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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读机经背景:无家可归的缅甸船民陷入绝境 A six-month deadline for a “temporary stay” in Thailand ends next month for almost 2,000 boat people who claimed to be Rohingya escaping ethnic violence in Burma - as reports surface of mistreatment at Thai immigration detention centers. 下个月,两千名缅甸船民在泰国为期六个月的“临时逗留”即将到期,这些来自缅甸的罗兴亚人为逃离缅甸的种族暴力而流亡到泰国。近期有报告表示在泰国的 移民 拘留中心有虐待船民的情况发生。 Deep in the hills of southern Thailand, local rubber tappers are known to be early risers. 在泰国南部的深山里,当地采集橡胶的人们通常都有早起的习惯。 But in recent months, there has been more than just the locals wandering through the plantations, out of sight to most people. 但是最近几个月,除了当地人之外,在橡胶园里还出现了其他人的踪影。 Earlier this year, Thai resident Arun Somphot woke up to a small group of “boat people” sleeping on her front porch. 今天早些时候,泰国居民宋特一个早上醒来发现有一群船民睡在他家门口。 “When I saw them sleeping there, I was behind this door trying to see who they were. I have my family and relatives who stay in homes nearby. I opened the door and saw many of them sleeping there and I was shocked. They saw me and just got up and sat there. Then I let out a scream, said Arun. 她说,“当时我站在这扇门后面想看清楚,睡在门口的人们究竟是谁,因为我的家人和亲戚都住在附近。我打开了门,看到很多人在睡觉,当时我很惊恐。他们看到我,站起来,就呆在那里。接下来我就开始大喊。” Since January, nearly 2,000 boat people, claiming to be Rohingyas fleeing sectarian violence in Burma have been apprehended and detained by Thai authorities. 从今年一月开始,大约有两千名船民因为缅甸的宗教暴乱而流亡到泰国,并且被泰国当局逮捕和拘留。 Denied citizenship in their own country and desperate to escape persecution, many are vulnerable to exploitation. 这些罗兴亚人在缅甸失去了国籍,并且非常迫切地想远离宗教迫害,所以很容易因此而受到剥削。 Abdul Salaman was held captive in the Thai jungle with a group of fellow Rohingya by traffickers who brought him from Burma. He was released after his relatives in Malaysia paid $1,500 for his freedom. 阿卜杜勒-萨拉蒙曾经与一群同样来自缅甸的罗兴亚人被关押在泰国的丛林里,他们都是被毒贩带到泰国的。在马来西亚的亲戚为他交付了一千五百美元的赎身款,他才因此得到自由。 Now he is in a secure house, cooking meals for hundreds of boat people, detained at several overcrowded immigration centers. 萨拉蒙目前住在一个安全的屋子里,并为数百名被拘留在几个非常拥挤的移民中心的船民做饭。 “I was suffering in the past and now that I am free, many of my friends are still facing terrible conditions and lack of food. I do not have any job now so I am cooking meals for them,” he explained. 他说,“过去我生活的很痛苦,现在我自由了,但是我的很多朋友生活条件艰苦,常常没有东西吃。我目前没有工作,所以我给他们做饭。” Despite condemnation from human rights groups after video footage of mistreatment was aired, conditions for the men remain unchanged. 在媒体公布了此类画面后,移民中心受到人权组织的责难,但是情况并没有改变。 But mounting media reports implicating Thai security in the trafficking of some Rohingya seems to have gotten the attention of top officials. 另一方面,媒体报道揭露了毒贩通过边境把罗兴亚人带入泰国的情况,泰国高官因此对于边境安全问题提高了关注。 “I know these are very crowded places. That is why we are going to expand the new center for them to stay. The new area will be more of a waiting camp. We will have a doctor and medical treatment available for them,” said Lt. General Paradorn Pattanatabu of the National Security Council. 泰国国家安全局中将帕拉东-巴达纳塔布说:“我们计划增设新的中心,因为我知道现有的移民中心人满为患。新设的中心会为他们配备医生和医疗设备,他们可以在里面等待下一步安排。” As the six-month deadline nears for what was considered a “temporary stay” in Thailand, questions over where the Rohingya will end up still remain. 六个月的“临时逗留期”即将结束, 但是接下来罗兴亚人何去何从的问题还没有答案。 相关推荐: 托福阅读机经背景:墨西哥仍存在奴役现象 托福阅读机经背景: 奥巴马提议美俄裁减核武库 托福阅读机经背景: 美国就业情况改善 托福阅读机经背景: 中美对话强调贸易问题 托福阅读机经背景: 美国推出绿色超级计算机 相关字搜索: 小马托福
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