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2020学年人教版英语精品资料3.1 新提升课时作业.单句语法填空1At what age are children able to distinguish _ right and wrong?2As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called _ scenes of my childhood.3Some parents are just too protective. They want to shelter their kids _ every kind of danger, real or imagined.4The teachers _(abrupt) ending speaking can make some students focus their attention on their listening.5He was dismissed for he was discovered _(steal) bikes from the factory at that time.6Can I speak to Mr Brown, please?Hang _. Ill just see if hes here.7There seems _(be) no time for play now.8If _(employ), Ill do my best to do something for our company.9It is difficult for a child to always live up to the _(expect) of his parents.10They set about _(find) a solution to protect the snakes from being injured by other animals.Theyll make a difference.11We call each other now _ then, even if there is not much to say.12If it is quite convenient _ you, I will visit you next Tuesday.13The poor farmer was _ the mercy of those from whom he borrowed money.14The weather was so cold _ I didnt like to leave my room.答案:1.between2.up3.from4.abruptly5.stealing6.on7.to be8.employed9.expectations10.finding11.and12.to13.at14.that.完成句子1This old photo often _(call)这张老照片经常勾起我对童年时代的回忆。2We need to _(carry)我们需要开始实行那个新计划。3_ by credit card now (convenient)现在用信用卡付款很方便。4_ five years ago, where three building have been set up.(seem)五年前这儿好像有条河,现在那里已建起了三座建筑物。5_, she confirmed that she was going to retire. (ask)有人问她时,她肯定了她将要退休。6Only when he finished the work _.只有在做完工作之后他才回家。答案:1calls up memories of my childhood2.set about carrying out the new plan3.Its very convenient to pay4.There seemed to be a river5.When asked6.did he go home.单句改错1He goes to the library to read English novels a little now or a little then._2He called me off this morning but I was out then._3He set about rebuild his house as soon as he recovered._4After he got to the school, he abrupt found that he had lost his keys._5They went to help the old and poor in the little village merry._答案:1orand2.offup3.rebuildrebuilding4.abruptabruptly5.merrymerrily.完形填空The famous British inventor George Stephenson was born in 1781 and died in 1848. One of his _1_ important inventions was the train;he _2_ his first train when he was fortyfour years old. When he was doing experiments with the steam engine on the train, he met with _3_ from the government, the newspapers and the gentlemen in the country. They said that the noise and the smoke would kill cows,horses,and sheep,that the _4_ would burst or that the hot coals from it would set fire to their _5_. At that time, _6_ people believed what they said. George Stephenson _7_ the people that the train could go on small rails, could pull carriages _8_ goods and passengers, and there was no great danger to them. It was a very _9_ matter for him to _10_ them believe. However after _11_ he was able to do it,and the first train that _12_ by Stephenson himself proved _13_ he had said.The first day _14_ the people along the way _15_ the noise of the train from the distance and saw it _16_ quickly to them,they ran back home _17_ they could and closed their _18_ tightly, _19_ they thought it a genie (妖怪). They did not dare to come out _20_ it had passed.1A.very Ba lotCmost Dmore2A.made BboughtCintroduced Ddid3A.success BtroublesCpeople Dpleasure4A.smoke BnoiseCdriver Dengine5A.rooms BfamilyChouses Dbuilding6A.most BfewConly a few Dany7A.explained BspokeCwarned Dtold8A.short of Bfull ofCempty of Dwithout9A.easy BdifficultCpleasant Dlight10A.get BkeepCmake Dforce11A.sometimes Bsome timeCa few times Dsometime12A.was sold Bwas drivenCwas pulled Dhelped13A.what BifCwhich Dwhether14A.while BthatCfor Dwhen15A.caught sight of Blistened toCheard Dthought16A.run BwalkCrunning Dwalking17A.so quickly as Bas quick asCas quickly Das quickly as18A.e
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