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English HomeworkClass_ Name_一. 看图圈出与图片相符的单词。 glass fork bowl towl play plate soap spoon chopsticks chopstick fork knife knife cake wash brush dirty clean二. 找出不同类的单词。 1. ( ) A. apple B. cake C.bread 2. ( ) A. juice B. Coke C. drink3. ( ) A. plate B. eat C. bowl4. ( ) A. knife B. fork C. hungry5. ( ) A. spoon B. soup C. egg 6. ( ) A. water B. wash C. brush 三选出一个正确的答案。 1. Good morning ! _ A. Good morning ! B. Good afternoon ! 2. Have some cake ! _ A. Thank you ! B. Youre welcome ! 3. Im thirsty . I want some_. A. jucie B. bread 4. Im hungry . I want some_. A. water B. cake 5. Four spoons ? _, please . A. No B. Yes 6. A knife ? _, thank you ! A. No B. Yes 7. How many forks ? A. Two B. One 8. Bring me a _. A. plate B. knife四. 请同学们用英语,将家里厨房的餐具给家人介绍一遍。 比如:Mum / Dad ! This is a _. ( bowl/ plate/ galss) Eat some _(/ /) with a _.( chopsticks / spoon / knife/fork. )注意:括号的图片和单词,是供同学参考的。
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