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德阳市2019高考英语二轮短文类训练(3)及答案或解析AMost Americans would have a difficult time telling you,specifically,what are the values which Americans live by.They have never given the matter any thought.Over the years I have introduced thousands of international visitors to life in the United States.This has caused me to try to look at Americans through the eyes of foreign visitors.I am confident that the values listed in this booklet describe most(but not all)Americans,and that understanding these values can help you,the international visitor,understand Americans.It is my belief that if foreign visitors really understand how deeply these 13 values are ingrained in Americans,they will then be able to understand 95% of American actionsactions which might otherwise appear“strange”,“confusing”,or“unbelievable”when evaluated from the perspective (aspect)of the foreigners own society and its values.The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs,assumptions and values of that particular group.When you encounter (meet)an action,or hear a statement in the United States which surprises you,try to see it as an expression of one or more of the values listed in this booklet.1An ordinary American cant tell you his/her value system because_.Athis is something an American lives byBeveryone will have his/her own value systemChe/she has never thought about itDvalues are something often in their thought2The author lists 13 values in his booklet to_.Ainvite foreigners to visit AmericaBlook at Americans through the eyes of foreign visitorsCdescribe the confusing actions of most AmericansDhelp international visitors understand Americans3The underlined word“ingrained”in Line 2,Paragraph 3 most probably means“_”Arooted in the minds Bfound in the grains Cplanted for food Dprepared with grain4Visitors sometimes find Americans behave in a strange,confusing or unbelievable way,probably because_.AAmericans are hard to understandBAmericans have values which are entirely different from their ownCthey view Americans according to the values in their own societyDit is difficult to understand any people when you first encounter them【解题导语】本文是一本书的序言。作者观察到,很多外国游客对美国人的行为举止感到很奇怪,而这是因为他们不了解美国人的价值观。于是作者写了一本小册子介绍这些价值观。了解了这些东西,人们就不会觉得美国人的行为“怪异、不可思议”了。1. 答案 C 解析:考查细节理解。第一段说,美国人很难告诉你他们奉行的价值观是什么,因为他们从来没有想过这个问题。2. 答案 D 解析:考查推理判断。由第二、三段的内容可知作者列出美国人的13条价值观是为了帮助外国游客理解美国人的行为举止。3. 答案 A 解析:考查词义猜测。结合上下文内容可知这13条是美国人从来不加考虑而奉行的价值观,因此这些是深深地扎根于美国人的大脑中的东西,画线词的含义应该是A项。4. 答案 C 解析:考查推理判断题。第三段说假如外国游客从自己的文化价值观的角度去看美国人的行为,他们就会觉得美国人的行为表现“怪异,让人看不懂,难以相信”,由此可知选C项。*结束Passage *Until 1954 it was thought that no man could run one mile in less than four minutes. As years 36 ,the record came closer and closer to four minutes and Roger Bannister, a young English 37 ,began to believe be might 38 this almost magic barrier.It was a cold afternoon on May 6th,1954,when Bannister knew be had a 39 chance. Bannister had been 40 hard and was very fit, but the weather conditions were a real 41 to him. Describring the 42 later,Bannister said,“On the way to the track the wind blew strongly. As I 43 for the start I glanced at the flag. It moved 44 now. This was the moment when I made my decision.”“The gun fired. My legs 45 to meet no resistance, as if I was 46 forward by some unknown force. The noise from the faithful 47 gave me greater strength. I felt the 48 of a lifetimes had come.”“I was driven on by a 49 of fear and pride. My body had long since used up all its energy 50 it went on running just the same. This was the critical moment when my legs were strong enough to carry me over the last few yards as they 51 could have done in previous years. When I leapt at(冲向)the 52 tape, I fell, almost 53 .“I knew I had done it, even before I 54 the time. The announcement came. Result of the one mileTime, three minutesthe test was 55 in the noise of excitement.”36.A.passed along B.passed down C.went by D.went ove37.A.coach B.athlete C.captain D.judge38.A.defeat B.move C.beat D.break39.A.real B.lucky C.serious D.false40.A.competing B.training C.figthting D.attending41.A.eagerness B.pleasure C.relief D.worry42.A.accident B.event C.issue D.topie43.A.did up B.made up C.put up D.lined up44.A.safely B.heavily C.thinly D.gently45.A.seemed B.used C.happened D.had46.A.dragged B.drawn C.pulled D.pushed47.A.mass B.residents C.crowd D.team48.A.moment B.period C.while D.date49.A.concentration B.collection C.combination
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