问题1选项A.duetB.barbecueC.tonicD.fag【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项duet“二重奏”;B选项barbecue“烧烤”;C选项tonic“补药”;D选项fag“苦工、疲劳”,由题干中提到的各种食物以及热木炭,可知barbecue“烧烤”符合语境。句意为:烧烤是肉、鱼和其他食物放在烤架上,再在热木炭上烘烤,通常在户外进行。故正确答案选B。11. 单选题An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut the budget ( ).问题1选项A.dispositionB.defectC.discrepancyD.deficit【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项disposition“处置,性情”;B选项defect“缺点,劣势”;C选项discrepancy“不符,矛盾”;D选项deficit“赤字”。根据动词“cut削减,砍掉”和“budget预算”,可知空格部分单词意思为“赤字,不足额”,句意为:能源税能抑制普通的空气污染,限制石油进口和削减预算赤字。故正确答案选D。12. 单选题Many immigrants were prepared to work hard in appalling conditions for the ( )of t
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