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2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题His difficulty in expressing himself clearly will be a ( )to his plans to become a lawyer.问题1选项A.hesitationB.hingeC.highlightD.handicap【答案】D【解析】句意:他难以清楚地表达自己的想法, 这将成为他想当一名律师的不利条件。handicap指障碍, 不利条件。只有选项D符合句意。2. 单选题Next time you stop for gas at a self-serve pump, say hello to the robot in front of you. Its life story can tell you a lot about the robot economy roaring toward us like an EF5 tornado on the prairie.The first crude version of an automated gas-delivering robot appeared in 1964 at a station in Westminster, Colorado. Short Stop convenience store owner John Roscoe bought an electric box that let a clerk inside activate any of the pumps outside. Self-serve pumps didnt catch on until the 1970s, when pump-makers added automation that let customers pay at the pump, and over the next 30 years, stations across the nation installed these task-specific robots and fired attendants.As has happened throughout the history of automation, some jobs got destroyed by automated gas pumps, but new and often better jobs were created. Attendants went away, but to make the sophisticated pumps, companies like Wayne Fueling Systems in Texas hired software coders, engineers, sales staff and project managers. Station owners took their extra profits and turned their stations into mini-marts, which needed clerks. Consumers spent less money on gas because they werent paying for someone else to pump it.A generation of gas station attendants got smoked, but the automation sent some clear signals that relying on such unskilled jobs isnt a great career plan. Those signals led to more parents encouraging their kids to go to college. So over time, we took hundreds of thousands of people out of the pool of those who might want a gas station attendant job and pushed them up, toward the professional job market, adding a lot of value to society and their wallets.Economists have shown time and again that automation helps overall standards of living rise, literacy rates improve, average life span lengthen and crime rates fall. After waves of automation, were way better off in almost every way. As Matt Ridley details in his book The Rational Optimist, in 1900, the average American spent $76 out of every $100 on food clothing and shelter. Today, he or she spends $37 to buy a Model T in 1908 took about 4,700 hours of work; Today, the average person has to work about 1,000 hours to buy a car thats a thousand times better than a Model T. The United Nations estimates that poverty was reduced more in the past 50 years than in the previous 500. If progress has been less kind to the lower end of the work force, it still helps that segment live better than before, at least by making products more affordable and better at the same time.And now, even with software automating all kinds of work, there are signs that the technology is creating more jobs than it destroys. U.S. census data released in September showed the largest annual drop in poverty since 1999. Nearly 3 million jobs were created from 2014 to 2015. Donald Trump won the presidential election by promising to bring Jobs “back” to Americaa promise believed by many who feel left behind by technology-driven shifts. Yet all evidence suggests that the jobs lie ahead, created by moving forward.17. What has John Roscoe been noted for?18. The article has given concrete evidence to illustrate the benefits of automation EXCEPT _.19. Matt Ridleys The Rational Optimist reveals that people in 1908 _.20. What does “moving forward” in the last sentence of this article probably mean?问题1选项A.Inventing the first self-serve pumps.B.Installing gas-delivering robots across the US.C.Making automated robots popular at gas stations.D.First using automation technology at a gas station.问题2选项A.creating jobsB.improving literacyC.lengthening life spanD.raising living standards问题3选项A.worked for very long hours to build a carB.were generally not able to afford a Model TC.were less kind to the lower end of the workforceD.spent the larger part of their money on necessities问题4选项A.Using technology.B.Helping the less educated.C.Supporting Trumps election.D.Bringing jobs back to America.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A【解析】17.【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。题干:约翰因而闻名?据题干定位至文章第二段第一二句话The first crude version of an automated gas-delivering robot appeared in 1964 at a station in Westminster, Colorado. Short Stop convenience store owner John Roscoe bought an electric box that let a clerk inside activate any of the pumps outside.(1964年,首台粗糙版的自动供油机器人出现在科罗拉多的威斯敏特斯的一个加油站。Short Stop便利店店主约翰购买了电箱,让店员待在电箱里,触动外部的泵。),可知约翰购买了电箱,成为首个在加油站用自动化技术的,因此D选项“在加油站最先使用自动化技术”,符合题意;文章只提到了1964年出现了第一个自动供油机器,并没有提到谁发明了这一机器,因此A选项“发明了首台自助油泵”,不对;B选项“在美国各地安装了供油机器人”,原文提到的是and over the next 30 years, stations across the nation installed these task-spec
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