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英语高中语法笔记 班级 姓名 学号 一、冠词和数词1. 冠词用法:coffee,tea前加a时,表示“一杯”;表示一类人;如:the living 活的人,此时谓语动词用复数。用在表示方向、地点、时间(出现对称的方位或时间时,冠词可省略,如:from east to west)或西洋乐器前; “动词+人+介词+the(必须用the)+身体部位”,如:hit sb. on the head零冠词:序数词用做副词时,如:come first;零冠词:节日、日期、星期、月份、季节前,特指,需要加the;零冠词:三餐、球类运动及学科名词,职位,头衔;零冠词:两个及以上名词并用;as/though引导的倒装结构中,名词在句首,使用零冠词单数名词;turn后有名词时用零冠词。2. 表达同一个人,用“冠词+名词+and+名词”;表达两个人或事物,用“冠词+名词+or+名词”3. in twos and threes. in his thirties. 三三两两 他三十多岁时4. “one and a half+n”作单数5. 表示数目(字)的主语做单数看待。6. space前不加冠词7. “每” every few metres every other line=every two lines=every twice lines8. dozen(12)用法与hundred同,其后的名词有the,his, their,则为two 且dozen of my book9. four score 80 scores of 许多10. same前都用the二、名词1. a book shop 复数:three book shops a man/ woman doctor 复数:four men/women doctors2. 抽象名词前不加the 表示具体事物时,变为可数名词,可被a/an修饰3. 常见不可数名词:bread, cloth, coffee, cotton, food, fruit, hair, luck, news, sand, tea, water, wealth, weather, wind, traffic, sugar4. of所有格:表示无生命的名词,但表示有生命的名词也可,此时,表示所有/主谓/动宾关系或事物的来源,如the death of Mao.5. passers-by grown-ups6. question要解答的问题 problem 就困难而言7. fault 指行为上的错8. lose interest in have an interest in 特殊9. luggage 不可数三、代词1. 人称代词充当主语时顺序:单数形式(二,三,一)you,he and I 复数形式(一,二,三)we,you and they 注:第一人称放在前面情况:在承认错误,承担责任时;长辈对晚辈,上级对下级2. those () who/which中those不可用these代替。3. each ,every用法:It always struck me that when youre looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when youre in the midst of it, it just seems normal. Everything you want wont arrive in your life on one day. Its a process. Remember: little steps add up to big dreams. each adj/代词 every adj(必须加名词)Each(of them)has an apple.=They each have an apple.=Every one of them has an apple.everyone不能与of连用 every表示“每”,不用each代替。4. no one、none、nothing:no one(没有人=no body)指人不指物;不与of连用;作单数,回答who; none(一个没有)指人也指物;常与of连用;回答how much和how many的问句。nothing没有东西nothing=no bread, no fruit等 但none指前面提到的东西5. any other:China is larger than any other country in Asia.(中国是亚洲一部分)6. another one=one more7. all和both与not连用,表示部分否定。None,neither, no one(nobody)表完全否定8. one=a bank9. it指代(不)可数名词,特指,同类同物;one是同类中的任一个,代替可数名词;that是同类不同物,代替有定冠词的名词,特指,只指物。 those指人/物。10. what所指范围无限,而which指一定的范围。11. what=the n. that/which12. What do you suppose Do you know what (know特殊)13. that前指;this后指。14. nobody butis15. everything,all.every、最高级只能用that。16. 改错时注意反身代词17. oneself=in person/in the flesh 亲自 by oneself=alone 独自,一个人四、形容词和副词1. break into,break in破门而入 into为介词,in为副词2. 作表语,不作定语的形容词:alone, alive, afraid, asleep, awake, ready, sorry, well, worth, alike 相似的3. 特殊的形容词:friendly, lively, lovely, lonely, likely(可能的),silly, orderly(守秩序的,整齐的)4. 形容词和副词同形:hard, straight, fast, long, enough, low, slow5. 单词 表语 定语certain当然的某一特定的complete完成的,完美的完全的ill有病的坏的ready愿意的;准备好的现成的6. some=a certain,some也可表示“大约”any也可作副词,表示“略微”,如:Is she any better?她好些了吗? 7. 副词 1.close:近 closely:仔细地,亲密的 2.late:晚 lately:最近 3.deep:深 deeply:深深地 4. free:免费 freely:无限制地5.wide:表示空间宽度 widely:广泛地,在许多地方注:direct adj.径直的;直率的;adv.径直地 directly表抽象;作连词,一就8. such (a/an adj/adv)+n that so adv/adj that转变公式:such a/an+adj.+n.=so+adj.+a/an+n.,但是是复数/不可数名词,只用such;有many,few, much,little,只用so。9. by far用于比较级,用法:He is taller by far than his brother. He is by far the taller of the two brothers.10. 倍数:A is twice the size (height,length,width,ect.) of B;A is twice as big (high,long,wide,ect.) as B;A is twice bigger (higher,longer,wider,ect.) than B 表示两倍可用twice或double11. far:farther、farthest有形距离远;further、furthest常用引伸义“进一步”,也有本义,与前者同。12. 前面范围为2个,后用the+比较级13. 有of the ,用the bigger14. 形容词排列:美小圆旧黄,法国木书房15. extremely+adj vitally+v/adj16. though放句末,表转折。五、语言1. 插入语:I suppose/guess(我猜) that is to say(也就是说)as far as I can remember(就我所记得的)as we expected(正如我们期望的)2. Do you have the time? 你知道时间吗?3. “不”:Not really. Are you kidding?4. No worry. 别担心。5. 回答thank:Its my pleasure. Dont mention it.Not at all. Its nothing. Thats all right/OK.6. Its my/a pleasure. my pleasure 没关系(感谢) with pleasure乐意为你效劳7. 再见:Catch you later! So long! Take care! All the best!8. all right=OK Thats right. 那是对的!9. After you! 您先请!10. Never mind.表示安慰;回答道歉;谢绝提供11. At your service. 为您服务。 12. so what? 那又怎么样?13. forget it. 不必在意;休想!没关系。14. in addition to 除之外还,谓语句首15. Nothing much 没什么16. Got it 知道了。17. be always表强烈语气,总是18. how/why is it 怎么回事19. weather permitting=if weather permits20. 在简短对话中,人称代词单独使用或在not后,用宾语,如:Not me.21. what is the cost=how much is the cost 22. Its good manners to do 做是有礼貌的 Its a good manner 举止23. It is reported that As is reported,24. Will 200 do? 200美元可以了吗25. doubt怀疑不是 suspect 怀疑是26. As our teacher puts it.就如老师所说的。27. do with 与what 连用,而 de
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