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Unit 3 A Taste of English HumourPartI: Words and phrases一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit3的所有单词和词组2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词和词组3. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组二、【自主预习】I. Word formation 1. direct_(n.)_(n.) 2. explanation_(v.)3. astonish_(adj.)_(adj.)_(n.)4. entertain_(adj.)_(n.) 5. humour_(adj.) 6. failure_(v.)_(oppo.) 7. comedy_(n.)8. fortunate_(n.)_(adv.)_(oppo.)9. amuse_(adj.)_(adj.)_(n.)10. performer_(v.)_(n.) 11.mountain_(adj.)三、【合作探究】Key words and phrases 1. content adj._ v. _ n. _研读思考 (1) I am content to remain where I am now. _(2) No one is content with what he has. _(3) He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.(4) We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only. (5) I didnt understand the content of his speech.(6) She dropped her purse and the contents fell out on the floor.结构归纳 1. 满足于做某事_ 2. 对满足的_3. 使满足于;使感到满足_ 延伸拓展1. to ones hearts content 心满意足的 2. in content and form 在内容和形式上实战演练1. Because of the shortage of money, we cant go abroad this year, so well have to _ _ in Shanghai. 因为缺钱,我们今年不能出国了,因此我们就满足自己在上海度假就好了。2._, Selina now wants a bike. 不满足于她的新车,瑟琳啦现在想要一辆自行车。2. convince vt. _研读思考 (1) Im convinced of his honesty.(2) We are firmly convinced that well realize our dreams.(3) How can I convince you of his honesty?(4) What convinced you to vote for her?(5) His acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted.结构归纳 1. 某人相信某事_ 2. 使某人确信某事_3. 说服某人做某事_ 实战演练1. She was not able to _. 她不能使我相信她的信仰2. Ive been trying to _. 我一直试图说服她与我一起去。3. One of the difficult tasks in the world is _ even a bargain costs money. 世上困难任务之一就是使女人们相信即使廉价物也是要花钱的。3. particular adj._ 研读思考 (1) At this particular school they had special books.(2) She is particular about her clothes.(3) I have nothing particular to do today.(4) Everyone should attend the meeting for no particular reason.(5) She loves this song in particular, because her mother used to sing it.(6) The report focuses on the particular rather than the general and so doesnt draw any overall conclusions.结构归纳 1. 对挑剔的_ 2. 尤其;特别_3. 特例_实战演练1. 这个小女孩很挑食。_2. It was a good concert-_. (enjoy)(我尤其喜欢最后那首歌)4. whisper vi._ n._研读思考 (1) She leaned over and whispered something to him.(2) What are you two whispering about?(3) It was whispered that he would soon resign and he did.(4) They sat at the back of the classroom, talking in whispers/in a whisper.(5) Ive heard whispers that he is leaving.结构归纳 1. 与某人耳语_ 2. 低声谈论_2. 据秘密传闻_ 4. 低声地;耳语地_实战演练1. In order not to let the others hear what he said, he _.为了不让别人听见他说的话,他低声告诉了我这个消息。2. _ he would soon go abroad and get married.有人私底下说他将马上出国,然后结婚。5. astonish v. _研读思考 (1) It astonished me that he could be so thoughtless.(2) I was astonished at/by the news.(3) I was astonished to hear that he had got the job.(4) China is developing at an astonishing speed, and will soon be one of the most powerful countries in the world.(5) She stared at me in astonishment.(6) To their astonishment, the film was quite well received.结构归纳 1. 使某人惊讶_ 2. 对感到惊讶_3. 惊讶地做某事_ 4. 吃惊地_ 5. 令某人惊讶的是_实战演练1. _that they didnt go to church tonight. =_ is that they didnt go to church tonight.=_,they didnt go to church tonight 令我们惊讶的是他们今天晚上没有去教堂.2. To our great _, the boss wasnt _ at the _news at all.6. entertain v. _研读思考(1) I entertained my friends to dinner yesterday evening.(2) He entertained us for hours with h
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