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考研英语翻译部分在试题中分值占10%,但是这10%却为考研英语成就了一批高分牛人,所以大家千万要重视起来,中公考研为大家搜集了具有社会热度等方面的相关句子,以此拓展大家的视野。一起来学习吧!本期主题【中国书法】In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years ago. During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the Seal script, Clerical script, Regular script and Running script. Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inscriptions seen in tourist resorts. Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study. As your interest in Chinese character system increases in the days to come, we will introduce in due time the different schools of Chinese calligraphy, and how to appreciate the artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy.从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了。汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书、隶书、楷书和行书。中国书法家往往使汉字的字形夸张以取得艺术效果,例如旅游胜地的一些石刻碑文。中国书法是一门研究艺术,随着各位学习兴趣的提高,我们将适时介绍中国书法的流派,以及如何欣赏中国书法的艺术性。【翻译词汇】从某种意义上说 in a sense汉字 Chinese character演化 evolve书写形式 script form篆书 Seal script隶书 Clerical script楷书 Regular script行书 Running script书法家 calligrapher致使 render取得 yield旅游胜地 tourist resort石刻碑文 stone inscription适时 in due time欣赏 appreciate
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