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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文)重庆市界石组团排水工程(条件四) 学 生:学 号:指导教师:专 业:给水排水工程重庆大学城市建设与环境工程学院二O一二年六月Graduation Design (Thesis) of Chongqing UniversitySewerage Sstem of JieShi Residential Cluster, Chongqing(condition 1) Undergraduate: Tang ShuangSupervisor: Li Zhe Major: Water and Wastewater EngineeringFaculty of Urban Construction and EnvironmentEngineering, Chongqing UniversityJune,2012摘要摘 要界石组团位于花溪河流域,以丘陵地貌为主,。该组团受冬季风和夏季风影响,主导风向为偏北风,次主导风向为偏南风。组团规划期人口规模为2015年达5.1万人,至2020年达6.8万人。界石组团排水工程包括排水管网工程和污水处理厂工程两部分。界石组团排水管网采用雨、污分流制。污水经管网收集输送至污水处理厂,处理达标后排放入花溪河水体,雨水直接排放,防洪标准采用20年一遇防洪标准。排水管网按远期2020年人口规模设计。污水厂设在组团西北端,南部设一中途泵站提升污水。界石组团水污染源主要为生活废水,次之为工业污染源,工业废水其主要含有化学需氧量、悬浮物及石油类。污水处理出水水质标准采用城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB18918-2002)中的一级标准B标准。污水处理厂污水处理工艺采用A2O工艺,处理流程为:进水中格栅提升泵房细格栅沉砂池A2O反应池辐流沉淀池接触消毒池出水;污泥处置采用机械浓缩脱水,经脱水后污泥直接外运,污泥处理上清液回流至中格栅。污水厂近期设计规模为1.9万m3/d,远期设计规模为2.85万m3/d,远期总占地2.68公顷,近期建设留有远期用地。关键词:排水管网,雨污分流制,污水处理,A2OABSTRACTABSTRACTJieshi housing cluster is located in the drainage area of Huaxi river,the physiognomy of which mainly appears in highland,with large fluctuation in hypsographic feature.The whether is influenced by monsoon in winter and summer.The dominant wind direction is a deflection of boreas,and the secondary is a deflection of south wind.The population scale of Jieshi housing cluster is 51,000 in 2015,and up to 68,000 in 2020.The drainage project of Jieshi housing cluster consists of two part,the drainage system and wastewater disposal.Separated drainge system is adopted in this project,in which the rainwater is passed through a different drain from the sewer containing the swage.The sewage is collected and carried to the sewage treatment plants,and released into the water afeter proper disposal.While the rain water is discharged into the water directly without any disposal. The flood contral standard is the high flood level which is expected to happen during twenty years.The drainage system is designed in the population scale in 2020.The wasterwater treatment plant is planed to build in the northwest of Jieshi housing cluster,and a sewage pump station is setted in the midway ,which is located in the south of this housing cluster.Domestic wastewater constitutes the most important part of the water poulltion resources.And the industrial effluent is the second one,which mostly includes COD,suspended solids and petroleum.The wasterwater after disposal should meet the criterion about the discharge of the town sewage treatment plant(GB18918-2002). A2O process is adopted in the sewage treatment plant.And the process of wastewater disposal in the plant is as the following: water inflow coarse screening pump station fine screening grit chamber A2O tank radial flow sedimentation tank contact chamber water discharge.The sludge treatment method is mechanical condensing and dehydration, after which the sludge can be carried out of the plant directly, and the supernatant of which is feedback to the coarse screening .The scale designed of the wasterwater plant is 19,000 m3/d in the near future,and 28500 m3/d in the specified future. The forward total standing of the plant is 2.68ha,and the filed will be preserved for the forward increasing.Key words:drainge system,separated drainage system ,water disposal,A2O 目录目 录摘 要IABSTRACTIII引 言1第一篇 重庆市界石组团排水工程设计说明书31 概述31.1设计依据31.1.1自然概况31.1.2城市总体规划概况41.1.3其它情况61.1.4国家有关方针、政策、法规71.1.5图纸81.2设计范围81.2.1排水管道系统81.2.2污水处理系统81.2.3工业企业排水出路及推荐流程81.3设计任务81.4城市排水工程及污水、污泥处理技术概述91.4.1城市排水现状及发展91.4.2污水处理技术的现状与发展91.4.3污泥处理技术的现状与发展101.4.4污水处理的综合效益102 排水管网设计112.1设计原则112.1.1排水系统的体制及选择112.1.2工业废水的处理与排放132.1.3污水处理厂厂址的选择142.1.4跌水井的设置原则152.1.5检查井的设置原则152.2污水管道设计162.2.1管道定线162.2.2污水管道的水力计算172.2.3污水干管的敷设方式、管材、接口及管道衔接182.2.4污水主干管主要工程量表192.3雨水管渠设计202.3.1管渠定线202.3.2管渠水力计算202.3.3雨水管渠的敷设方式、管材及接口222.3.4雨水管渠主要工程量表233 污水处理厂工艺设计253.1污水处理厂设计规模253.1.1污水处理厂设计规模的确定253.1.2污水处理厂设计流量253.2污水处理程度的确定263.2.1设计进水水质指标263.2.2设计出水水质指标263.2.3处理程度273.3污水处理厂工艺流程273.3.1工艺流程方案选择273.3.2方案的优缺点比较283.3.3经济技术比较303.3.4推荐流程的技术经济指标313.3.5A/A/O工艺的介绍313.4污水处理厂构筑物的设计参数及形式选择313.4.1两种工艺的构筑物形式的选择313.4.2A2/O工艺构筑物及主要设备的设计参数选择363.4.3CASS工艺构筑物的设计参数选择384 污水处理厂平面及高程布置414.1污水处理厂的平面布置414.1.1平面布置的特点414.1.2构(建)筑物的布置414.1.3厂区道路布置414.1.4管线布置424.1.5污水处理厂占地、绿化424.1.6平面布置图424.2污水处理厂的高程布置424.2.1高程布置的特点424.2.2高程布置的方法424.3污水厂主要构(建)筑物一览表435 管理机构及人员编制455.1管理机构455.2人员编制45第二篇 重庆市界石组团排水工程设计计算书471 排水管网计算471.1排水定额的确定471.2污水管网设计481.2.1设计流量计算481.2.2划分设计管段,计算设计流量501.2.3污水管道水力计算5
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